379th Auction
19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden
1862/68, 5 l. green and 40 l. lilac, both with full margins, tied by clear cds. of Kerkyra to letter sheet from Rome to Corfu, franked with 1868, 20 cent. on red lilac, taxed upon arrival with "45" lepta for the internal postage. A very fine and rare letter. Certificates Enzo Diena (1989) and Vaccari (2014)
BULGARIAN OCCUPATION: 1916, Gjumjurdjina, postcard with bilingual cds. and provisional straight-line censor mark to Sofia. Opinion Penev "less than 5 recorded"
1916, Xanthi, postcard 5 st. used without dispatch but clear red "inspected by the censor"
1917, Drama, postcard franked with 10 CT. on 25 st., tied by faint bilingual cds., adjacent clear Drama military censor handstamp. A rare item. Opinion Penev
1917, Soflu, cover to Constantinople, franked with Bulgaria 10 st. , tied by bilingual cds. , adjacent censor commission cancel of Soflu and Ottoman censor mark. Very rare. Opinion Penev
1917, Xanthi, postage free postcard with 6 line sender's cachet of the Malaria Hostpital of the 10th White Sea Division, to Kotel, Opinion Penev
1867, Franz-Joseph I. 10 So. blau mit blauem Ekr. "SCIO-CESME 28.11.(68)" auf Faltbriefhülle nach Syra mit Tax-Vermerken und vollrandiger Marke Griechenland 1862/68 20 L. blau mit Stempel "SYRA 17.11.68" und rückseitigem Ankunftsstempel, Briefhülle mit senkrechter Faltung kleiner Fehlstelle sowie kleinen Aufklebezettel, sonst gute Gesamterhaltung, Fotoattest Holcombe (1990)
1932, 8.11., Imperial Airways Erstflug Bahrein - Athen, Brief mit indischer Frankatur, 17 Stück geflogen
1932, 8.11., Imperial Airways Erstflug Athen - Bahrein, Brief mit vorder- und rückseitiger Frankatur, 70 Stück geflogen
AUSTRIA – GREECE: 1868, postal stationery envelope 1867, 5 kreuzer red with oval cancel "TRIEST 11/12" to Cefalonia. The letter was short paid by 5 kreuzer, therefore oblong cancel "AFF. INSUFT." and taxed with a total of "55" lepta (including "20" lepta Greek postage), franked with 1862/67, 5 lepta green, 10 lepta orange and 40 lepta lilac. Slight age- resp. transportation marks; overall an attractive and very unusual cover.
1868, Ganzsachenumschlag 1867, 5 Kreuzer rot mit Ovalstempel "TRIEST 11/12" nach Cefalonia. Der Brief war um 5 Kreuzer unterfrankiert, daher Langstempel "AFF. INSUFT." nebengesetzt und mit insgesamt "55" Lepta nachtaxiert (einschließlich "20" Lepta Inlandsporto), frankiert mit 1862/67, 5 Lepta grün, 10 Lepta orange und 40 Lepta lila. Leichte Alters-bzw. Beförderungspuren, insgesamt ein attraktiver und ungewöhnlicher Brief.
GREAT BRITAIN – GREECE: 1862, entire letter from London to Patras, short paid by 2½ d., franked with 1856/62, 1 d. red (2), 4 d. vermilion and 6 d. lilac, all tied by barred "12", and marked "INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID"; at Trieste taxed with "15" new kreuzer sea postage and in Greece with a total due of "65" lepta (including 20 lepta internal postage), franked with Paris printing 5 l. green and 40 l. lilac and First Athens printing 20 l. blue, all tied by numeral "9" of Patras. One 1 d. affected by horizontal crease, the other one scissors cut at 2 sides, in total some minor transportation marks, otherwise fine. A rare 6 colour franking.
Provenance: Dr. Maurice Friend (Robson Lowe 1982), Michéle Chauvet (Corinphila 2017)
GREAT BRITAIN – GREECE: 1865, unpaid lettersheet from "LONDON MY 1 65" via Aachen and Trieste to Athens, showing on front large blue handstamp"35" (Austrian kreuzer), applied at Aachen, crossed and altered into manuscript "15/15/20". At Athens charged with a total of "170" lepta to be paid by the recipient, franked with 1862/68, 10 lepta and 2 copies 80 lepta, all with full margins and neatly tied by Athens cds.. A very fine and scarce letter.
GREECE – AUSTRIA: 1836, entire letter from Syra via Athens to Trieste, prepaid with 90 lepta, noted on reverse. On front oval greek "PAID" and boxed "GREECE".
GREECE – RUSSIA: 1862, entire fully franked letter from Patras via Trieste and Brody to Taganrog, franked with 1862/71, 20 lepta blue, 40 lepta lilac and 80 lepta rose, all with mostly good margins. The letter is correctly franked with 20 lepta Greek inland postage and 120 lepta foreign share, consisting of 15 Austrian nkr. Sea postage to Trieste, 15 nkr. conveyance from Trieste to Brody and 10 nkr. Russian postage. A fine and scarce letter to abroad.
TURKISH EMPIRE (AGEAN ISLANDS) – AUSTRIA: 1856, prepaid lettersheet with blue single circle "TENEDOS 14/8" and adjacent straight-line "FRANCO" to Trieste
TURKISH EMPIRE – AUSTRIA: 1868, lettersheet franked with 1864, 15 soldi brown with central double line handstamp "RHODUS MAR.5" and additionally tied in transit by small single circle "SMIRNE 13/3 68", to Trieste. On reverse transit mark "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE" and arrival mark. A fine entire with late use of the 1864 issue.
TURKISH EMPIRE (MACEDONIA) – AUSTRIA: 1864, entire letter, franked with 2 copies 1863, 15 soldi brown and 1864, 5 soldi rose, tied by blue double line "SERRES AGO. 23", to Vienna. A very fine and rare letter; there are just few entires recorded with the blue double line postmark cancelling stamps.
1861/90 (ca.), sehr saubere gestempelte Partie von rund 120 großen und einigen kleinen Hermesköpfen, dabei u.a. vollrandiger Satz Mi. 1-7 (teils signiert Holcombe)
0 1 3Catalogue no.
1861/2010, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 210 - 26, 227 - 32, 321 - 26, 327 - 44, 355 - 61, 362 - 68, 517- 29, 563 - 75, 578 - 81, 582 - 87, 603 - 614 etc., in 5 Davo-Alben.
1861/1970 (ca.), ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie, dabei über 200 große Hermesköpfe, etwas Gebiete etc.
1862/86, kleine, meist gestempelte Sammlung "Großer Hermeskopf" mit ca. 50 Marken, dabei Farben, verschiedene Drucke und ungebrauchtes Paar Mi.-Nr. 44 , meist gute Erhaltung, sauber bestimmt mit 23 Fotoattesten Tseriotis A.I.E.P.
1863/1952 (ca.) ungebrauchter, postfrischer und gestempelter Bestand ab den frühen Hermesköpfen, dabei bessere Werte mit Abarten sowie 15 Briefe und Karten, unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1888/1990 (ca.), postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand, dabei Bogen und Bogenteile, Bündelware, FDC, etwas Gebiete etc., viel Material in 7 Kartons.