379th Auction
19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden
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- England via Bremen (3) Apply England via Bremen filter
- INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part III) (3) Apply INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part III) filter
- Transatlantic Mail (1) Apply Transatlantic Mail filter
1860/69, 2 d. pale red, copy with 2 horizontal printing creases, neatly cancelled by "23" in diamont
1867/70, perf. 11½-12½: roulette, TEN PENCE on 9 d. orange, printed on both sides, neatly cancelled "KADINA JU 19 69", fine and rare, certificate RPSV
1902/04, 1 sh. brown with POSTAGE and value in red-brown, neatly cancelled, very fine, certificate RPSV (2001)
1853/54, blurred impression 1 d. blue, nice fresh colour and large margins, neatly cancelled by "64" of Hobart, very fine, certificate RPSV
1855, 1d. carmine, full to large margins, showing part of neighbour stamps at left and bottom, cancelled by "64"of Hobart, very fine, certificate RPSV
1856/57, pelure paper, 1d. deep red-brown, just touched at right, otherwise full to large margins, , cancelled by "68"of Hobart, a fine and scarce pair, certificate RPSV
1866, imperf. x obligue roulette 11½ at Oatlands, 4 d. blue, used with central clear "64", a rare stamp in fine condition, certificate RPSV (1995)
1871/78, wm TAS in lines, perf. 12, 4d. buff in horizontal pair, unmounted mint, very fine and scarce, certificate RBSV (2010)
1880/91, wm TAS, perf. 12, 4d. yellow, printed both sides with first printing sideways, unused with original gum, very fine and scarce, certificate RBSV (2003)
1880/91, wm TAS, perf. 12, 4d. yellow, printed both sides, unused with original gum, very fine and scarce, certificate RBSV (2003)
1905/11, pictorials, 1d. rose-red, imperforated pair from the left sheet margin, neatly cancelled by Hobart cds., very fine
1854/57, Half Lengh, litho by Campbell&Fergusson, 3 d. greenish blue, good to very large margins, and used with outcome, very fine and scarce, certificate RPSV (1995)
1863/74, Laureated 1d. bluish-green printed double, neatly cancelled "SANDHURST FE 16 65", very fine, rare stamp. Certificate RPSV (2001)
1873/87, wm V over crown, 1 sh.indigo blue on blue with wm sideways, neatly cancelled, very fine, a scarce stamp. Certificate RPSV (2007)
1885/95, STAMP DUTY, 4d. lilac, the error of colour, neatly cancelled, very fine, a rare stamp. Certificate RPSV (2007)
1899/1901, 2d. violet with wm sideways, unused with large part original gum, very fine, a rare stamp in this condition. Certificate RPSV (2008)
Perf.11, 6d. dull green, unused with large part original gum, a fine and scarce stamp, certificate RPSV (1996)
1901/10, compound perf. 12½ x 12 with line perforation 11 at top, 1½d. unused with large part original gum, very fine and scarce, certificate BPA (2000)
1901/10, compound perf. 12½ x 12 with line perforation 11 at top, 1½d. lightly used, very fine and scarce, certificate RPSV (1994)
1901/10, compound perf. 12½ x line perforation 11 at top, 3d. dull orange-brown, used, very fine and scarce, certificate BPA (2000)
1901/10, compound perf. 12½ x line perforation 11 at top, 6d. emerald, used, very fine and scarce, certificate RPSV (1999)
Perf.11, 1 sh. orange, unused with large part original gum, a fine and scarce stamp, certificate RPSV (1998)
1854, 1d. grey-black, ample to large margins with ca. 3 mm sheet margin at top, very lightly used, extremely fine, certificate RPSV (1995)
1854/55, 2d. slate-blue in light shade, good full margins, unused without gum, very fine and fresh, a rare stamp, certificate RPSV (2013)
1860/64, 6d. sage-green, nice deep colour and good even margins, unused without gum, very fine and fresh, a scarce stamp, certificate RPSV (1996)
6Catalogue no.28,38
1864 (25 Aug.), Victoria 6d. gray-black and 2d. violet tied by illegible grid cancel, reverse shows cds. "SANDHURST 26 AU", to envelope to Maine, via Southampton and London with transit mark "LONDON OC 20" and red "16 cents" credit handstamp, from Londonderry with the "Hibernian" to Quebec, when the cover was bagged to Portland, with corresponding "PORTLAND M AM PKt 5 NOV 18 1864" alongside, by rail. Adhesives some imperfections, lihgt toned spots, otherwise fine and attractive
1852, (10 Januar) Vierfach schwerer Faltbrief ab "ADELAIDE JA 10 1852" nach Hannover mit Leitstempel "ENGLAND ÜBER BREMEN" und entsprechend austaxiert "4/8" (4sh.8p) bzw. "37 1/3", einige nicht störende Büge, etwas altersfleckig, sonst gute Erhaltung
1852, (13 März) Faltbriefhülle ab "ADELAIDE MR 13 1852 SOUTH-AUSTRALIA" mit Leitvermerk "via Melbourne" und rotem Leitstempel "9 4/12 ENGLAND ÜBER BREMEN" nach Clausthal, gute Erhaltung
1853, (31 Mai) Victoria 3P. grün auf bläulichem Papier, farbfrisch, Schnittmängel mit Stempel auf Briefkuvert ab "SYDNEY MY 31" via Singapore mit Leitvermerk "per Steamer Shanghai" und "Germany via England" mit entsprechendem Leitstempel "ENGLAND ÜBER BREMEN", nach Isernhagen, der Umschlag einige Einrisse, sonst in guter Erhaltung
1849, (16. März) Faltbrief geschrieben in Klemzig ab Adelaide mit Stempel "G.P.O. SOUTH AUSTRALIA MY 30" nach Melle mit schwarzem Leitstempel "ENGLAND ÜBER BREMEN", mit interessantem Inhalt der das harte Auswandererleben beschreibt, gering Altersfleckig
AUSTRALIA (VICTORIA) – AUSTRIA: 1867, pre-paid entire letter from Melbourne to Vienna, franked with Laureated 6 d. blue and 1 sh. blue on blue, tied by duplex "MELBOURNE OC 26 67", marked "1/-" in red for the distance to Alexandria and "15" kreuzer for the conveyance to Vienna.
AUSTRALIA (VICTORIA) – AUSTRIA: 1870, pre-paid entire letter from Melbourne to Vienna, franked with Laureated 2 d. violet and 10 sh. dull purple on pink, tied by duplex "MELBOURNE AU 13 70", marked "6"(pence) in red fort he distance to Alexandria and "15" kreuzer for the conveyance to Vienna.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA – MALTA: 1857, entire letter, dated "Australind 5th/10th OCTO. 1857" to Malta, endorsed "per Steamer from King George Sound"and franked with 1854/55, 4 d. blue with large margins and pair 1 d. black, slightly touched at bottom, otherwise clear to good margins, tied by barred oval with adjacent "POST OFFICE AUSTRALIND WESTERN AUSTRALIA"; on reverse clear blue oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO MALTA". Most likely the letter was transported by the 'European & Australian Steam Navigation Company' to Suez, via 'Overland Mail', from Alexandria to Corfu by the Austrian Lloyd 'Trieste express line' and finaly to Malta by a short lived branch line.
Frank Chadwick, May 1978
Henry Houser, June 1992
1864/1910 (ca.), etwa 170 Briefe und überwiegend Karten, meist Inlandspost mit einigen interessanten Stücken, dazu noch einige spätere Marken
1850/1911, sehr reichhaltige Sammlung, nach Stanley Gibbons spezialisiert gesammelt mit Farben, Stempeln, Einheiten und Besonderheiten, dabei viele guten Werte beginnend mit 29 Werten der Sydney Views, danach SG 79-80,6 Werte ex 102/5, über 40 Werte der Ausgabe 1854/59, SG 112 a, 136 b, 280-81 (4), schöner Teil Dienst- und Portomarken, etc. etc.; vieles mit Fotoattest. Ein eindrucksvolles Objekt.
1850/1912 (ca.), reichhaltige Sammlung der Entwertungen, beginnend den frühen Nummernstempeln (mit u.a. 8 Sydney Views), danach die Strahlen-Nummernstempel, und Nummernstempel im Oval, Ortsstempel und besondere Stempel, einige hundert Marken und Briefstücke