378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1207



Catalogue no.1II,3II

Opening500 €
Sold for900 €

FROM TURKEY: 1863, cover to Sofia, franked with nice margined copies of Tughra, 2nd printing, 20 pa. on yellow and 2 pia. on blue, tied by dotted blue battal handstamp. Very fine and fresh. Opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.1208



Catalogue no.2II,3II

Opening600 €
Sold for900 €

FROM TURKEY: 1863, entire letter to Filibe, franked with very nice margined copies of Tughra, 2nd printing, 1 pia. on lilac-grey and 2 pia. on blue, tied by dotted battal handstamp. Very fine and fresh. Signed A. Diena and Calves, opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.1209



Catalogue no.2III

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

FROM TURKEY: 1864, entire letter from Deraliye to Filibe, franked with very nice marginal copy of Tughra, 3rd printing, 1 pia. on lilac-grey, tied by battal handstamp with adjacent additional strike over an empty space, where another stamp, most likely mistakenly, had been applied. Very fine and unusual entire. Opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.1210



Catalogue no.Tur. 30,40

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

FROM TURKEY: 1880, small registerd envelope from Constantinople to Sofia, franked with 1876, 10 pa. and 2 copies 1880, 1 pia., tied by blue cds..Since the cover was undeliverable, returned with nice strike of rare small kyrillic blue „SOFIA „ cds.. A fine and rare cover. Ex Hitzler

Lot no.1387



Catalogue no.IV

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

1867, Duloz, unissued 25 pia. light salmon with perf. 12 ½, unused with original gum, some blunted perf., otherwise fine and fresh copy of this extremely rare stamp, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 38)

Lot no.1388



Catalogue no.VI

Opening1.200 €
Sold forUnsold

1876, Duloz, unissued 25 pia. dull rose with perf. 13 ¼, unmounted mint and fresh colour, fine copy of this extremely rare stamp, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 97)

Lot no.1389



Catalogue no.173IC

Opening160 €
Sold forUnsold

1909, Thugra overprint for printed matter 2 pia. slate, perf. 12, fresh colour, unmounted mint, fine, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 290)

Lot no.1390



Catalogue no.181-211I-IV

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €

1911, Sultan's Journey to Macedonia, the complete set of 124 values, unused, rare (Mi. 4.800,-)

Lot no.1391



Catalogue no.303F

Opening160 €
Sold forUnsold

1915, Crescent and Six-pointed Star Overprinted on Printed Matter Stamp 5 pia. violett, perf. 12:12 ½, instead Postage Stamp 5 pia., used, some small perf., otherwise fine, rare, not listed in Michel catalog, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 570FF05)

Lot no.1392



Catalogue no.337DDK

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

1915, Crescent and Six-pointed Star Overprinted 10 pa. gree with perf. 13 ½, with double overprint on stamp plate I instead of plate II, one overprint inverted, used, fine copy of this rarity, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 574FS18)

Lot no.1393



Catalogue no.368C

Opening160 €
Sold forUnsold

1916, Crescent and Six-pointed Star Overprinted 10 pia. brick red with perf. 12, unused and fresh colour, fine, certificate Nakri AIEP (2021) (Isfila no. 594)

Lot no.1394



Catalogue no.730H

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €

1920, Ottoman Religious Tribunals Revenue Stamp 5 pia., ultramarine with handstamped overprint, unsued, fine, certificate Isfila (2011) (Isfila no. 989)

Lot no.1395



Catalogue no.735F

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

1920, Ottoman Museum Revenue Stamp 1 pia. ultramarine with overprint error „1 of 1337 missing“ (plate IV, field 9), unsued, fine, very rare, only 29 stamps are printed with this overprint error, private signature and pencil signature and certificate Englert (1996)  

Lot no.4001



Catalogue no.71

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

„Ahi Celebi 303“, all arabic single circle, superb strike on 1892, 1pia. grey on piece, very fine and rare, ex Hitzler

Lot no.4002



Catalogue no.15

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

„Ahyolu“, all arabic single circle, superb strike on Duloz 1 pia. yellow, very fine and rare; no entires with this cancellation have been recorded, ex Hitzler

Reference: illustration copy in Isfila handbook

Lot no.4003



Catalogue no.136

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

„AKHTABOLOU cds. with date bridge (arabic date),  clear on 1908, 20 pa. on piece, very fine, unrecorded by Isfila, ex Hitzler

Lot no.4004



Catalogue no.15,13

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

„Asiklar“, all arabic double framed oval, clear full strike on Duloz 1 pia. yellow and 20 pa. grey-brown on small piece, very fine and rare, no entires with this cancellation have been recorded, ex Hitzler

Lot no.4005



Catalogue no.21,20

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

„Aydos“, all arabic double circle, fine strike on Duloz 1 pia. yellow and 20 pa. green on small piece, very fine and rare, no entires with this cancellation have been recorded, ex Hitzler
Reference: illustration copy of Isfila handbook

Lot no.4006



Catalogue no.88

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

„BAROTINE 20 5 905“ cds. with date bridge,  large part strike clear on 1901, 20 pa. in horizontal pair, little toned, still fine, unrecorded by Isfila and no complete strikes recorded, ex Hitzler

Lot no.4007



Catalogue no.16,14

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

„Balcik“, all arabic double circle in blue on entire letter to Constantinople, franked with Duloz 2 pia. red and 20 pa. green, transported via "VARNA 29 AOUT 70" and cancelled upon arrival with framed „Ujreti Alinjaktir“, very fine and scarce early usage of the postmark, ex Hitzler

Lot no.4008



Catalogue no.16A,15B,14A,13A

Opening300 €
Sold for700 €

„Balcik“, all arabic double circle in blue on entire letter to Constantinople, franked with Duloz 2 pia. red, 1 pia. Yellow, 20 pa. green and 10 pa. lilac, cancelled upon arrival with framed „Ujreti Alinjaktir“, very fine and scarce, signed Nakri, opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.4009



Catalogue no.16B,14A

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €

„Balcik“, all arabic double circle in blue, 2 strikes on Duloz 2 pia. red and 20 pa. green on entire letter to Constantinople, some minor toning, otherwise fine and scarce, opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.4010



Catalogue no.14B

Opening300 €
Sold for700 €

„Balcik“, all arabic double circle in blue, clear strike on entire letter, franked with 5 copies Duloz 1869/70, 20 pa. green to Constantinople. Fine and scarce letter with special black sea littoral port to port rate . Certificate Nakri AIEP

Lot no.4011



Catalogue no.15

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

„Belogradcik“, all arabic single circle in blue, superb strike on Duloz 1 pia. yellow, very fine and rare, ex Hitzler

Lot no.4012



Catalogue no.21+P14

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

„Berkofca“, all arabic double circle in blue on Duloz 1 pia. yellow and postage due 5 pia. yellow brown/red brown on piece, very fine

Lot no.4013



Catalogue no.P7

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

BERGOS: 1865, entire letter from Bergos to Constantinople, franked with postage due 1865, 2 pia. brown-purple, tied by all arabic Galata handstamp, fine and scarce, opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.4014



Catalogue no.13A,15B+P12

Opening800 €
Sold for850 €

„Bergos“, all arabic double circle, 3 good strikes in blue, tying Duloz 1868/71, 1 pia. yellow and 10 pa. In horizontal pair with part of sheet margin to letter sheet to Constantinople; here franked with postage due1pia. for local delivery, tied by Galata cds. Fine and rare entire. Certificate Nakri AIEP.(Isfila RR)

Lot no.4015



Catalogue no.21

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €

„Bergos“, all arabic double circle, good strike in blue on Duloz 1 pia. yellow on letter sheet (one side flap missing), fine and scarce, signed Sorani and opinion Todd AIEP  (Isfila RR)

Lot no.4016



Catalogue no.15,14

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €

„Cirpan“, all arabic double circle in black, 2 crisp strikes on entire letter to Constantinople, franked with Duloz 1 pia. yellow and 20 pa. green, very fine and rare, opinion Todd AIEP  (Isfila RR)

Lot no.4017



Catalogue no.21,19

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

„Cirpan“, all arabic double circle in dull blue, 2 crisp strikes on entire letter to Constantinople, franked with Duloz 1 pia. yellow and pair 10 pa. lilac; few minor imperfections, still very fine and rare, signed Nakri, opinion Todd AIEP  (Isfila RR)

Lot no.4018



Catalogue no.46,19

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

„Cisr-i Mustafapasa“, all arabic negative seal cancel , large part strike on 1884/86, 20 pa. and all arabic double circle , 3 clear strikes on Duloz 10 pa. in strip of 5 (partly split), very scarce, so far no entires recorded, ex Hitzler (Isfila RRR)

Lot no.4019



Catalogue no.14B+P12B

Opening400 €
Sold for520 €

„CUMA 81“, all arabic double circle, 2 clear strikes in blue, tying Duloz 1869/71 20 pa. green and postage due 1 pia. brown to lettersheet (one side flap missing) to Constantinople; not disturbing paper clip stains, still fine and very rare. Opinion Todd AIEP (Isfila RRR)

Lot no.4020



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

CUMA-I ATIK (Targovishte): 1856, registered entire letter to Constantinople, struck in transit with negative oval seal „An Canib-i Posta Sumnu 260“ and small negative register mark, fine and very scarce; Targovishte did not receive a cancellation device before 1862. Opinion Todd AIEP
opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.4021



Catalogue no.2II

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.000 €

CUMA-I ATIK (Targovishte): 1863, entire letter to Rustchuk, franked with Tughra 2nd printing 1pia. in horizontal pair with 2 interesting horizontal pre-printing paper folds in the lower part, tied by 'battal' handstamp . A very fine and rare entire. Ex Passer and Schaefer. Opinion Todd AIEP

Lot no.4022



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold forUnsold

„CUMA-I ATIK POSTA SUBESI 1286“, crisp strike of small negative seal on postal money order form for 426 piastres to Ruse. A great rarity; the only recorded example of this handstamp, not recorded by Isfila. Certificate Isfila (2016)

Lot no.4023



Catalogue no.1IIIay

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

„CUMA-I ATIK“, dotted handstamp in black, 2 clear strikes on Tughra 3rd printing, horizontal pair with ample to very large margins and marginal guideline, used on small piece, very fine and scarce. Signed Pfenninger and opinion Todd AIEP (Isfila RRR)
