378th Auction
21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (98) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Ottoman Post in Bulgaria 1840-1878 - The Abdulaziz Collection (221) Apply Ottoman Post in Bulgaria 1840-1878 - The Abdulaziz Collection filter
- Worldwide Postal Stationery – The John Ahlström Collection (1) Apply Worldwide Postal Stationery – The John Ahlström Collection filter
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„KOUCHI-KAVAK MAR 25“, cds. without date bridge, almost complete and very clear strike on pair 1901, 20 pa. on small piece. Very rare postmark of which no entires have been recorded so far and just few strikes on single stamps and pieces have been recorded. Ex Hitzler
„KOCHI-KAVAK 22 12 906“, cds. with date bridge, almost complete and clear strike on 1905, 1 pia. on small piece. A very rare postmark.
„KOCHI-KAVAK 31 6…..“, cds. with date bridge, 2 readable strike on 4 copies 1908, 5 pa., on picture postcard to Belgium with arrival mark on front. The only recorded entire with this postmark. Ex Hitzler
LOFCA: 1860, entire letter to Constantinople with manuscript dispatch notation „Lofca“ on front. At Constantinople blue negative seal handstamp „Ücreti Alinacakdir 273“ applied. A scarce and fine entire. Opinion Todd AIEP
LOFCA: 1872, official cover to Tirnova, showing on front clear strike of administrative seal handstamp „Chief property Management Officer, District of Lofca“. a very fine and scarce entire, just one further strike recorded. signed Nakri and opinion Todd AIEP, ex Heimbüchler
Reference: Illustrated in Popov ‚Die Türkische Post in Bulgarien‘
„LOFCA 81“, all arabic double circle, 2 clear strikes tying Duloz 2 pia. red and 1 pia. yellow to entire letter to Tirnova: The stamps affected by light horizontal cover crease, otherwise fine and fresh. A very rare letter; just a few entires have been recorded with this handstamp. Opinion Todd AIEP (Isfila RRR)
„LOFCA 81“, all arabic double circle in blue, three superb strikes, tiying postage due 1868, 5 pia. (2) and 2 pia. to reverse of registered cover to Kütahiya. A most remarkable cover with a high franking and extremely rare cancellation. Certificate Nakri AIEP (Isfila RRR)
LOM: 1852, entire letter to Constantinople with manuscript dispatch notation „Lom“ on front. At Constantinople blue negative seal handstamp „An Canib-i Posta Deraliye 275“ applied. A scarce and fine entire. Opinion Todd AIEP
LOM: 1870 (ca.), official cover to Vidin, showing on front clear strike of administrative seal handstamp „District Administrative Officer, Lom“. Small falls, still fine, a scarce entire. Signed Nakri and opinion Todd AIEP, ex Heimbüchler
„LOM“, all arabic double circle in blue, clear strike on Duloz 1869, 2 pia., very fine and rare. Ex Hitzler
MENLIK: „TELGRAF ve POSTAHANA-I MENLIK“, all arabic negative handstamp, superb strike tying three copies 1892, 1 pia. to piece. Very fine and extremely rare. Ex Hitzler
„MENLIK JUIL 26 97“, bilingual cds., very clear strike on 1892, 1 pia. and 2 pia. on piece (somewhat backed at top and bottom), still very fine and extremely rare. Ex Hitzler
„MUSTAFA PASA HEALTH COMMISSION“ all arabic administrative seal on envelope to the Ministry of health in Constantinople with adjacent eligible blue cds.; fine and very scarce. Ex Hitzler
MUSTAFA PASHA: 1882, military cover with clear arabic seal handstamp „2nd army, 7th cavalry regiment“, to Thessaloniki; fine and very rare; the sole recorded entire bearing this handstamp. Signed Nakri and opinion Todd AIEP
„MOUSTAPHA PACHA 18-4-15“ small type cds. with date bridge, clear on 1914, 20 pa. on small piece, very fin and rare; no entires recorded by Isfila. Ex Hitzler
„MOUSTAPHA PACHA 8-9-908“ cds. with date bridge, clear on 1908, 20 pa. on postcard to harmanli, Bulgaria, with adjacent railway mark „Harmanli-Tsaribrod“
„DJ – MOUS – PACHA“ cds. with date bridge (arabic date), clear on 1901, 20 pa. postcard to Germany with arrival mark, very fine. The only recorded entire with this postmark, unrecorded by Isfila. Ex Hitzler
„POST IMP:OTTOMne MOUSTAPHA PACHA GARE“ bilingual negative handstamp, clear on fiscal stamp 10 pa. on telegram receipt, very fine. Only few entire with this postmark have been recorded, unrecorded by Isfila. Ex Hitzler
„NEVRECOB POSTA SUBESI 1287“ all arabic seal cancel, very clear strike on postal receipt for an official shipment from Thessaloniki to Nevrekop. Very fine and rare. Ex Hitzler
„NEVREKOB POSTA SUBESI 1287“, all arabic negative seal, superb strike on on money parcel form for a shipment of gold coins to Thessaloniki. Very fine and rare. Certificate Nakri AIEP (Isfila RR)
„NEVREKOB“, all arabic double circle, superb and almost complete strike on 1892, 1 pia. and 2 pia. on piece
„NEVROCOP“ all arabic double circle in blue , two clear strikes, each on 1875, 1 pia. and 10 pa. on undated cover front. A further 10 pa. falen off. A very rare post mark. Ex Hitzler.(Isfila RR on single stamp)
„NEVROCOP 3 DEC 93“ (day and month inverted) on 1892, 2 pia. on piece and „NEVROCOPE 25 10 904“ on 1901, 2 pia. in block of 4 on piece; small unobtrusive faults
„NIGBOLU“, all arabic double circle in blue, superb strike on Duloz 1868, 1 pia. on small piece, very fine and rare. Ex Hitzler
„ORTA-KEUI (ADRIANOPLE)21-8- ..“ bilingual small double circle with date bridge, good full strike on 1909, 1 pia. on piece. A rare post mark of which no entires have been recorded so far. Ex Hitzler (Isfila RR)
„ORTA-KEUI ADRIANOPLE ..“ bilingual double circle with date bridge, good full strike on 1909, 1 pia. on piece (cut round). A very rare post mark of which few stamps/pieces but no entires have been recorded. Ex Hitzler (Isfila RRR)
„ORTAKEUY AVR ..1908“ bilingual double circle without date bridge, good strike as arrival mark on postcard from Malgara with transit mark of Adrianopel. A very rare postmark of which only few entires have been recorded. Ex Hitzler (Isfila RRR)
„OSMANPAZARI“, all arabic double circle in blue, very clear and full strike on two marginal copies 1871, 20 pa. on piece; very fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP. Ex Heimbüchler. (Isfila RRR)
„PAZARCIK“, all arabic double circle, two very clear and almost full strikes on Duloz 1868/71, 1 pia. in strip of 3 on piece; very fine and rare (Isfila RRR)
„Petric posta subesi 294“, all arabic negative seal handstamp, 4 ample to very clear full strikes on 2 strips of 4 of 1876, 10 pa. lilac (left stamp scissors cut); very fine and most attractive. A rare cancellation of which only few stamps/pieces but no entires have been recorded; unrecorded by Isfila. Ex Hitzler
„PETRIC“, small all arabic double circle, very clear and almost full strike on 1892, 10 pa.; very fine and rare, no entires have been recorded so far. Ex Hitzler (Isfila RR)
PLEVNE: 1861, entire letter to Constantinople with manuscript dispatch notation „Pleven“ on front. At Constantinople blue negative seal handstamp „Ücreti Alinacakdir 273“ applied. Scarce and fine entire. Opinion Todd AIEP
„PLEVNE“, all arabic double circle in blue, clear strikes in black and blue (one not quite complete) on postage due 1869, 2 pia. and 5 pia.
„Governor of the provincial district of Prevadi“, administrative arabic seal cancel on official envelope to Sumnu. The only recorded example of this handstamp. Signed Nakri and certificate Isfila
„PREVADI“, all arabic double circle, very fine strike tying Duloz, 1869/71, 1pia. And 20 pa. to lettersheet to Varna. A very fine and rare entire. Certificate Nakri AIEP (Isfila RRR)
RAHOVA: 1853, cover to Constantinople with manuscript dispatch notation „Rahova“ on front. At Constantinople blue negative seal handstamp „An Canib-i Posta Deraliye 268“ applied. Rahova had no cancellation device at that time. Very scarce and fine entire. Opinion Todd AIEP