380th Auction
16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden
1913, 2pa. on 5pa. ochre yellow, tied by cds. to small piece, fine, scarce, certificate Peters AIEP (2010)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 10p. green, lightly used, very fine, signed Holcombe with certificate (1994) and certificate Peters AIEP (2013)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 20p. rose, used, tiny corner crease, otherwise fine, signed Rommerskirchen BPP and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 1p. blue with lightly cancelled, very fine, signed Bühler and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)
1913, Overprint on Postage Due: 1p. black on rose tied by cds. "VLONE 7- 10 1913" to piece, very fine, signed Pirl, A. Diena und Bügler and certificate Peters AIEP (2013)
1970, Industrial plants 10-80q. tied by cds. "ELBASAN 17. 11 72" to blank cover, some imperfections as often encountered on these, scarce
1943, Freimarken 5Q. schwarzlichgrün und 65W. karminbraun, mit Stempel "TIRANE 11.11.43" auf mehrfach zensiertem Luftpost-R-Brief nach Rom, kleine Altersfleckchen, sonst tadellos, ein seltener Brief
0 1 3Catalogue no.
1913/47, mint never hinged, unused and used group with a.o. Mi.-Nos. 298/312 (3), 359/67 (17) etc.
1913/2002, mostly unused and used collection from Mi.-Nos. 1-2, good part handstamp overprints with a.o. Mi.-No. 16 used, from Mi.-No. 18 in the main numbers apparently complete, also 13 values ex Mi.-Nos. A1460-E1460, mostly good condition
0Catalogue no.
1924, red cross 5 -50 q., block of 20, unmounted mint, some values perforation faults (Mi. 96-99, 2.000,-)
0 4Catalogue no.
1925, Fan Noli 1q. – 1 fr., blocks of 25, unmounted mint, some values perforation faults (Mi. 104-10, 1.875,-)
0 4Catalogue no.
1939, "-Taksë-" 10 q., marginal block of 20, unmounted mint, each signed Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP (Mi.P34 III/IV; 5000,-)