378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1177



Catalogue no.GB 8A,9A

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, 1d. red-brown and 2d. blue, plate 4, Wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16 (off centre; cut by scissors along design at top and bottom), cancelled with *Crown* obliterator used on envelope (faults and opened out for display) backstamped „BRITSH ARMY POST OFFICE AU ... 1854“ in blue as used in Varna to Epsom, Surrey. The 1854, 2d. is exceedingly rare cancelled with *Crown* obliterator. Greg Todd opinion (2015) stating in error ‚OXO‘ obliteration.

Provenance: J.B.Seymour (Robson Lowe auction 6 June 1951, lot 1055, then stated to be unique)

Robson Lowe Postal History auction (March 1988, lot 328)

Francois X. Piat collection (2015)


Lot no.1178



Catalogue no.GB 8A

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

1854, 1d. red-brown, Wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, vertical pair and single (faults, perfs. cut by scissors) cancelled in transit in London used on envelope backstamped „BRITISH ARMY JY 9 1854“, addressed to Dublin, Ireland. An early usage, the P.O. only opened in Varna on June 20, 1854. An attractive early cover from the ‚Assistant Surgeon Miller, H.M. 77th. Regiment“ correspondence to  Dublin. A pendant cover from the Miller correspondence is housed in the R.M.Phillips collection, National Postal Museum London, Vol. XVII, page 45. Greg Todd opinion (2014)



Lot no.1179



Catalogue no.GB 8A

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €

1854, „BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE AU 5 1854“ c.d.s. in blue from Varna struck on top flap of part entire mailed from the „Black Sea Fleet“ via Marseilles bearing 1854, 1d. red-brown, Wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, strip of 3 (corner fault), cancelled on arrival in London, to Worthing. Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Francois X. Piat (2015)


Lot no.1180



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, „BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE JY 29 1854“ datestamp on reverse of unpaid  envelope (with decorative red crest on flap), rated ‚3’d. in ms. due on delivery, most probably mailed from a British Camp in Bulgaria to London. In July 1854 the British Forces were mainly gathered in Camps in Bulgaria. Greg Todd opinion (2013)

Provenance: Dr. Kelly Tighe (Spink 1997)



Lot no.1181



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, „Camp at Varna / 26 June 1854“, autographed lettersheet from Lieut. Col. Sir D.A. Cameron to the Assistant Postmaster in Camp at Varna relating to postal affairs, reading: “........letters of the 42nd. Regiment should be delivered without delay“. Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Dr. G. Paprikoff 



Lot no.1182



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, „From Varna June 3rd. 1854“ endorsed on envelope via French P.O. in Constantinople (June 5), sent unpaid and charged „1s.3d.“ due to pay on arrival in Wingham. In addition  lettersheet headed „Camp 8 miles West of Varna, on the road to Shumla, June 7th.1854“  featuring interesting content „....to go by the Austrian mail tomorrow....“. Both items originating from the Hammond correspondance. Greg Todd opinion (2015).


Lot no.1183



Catalogue no.GB 8A

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

1854, „Jena Bazaar August 12th 1854“ (near Shumla), entire letter franked by 1854 , 1d. red-brown, Wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, block of 3 (one stamp with short perfs.) cancelled in London on arrival. Interesting Field Post related content:“...post is four days quicker at Varna as we are two days post from that place though it is only about 45 miles off....“. Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Peter Chadwick(2007), Francois X. Piat (2015)


Lot no.1184



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €

1854, „On Board the Kangaroo in Varna Bay Sept. 2“ (1854), envelope endorsed „Varna“ with content showing faint POST OFFICE BRITISH ARMY datestamp on reverse, to London charged ‚6‘ (pence) in ms. to be paid on delivery. Unusual 6 pence rate. Greg Todd opinion (2015)


Lot no.1185



Catalogue no.GB 8A

Opening800 €
Sold for950 €

1854, „R.M.S. Avan, Baltchik Bay, 5 September 1854“, entire letter sent at double the Soldier’s rate franked with 1854, 1d. red-brown, Wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16,  two singles and two pairs, cancelled with faint *Crown* obliterator, (unclear) BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE (in blue) and London arrival datestamps on reverse. The only double rate cover recorded from the British troops in Bulgaria and very probably the latest mail recorded from the British Military land office in Bulgaria, usual small imperfections, but a very important item in regard of the Crimean War in the Bulgarian area. The Expeditionary fleet sailed from Baltchik Bay to the Crimea two days later on September 7, 1854. Greg Todd opinion (2014)    

Provenance: E.E. Yates (Robson Lowe auction, July 1940, lot 271 )


Lot no.1186



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

CRIMEAN WAR: 1854, „From Alady, June 17th, 1854“ ms. notation on envelope from the Hammond correspondence, unusually posted through the French Field Post Office ‚ARMEE D’ORIENT / BAU A 19 JUIN 54“ , charged ‚10’d. due on receipt in Dover (civilian rate in error), rare and fine. Greg Todd opinion (2015). Also envelope from the same correspondance with ms. notation „Camp Devna, July 18th & July 20-23“ on front, posted through the British Army Field Post, adhesives lost. Interesting pair of covers 


Lot no.1187



Catalogue no.Fr.13

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

French Forces in transit to / from the Crimea: 1853, Empire 20c. blue, clear to large margins (two scissor cuts in margin only), tied by „A.O.D.“ lozenge to envelope from a Camp near Varna showing „ARMEE D’ORIENT / BAU D. 30 NOV. 54“ datestamp to St.Jean de Luz. Signed Brun, Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Francois X. Piat (2015)



Lot no.1188



Catalogue no.Fr. 13

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

French Forces in transit to / from the Crimea: 1853, Empire 20c. blue, just touched at base, otherwise large margins, tied by dotted ‚A.O.C.‘ lozenge to cover, showing „ARMEE D’ORIENT / BAU C 15 NOV. 1854“ datestamp and ms. „Varna“. Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Francois X. Piat (2015)



Lot no.1189



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

French Forces in transit to / from the Crimea: 1853, Empire 20c. blue, large margins but closed tear at top, tied by dotted „A.O.B.S.“ to cover showing faint „ARMEE D’ORIENT / SED.RE 24 NOV. 54“ datestamp (Bureau Sedetaire) and ms. „Varna 24 Novembre 1854“ to Lons Le Saulmier. Sigend Brun and Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Francois X. Piat collection (2015)



Lot no.1190



Catalogue no.Fr.12

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

French Forces in transit to the Crimea: 1853, Empire 10c. bistre, vertical pair, three large margins, just grazed at top, tied by dotted „A.O.Q.G“ lozenge to cover showing „ARMEE D’ORIENT / QUART.GAL 9 OCT. 54“ , with full contents from Varna to Paris. Greg Todd opinion (2015)

Provenance: Francois X. Piat (2015) 



Lot no.1191



Catalogue no.Fr.13

Opening750 €
Sold forUnsold

French Forces: 1853, 20c. blue in pair with large margins, tied by dotted „AOQG“ lozenge to envelope (faults) showing „ARMEE D’ORIENT / QUATR. GAL. 7 SEPT 54“ datestamp at lower left. Rare 40 centimes Soldier’s concessionary double rate. The French Fleet sailed from Varna towards an as yet un-agreed landing site in the Crimea on September 7, 1854, the date of the letter. Greg Todd opinion (2015)   




Lot no.1192



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €

French Forces: 1854, entire letter written on board the french ship ‚HENRY IV‘ off Varna, „ARMEE D’ORIENT / QUART.GAL 1 SEPT. 54“ datestamp and handstruck ‚30‘ centimes due marking on front, the entire somewhat battered. The ‚HENRY IV‘ later took part in the bombardement of Odessa and finally sank in a storm off Eupatoria in Nov. 1854. Greg Todd opinion (2015)



Lot no.1193



Catalogue no.GB 8A,9A

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

Incoming Mail: 1854, 1d. red-brown and 2d. blue, plate 4, Wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, tied by ‚PLYMOUTH AU 22 1854‘ spoon to envelope (part of flap missing), addressed to the 20th Regiment. The date of arrival, probably within 12 days, places the the 20th. Regiment at Varna, Bulgaria, some aging and usual envelope faults, rare. The addressee Captain William Radcliffe was present with his Regiment of the Battles of Alma, Inkerman, Balaklava and Sebastopol.  Greg Todd opinion (2014)

Provenance: „The Radcliffe Correspondence“ (Spink 2014)