379th Auction

19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1425



Catalogue no.55

Opening300 €
Sold for440 €

1847/54, Embossed 1 sh. deep green, die 2, cut square, little touched at right, used on small mourning envelope 1855 to a lieutenant at Bangalore, India with arrival mark of November 7th.

Lot no.6046



Catalogue no.13,12

Opening2.000 €
Sold for4.000 €

SARDINIA – INDIA : 1857, entire letter from Turin to Calcutta, part paid till Alexandria, franked with 1855/63, 40 c. vermilon (2) and 20 c. blue, all with good margins, tied by cds. "TORINO 15 GIU 57". At Alexandria charged with 1 shilling for the conveyance to India, with corresponding "CALCUTTA STEAM LETTER 1857 JUL 31 / Steamer B(earin)g Indian Ds. 8" on reverse. A fine and rare letter.

Lot no.6049



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for9.500 €

NORWAY - INDIA: 1852, part paid entire letter from Horten to Cochin, sent via Sweden-Hamburg and Trieste, pre-paid with 37 skilling, including 19 skilling to Hamburg and 18 skilling (= "6¼" silbergroschen) German/Austrian postage till Alexandria. In India charged for the remaining way with "9" annas.  The thin paper with some small defects, still fine and very rare; supposed to be the only letter from Norway to India.