379th Auction

19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1281



Catalogue no.V22

Opening200 €
Sold for540 €

1864. Doppeladler 10 So. blau im waagerechten Dreierstreifen mit klarem EKr. "GALATZ 21.11.(64)" als portogerechte Mehrfachfrankatur auf kpl. Faltbrief nach Pesth mit Ankunftsstempel, etwas verwischte Tinte in der Anschrift und übliche waagerechte Faltung unten, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, sign. Ferchenbauer VÖB mit Fotoattest (1982)

Lot no.1282



Catalogue no.4I+Griechenland20

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €

1867, Franz-Joseph I. 10 So. blau mit blauem Ekr. "SCIO-CESME 28.11.(68)" auf Faltbriefhülle nach Syra mit Tax-Vermerken und vollrandiger Marke Griechenland 1862/68 20 L. blau mit Stempel "SYRA 17.11.68" und rückseitigem Ankunftsstempel, Briefhülle mit senkrechter Faltung kleiner Fehlstelle sowie kleinen Aufklebezettel, sonst gute Gesamterhaltung, Fotoattest Holcombe (1990)

Lot no.1283



Catalogue no.5I

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €

1867, Franz Joseph I. 15 So. mit L1 "VIA VARNA" auf Faltbriefhülle mit Absenderstempel von Constantinopel nach Wien mit Ankunftsstempel, einwandfrei

Lot no.6001



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for2.800 €

1846, original document of the Austrian Lloyd from Trieste dated 22 October 1846, with the confirmation of the directors of the Lloyd to Lieutenant Thomas Waghorn, that he had never received any money from their part for his six experimental voyages; countersigned by the Governor of the Austrian Illyrian Coastal Province. A highly interesting and unique document of the history of the 'Overland Mail'.

1846, Originaldokument des österreichischen Lloyds aus Trieste vom 22. Oktober 1846 mit der Bestätigung der Direktoren des Lloyds an Leutnant Thomas Waghorn, dass er für seine sechs Versuchs-Reisen kein Geld ihrerseits erhalten habe; gegengezeichnet vom Gouverneur des Österreichisch Illyrischen Küstenlandes. Ein hochinteressantes und einmaliges Dokument der Geschichte der 'Overland Mail'.

Lot no.6044



Catalogue no.54/55

Opening500 €
Sold for1.150 €

GREAT BRITAIN (IRELAND) – OTTOMAN EMPIRE: 1856, small size postal stationery envelope 1 penny rose (oxydized) with embossed  issue 1 shilling green, cut to shape, used from "MAGHERA SP 9 1856" to Beirut. The postage ot 13 pence, equal to 11 ¼ silbergroschen,  included 3 silbergroschen each Britisch and GPO share, 1  silbergroschen Belgian transit and 4 ¼  silbergroschen postage beyond Trieste.

Lot no.6045



Catalogue no.92

Opening180 €
Sold for500 €

GREAT BRITAIN – OTTOMAN EMPIRE: 1871, lettersheet from "NOTTINGHAM MY 9 71", endorsed "via Belgium & Trieste" to Beirut, franked with pair 1865/67, 3 d. rose, showing on front arrival mark of the Austrian PO. One stamp rounded corner, otherwise fine.


Lot no.6047



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for360 €

TUSCANY – TURKISH EMPIRE (CYPRUS): 1857, unpaid entire letter fom Livorno to Cyprus, taxed on front with 9 kreuzer Austro-Italian Postal Union rate and 12 kreuzer sea postage from trieste to Larnaca and showing on front clear double line "LARNACA 1. APR." of the Austrian post.

Lot no.6055



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

SWEDEN – EGYPT: 1866, envelope from Engelholm via Trieste to Alexandria, charged at Trieste with "30/10" kreuzer for the distance to resp. from Trieste. The letter was undeliverable and returned, showing on front boxed "MAI CHIESTA" and on the reverse several transit- and arrival marks. A rare early cover from Sweden to Africa.

Lot no.6070



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for440 €

TURKISH EMPIRE (AGEAN ISLANDS) – AUSTRIA: 1856, prepaid lettersheet with blue single circle "TENEDOS 14/8" and adjacent straight-line "FRANCO" to Trieste

Lot no.6072



Catalogue no.Austr. Lev. V23

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €

TURKISH EMPIRE – AUSTRIA: 1868, lettersheet franked with 1864, 15 soldi brown with central double line handstamp "RHODUS MAR.5" and additionally tied in transit by small single circle "SMIRNE 13/3 68", to Trieste. On reverse transit mark "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE" and arrival mark. A fine entire with late use of the 1864 issue.

Lot no.6073



Catalogue no.Austr. Lev. V18+21

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.100 €

TURKISH EMPIRE (MACEDONIA) – AUSTRIA: 1864, entire letter, franked with 2 copies 1863, 15 soldi brown and 1864, 5 soldi rose, tied by blue double line "SERRES AGO. 23", to Vienna. A very fine and rare letter; there are just few entires recorded with the blue double line postmark cancelling stamps.