379th Auction
19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (32) Apply Main catalogue filter
- The Larry C. Parks Collection (3) Apply The Larry C. Parks Collection filter
- England via Bremen (1) Apply England via Bremen filter
- INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part III) (10) Apply INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part III) filter
- Transatlantic Mail (14) Apply Transatlantic Mail filter
- Airmail (1) Apply Airmail filter
- British Commonwealth (1) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (1) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (2) Apply German States filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (5) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Overseas (1) Apply Overseas filter
- transatlantic post (15) Apply transatlantic post filter
1783, entire letter with red straight line "NORWICH" via London and Ostend to Bolzano, prepaid with "1sh4" and "6" kreuzer charged upon arrival.
1786, entire letter with red double line "ROCH/DALE" via London and Ostend to Bolzano, prepaid with "1/6" and "6" kreuzer charged upon arrival.
1840, Mulready letter sheet 1 d. black, used with red MC from "STOOLTON JU 4 1840" to Hartlepool, small Paper break at front
1840, 1d. black, pl.6, LH, nice fresh colour and good to large margins, showing part of neighbour stamp at top, unused with not original gum, two insignificant small thin spots, otherwise very fine and fresh. A very attractive stamp. Certificate Louis BPP (2022)
1840, 1 d. black, A-C, plate B with clear red Maltese Cross, good to wide margins all round, fine, signed Bühler with opion (1984)
1840, 1 d. black, pl. 1B, IC, with variety "watermark inverted", good to large margins, used with black MC, very fine, certificate Louis BPP (2005)
1856/58, 1 d. deep rose-red (plate 34) on white paper, die II with watermark 4, block of 4 (QA-QB/RA-RB) with large left sheet margin, unused with large part of original gum, folded horizontally and partly separated between stamps, otherwise fine, certificate Louis BPP (2017)
1847/54, Embossed 1 sh. deep green, die 2, cut square, little touched at right, used on small mourning envelope 1855 to a lieutenant at Bangalore, India with arrival mark of November 7th.
6d. purple, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by central barred numeral, vf
1882, 5 sh. rose on blued paper, perfectly centered and perforated, neatly cancelled "REGISTERED GRACECHURCH ST. 19DE82",minor and almost invisible corner perf creases at base, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare stamp, certificate Louis BPP (2022)
1883, 5 sh. rose on blued paper, well centered and perforated, cancelled by duplex "LONDON NO 21 84", very faint pressed crease, otherwise very fine and fresh. A scarce stamp, certificate Louis BPP (2022)
EGYPT: "B01" ALEXANDRIA, four mostly clear strikes on 2 re-joined pairs 1862/64, 1 sh. green, vf
6Catalogue no.7,3,4
1848, Embossed 1sh. green, horinzontal pair and singles 1841 1d. red and 2p. blue, fresh colors and mostly good margins, 2d. touched, tied by barred numeral "466" to folded letter endorsed "Niagara" to Boston with "48" cent retaliatory charge applied, vertical crease touching 2d., otherwise fine and scarce entire
6Catalogue no.7
1848, registered double-weight folded letter dated "15 Dec. 1848" endorsed "per Europa", prepaid with two singles 1847 Embossed 1sh. green, cut to shape, additional "6" p. for registration paid in cash, carried on Cunards "Europa" final retaliatory voyage to New York, with "48" double-rate manuscript applied upon arrival, a fine and scarce entire, certificate PF (2004)
6Catalogue no.3
1848, folded lettersheet from "BOSTON SEP 11" with matching red "PAID" and red "29" alongside, endorsed "pr Niagara" to Annan, with arrival and "1/-" retaliatory due rating, forwarded to Glasgow and franked with 1841 1p. red, tied by blueish numeral, touched, attractive Retaliatory period cover
6Catalogue no.4
1852, 2d. blue imperforated, two horizontal strips of three tied by barred oval to folded letter from Staffordshire to New Orleans, originally endorsed "Via New York", this was changed to Boston and put on the "Niagara" which arrived in Boston on the 16th., adhesives cut into in places and small corner crease, stamps a bid oxydized, a very scarce cover and one of just three recorded bearing solely 1841 2d. blue frankings to New Orleans.
6Catalogue no.5
1854, Embossed 6d. lilac as horizontal strip of four (almost seperated between pairs) tied by barred numeral "165" to folded lettersheet endorsed "p. Arabia" to Philadelphia, with adjacent red "10 cents" credit handstamp and cds. "PHILA BR. PKT AUG 9 PAID" with matching red "48", stamps slightly touched, two scissor cuts between stamps and vertical crease through right adhesives, an attractive entire being the 2nd largest franking of the 6d. without any additional franking
6Catalogue no.7,8
1855 (11 April), Embossed 1sh. green, touched at right, together with 1850 Victoria 1d. red, paying a late fee, tied by duplex cancel "BRISTOL AP 11 1855" to envelope to Philadelphia, sent via Liverpool with "5 cent" accounting mark, carried on the "Africa" to Boston, then sent to Philadelphia with red "PHILADELPHIA PAID" cds. tying the stamp, attractive entire
6Catalogue no.9,12
1858, Washington 3c. rose, two singles and 10c. black as horizontal strip of three with grid cancel on postal stationery envelope 3c. red on buff, paying the triple rate, from "SAVANNAH JUN 18 1858" to Paris with red integral cds. "NEW YORK 36 PAID JUN 23", carried by the "Asia", opened out for display, one 3c. small paper fault, otherwise fine and attractive
6Catalogue no.17
1863, Victoria 2p. blue horizontal strip of six tied by barred numeral "12" to folded letter to New York with red "PAID" on adhesives and adjacent "5 CENTS", fine
6Catalogue no.31,16
1869 (25 May), Victoria 9p. straw together with 1858 Victoria 1d. red tied by numeral "26" to folded lettersheet endorsed "p Palmyra" to New York with receiver mark, a fine entire with 4d. late fee
6Catalogue no.7,8
1854 (Oct 24), Embossed 1sh. green and 1850 Victoria 1p. red tied by numeral "47" to folded lettersheet endorsed "by the St. Louis via Southampton", paying the ½ounce rate and 1p. late fee, to New York with adjacent red handstamp "21 CENTS" and "PAID", 1sh. unobstrusive vertical folding crease, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.16,
1872 (4 July), Victoria 9p. dark-brown together with 1858 Victoria 1d. red tied by numeral "88" and cds. "LONDON JY 4 72" to folded letter endorsed "p City of Montreal" to New York with receiver mark, a fine entire with 1d. late fee
6Catalogue no.4
1848, Victoria 2p. blue, horizontal strip of four, touched at bottom right and left, tied by oval grid cancel "12" to folded letter with adjacent "SHIP-LETTER LONDON DE 8 1848" and endorsement "per Private Ship" to Philadelphia with blue "6" cent due octogonal handstamp, minor aging otherwise fine and attractive retaliatory period cover, the ship letter is much scarcer than the usual 1s. packet letter rate
6Catalogue no.
1848, folded letter from "PORT GIBSON AUG 23" with matching "PAID" and "10" handstamp and manuscript "34" alongside, via Liverpool and London to Mount Pleasant near Maidstone with arrival and "1/-" retaliatory due rating, on front with red manuscript "Refused", some aging and edge wear, fine and scarce refused use from Mississippi
6Catalogue no.
1848, small envelope from London with red "SHIP-LETTER LONDON NO 23 1848" and endorsement "by Private Ship" to Middleton, Connecticut with manuscript "8" (pence) and integral "NEW YORK SHIP JAN 28 7cts." alongside, a fine and interesting entire that avoided the retaliation measures by being carried on a private ship, saving the sender 4 cents and the recipient 29 cents
6Catalogue no.3
1853 (1 March), folded wrapper from "GLASGOW MAR 1 1853" charged with "4/8" and Victoria 1841 1d. red-brown tied by numeral "159", paying the late fee, to San Francisco, adhesives touched, otherwise fine and attractive
1932, 1.10., Imperial Airways Erstflug London-Bahrein, R-Brief mit 3 Werten mit Plattennummern
6Catalogue no.
"LANDON A OC.21.57", sehr klarer Abschlag des "Person Hill Experimental"-Maschinenstempel auf Queen Viktoria 1 Pence auf komplettem Faltbrief mit rückseitigem Stempel-Abklatsch und Ankunftsstempel "HAVERFORDWEST OC.22.57", sehr gute Erhaltung, recht früher Abschlag aus 1875
6Catalogue no.
"LONDON MD OCT 21 1886", Ethridge-Maschinenstempel klar auf "Queen Viktoria 1/2 Pence auf Brief-Couvert nach Bridgewater mit Ankunftsstempel, Umschlag oben Bug, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, selten
6Catalogue no.
"JG LONDON 27 AJ 71/89", Maschinenstempel recht klar auf Ganzsachenkarte 1/2 Pence nach Coventry, gute Erhaltung
1852, (16 Juni) 1P. rot sowie zwei waagerechte Paare 2P. blau, der Einzelwert gering tangiert, sonst gut gerandet, sauber mit Nummernstempel "890" auf Faltbriefhülle (Seitenklappen fehlend) nach Hannover, nebengesetzt und auf ein Paar übergehend roter L2 "ENGLAND ÜBER BREMEN", die Marken teils gering oxydiert, sonst in schöner und tadelloser Erhaltung, der früheste Auslandsbrief nach dem Königreich Hannover, vollständig mit Klebebriefmarken frankiert, Fotoattest Louis BPP (2017)