377th Auction

20-25 September 2021 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.10704
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.2

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1870  1/2a brown on local cover
Lot no.10705
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.2 var

Opening140 €
Sold forUnsold
1880 Official Reprint of the 1/4a brown from the original plate, corner left marginal block of 30
Lot no.10706
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.13

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Registered cover franked with 1871  1/4a orange-brown two vertical blocks of six
Lot no.10707
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.13d

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1871  1/2a brick-red block of six + pair on registered cover
Lot no.10708
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.19b

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1909  1a black perf 12½ with watermark SG Type 7 (SG value £200)
Lot no.10709
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening140 €
Sold forUnsold
Proofs of the 1905 SG Type 6 issue 1/4a blue, 1/2a vermillion, 1a indigo, 3a orange & 4a black, each in imperf block of twelve.
Lot no.10710
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for800 €
Bi-color Essay of the 3a in rose & black
Lot no.10711
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
Bi-color Essay of the 3a in bronze-gold & black on piece.
Lot no.10712
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening220 €
Sold forUnsold
1905  2a green SG Type 6 but with reversed inscriptions large top marginal part sheet of 28
Lot no.10713
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.39 var

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
1930  4p on ¼a brown-purple with error, surcharge inverted. Not listed in SG. Mounted on a piece to which it does not belong to and stamp with horizontal crease. Possibly unique.
Lot no.10714
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O1a

Opening240 €
Sold forUnsold
1873  1a olive-green overprinted "SARKARI" in black (SG value £650)
Lot no.10715
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O3a

Opening140 €
Sold for140 €
1873  2a sage-green overprinted "SARKARI" in black. RPSL certificate (SG value £350)
Lot no.10716
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O8c

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
1873  1a drab pin-perf. 8-9 overprinted "SARKARI" in black, left marginal block of 20 (SG value £400)
Lot no.10717
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O12 var

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

1873  1a drab perf 12½ left marginal horizontal pair overprinted "SARKARI" with error, overprint inverted on left stamp. Not listed in SG

Lot no.10718
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O16

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €
1873  8a deep brown overprinted "SARKARI" in red. RPSL certificate (SG value £300)
Lot no.10719
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O20 var

Opening600 €
Sold for600 €
1909-11  2a sage-green overprinted "SARKARI" with error overprint inverted. Not listed in SG. RPSL certificate
Lot no.10720
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O29a var

Opening220 €
Sold forUnsold
1911-12 ¼a grey horizontal pair with "SARKARI"  overprint in Urdu on left stamp but missing on right stamp. Not listed in SG
Lot no.10721
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O38, O41

Opening220 €
Sold for220 €
27 March 1933 Official registered cover on Official stationery printed "ON H.E.H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT" with State crest on flap from Hyderabad to Calcutta bearing "BEGAMPET" registration label franked on reverse with 1911-12  1/4a brown-purple and 1917-20  1a carmine block of four both overprinted "SARKARI" tied by "BEGAMPET / 27 MAR 33" cds with Calcutta delivery cds. Mail from Hyderabad to Calcutta required additional British India stamps to pay the Imperial postal charges from Hyderabad to Calcutta. No evidence that this cover was franked with Imperial postage and no postage due markings.
Lot no.10722
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O38a

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1911-12  ¼a brown-purple perf 13½ overprinted "SARKARI" vertical pair with error, stamps imperf horizontally. Minor faults from irregular separation (SG value £550)

Lot no.10723
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O40ca

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1917-20  ½a green perf 13½ overprinted "SARKARI" in black horizontal pair with error, stamps imperf vertically (SG value £375)
Lot no.10724
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O40gb

Opening600 €
Sold for600 €
1917-20  ½a green perf 11 overprinted "SARKARI" in black vertical pair with error, overprint missing on top stamp. Unpriced is SG. ISES certificate
Lot no.10725
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O47 var

Opening220 €
Sold forUnsold
1934-44  8p green overprinted SARKARI in Urdu with error, stamp printed double. Not listed in SG
Lot no.10726
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.O52

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1935,  12 annas scarlet block of 6 overprinted "SARKARI" in black (SG value £270)
Lot no.10727
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Lot no.10728
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.1c

Opening220 €
Sold for220 €
Registered cover with registration label on front franked on reverse with two booklet panes of four of the 1943  ½a yellow-green each cancelled by a violet cds with "12 2 44" date in manuscript.
Lot no.10729
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.2a var

Opening900 €
Sold forUnsold

1941 complete booklet with cover in pale green containing 8 panes (32 stamps) of the ½a emerald with coloured panels. The interleaving adhered to the stamps, never the less a very rare booklet. SG catalogue value for single stamps alone is £1024

Lot no.10730
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.2a

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €

Registered handmade cover bearing Registration No. 288 label on front franked on reverse with 1941  1/2a emerald with colored panels block of four + single tied by native cds in purple, one stamp missing (SG value £210)

Lot no.10731
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.4

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
Registered cover franked on reverse with 1944  1a violet x four copies cancelled by manuscript date and initials. Stamps variously defective (SG value £490)
Lot no.10732
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.5 var

Opening3.000 €
Sold for3.000 €
1944  2a violet complete booklet pane of four with error, stamps printed in the color of 1 anna instead of blue. Possibly unique.
Lot no.10733
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.F2a

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1938,  1 anna violet perf. 11.3 (SG value £225)
Lot no.10734
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.F2a

Opening600 €

1948 combination cover franked with 1938-45  1a violet perf 11 tied by an indistinct native cds in black additionally franked on reverse with 1948 Mahatma Gandhi 1½ brown tied by "HIMATNAGAR / 15 AUG 48" cds. A very rare combination cover of Idar

Lot no.10735
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.F2a

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

1941 registered cover franked with 1938-45  1a violet perf 11 four copies each tied by native cds in violet with manuscript date and manuscript date of posting "17-4-41". One stamp damaged from opening. A spectacular cover with multiple copies of the Idar Postal-fiscal. ISES certificate (SG value £1200)

Lot no.10736
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.F5b

Opening140 €
Sold for360 €
1945  ½ a. blue-green, re-joined block of four with toned gum (SG value £480)
Lot no.10737
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening140 €
Sold forUnsold

Stampless cover bearing an intaglio seal on reverse addressed to the King of Indore

Lot no.10738
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.3

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1889  1/2a black on pink SG Type I used on folded letter tied by Devnagari "MA" in circle of bars . BPA certificate
Lot no.10739
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.4 var

Opening220 €
Sold forUnsold
1889,  1/2 anna black on pink with error, stamp printed double
