380th Auction
16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden
1852, Crowned Eagle 5c. black/green and 25c. black/brownish, both barely touched at corner otherwise good to large margins, neatly tied by blue horizontal barred cancel with adjacent framed "UFFIZIO POSTALE IN SASSUOLO" and "P.D." to a registered folded entire to Modena, on front single line "RACCOM" and arrival cds. "MODENA 20 GIU 55"; an attractive and very fine cover, signed Diena
"CARPI", so-called 'Cuore' cancel, clear central strike on Sardegna 5 c. light olive yellow on piece, very fine, certificate Colla (2022) (Sassone 13Ca)
1859, Ferdinand II ½-50 Gr., nice and fresh colors, 20 gr. touched at top, otherwise normal to large margins all around, unused, ½-1 gr. signed Diena, 50 gr. with certificate Raybaudi (2008)
1859, Ferdinand II. 5gr. scarlet ("rosso sangue"), deep and fresh color, close to good margins all around, very fine and attractive, signed E. Diena with certificate (1977) (Sassone Nr. 9c)
1851, Lion 2 so. brown-red ("scarlatto chiaro"), fresh color and mostly good margins, just touched at upper left corner, used with grid of diamonds, fine and attractive for this, certificate Raybaudi (1995) (Sassone Nr. 3a)
1941, Airmail 50p. brown, top sheet margin, perforated 12¾:12½ instead of 12¾:11½, unused full original gum, very fine and very scarce (Sassone 1 variety, uncatalogued in Michel), certificate Colla
1934, Oasi Tripoli, 50c. to 4,50l., complete set neatly tied by cds "TRIPOLI POSTA AERO CIRCUITO OASI 18 5 34" to small fragments, very fine and scarce, signed Diena
1905, 15c. on 5a. orange-yellow and 40c. on 10a. lilac, used, 15c. one perf. short otherwise very fine, signed Diena
ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS: 1868, 40c. carmine, horizontal pair (a few short perf.), tied by numeral dotted cancel "235" to front of a folded letter to Italy, departure cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 12 2 68" alongside, reverse arrival cds "GENOVA 10 2 68", very fine and scarce double weight step rate
ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS: 1868, 40c. carmine tied by numeral dotted cancel "235" to front of a folded letter to Italy, departure cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 22 7 68" alongside, reverse arrival cds "GENOVA 26 7 68", usual horizontal file fold away from the adhesive, very fine
1851, 9 Kr. lilarosa, drei Einzelwerte je mit Nummer "8"auf Briefkuvert mit nebengesetztem L2 "BADEN 21.Jan." und L1 "P.D." via Frankreich mit Transit-DKr. "BADE STRASB. AMB.B. 24.JANV.58" und L1 "T.F." nach Neapel mit vorderseitiegem, roten Ovalstempel "E(stero)Franco" und rückseitigem Ankunftsstempel. Die Marken mit Schnittmängeln und waagerechten Bug oben, sonst farbfrische Frankatur in ursprünglicher Erhaltung. Trotz der Einschränkungen eine seltene, portogerecht frankierte Mehrfachfrankatur mit 3 Kr. Postvereinstaxe und 24 Kr. ausgewiesenem Weiterfranko (nach dem Tarif von 1857) nach Sizilien, Fotoattest Stegmüller BPP (2015)
1945/2016, mint never hinged, unused and used stock, including souvenir sheets, stamp booklets etc.
ITALIAN POST OFFICES: 1900/1912 (ca.), specialized collection, unused and used complete with some multiples and covers; overall fine to very fine condition, an attractive assembly of that area
1852/1990, unused and used collection starting with some Italian States, including some better airmail issues including Zeppelins 1933 and squadron flight, plus some mail abroad, etc., mostly good condition
1852/1996 (ca.), unused and used collection in 5 albums, many better sets and individual stamps, incl. Papal States, Romagna, Toscana, Vatican, Italian post offices abroad, etc., also a selection of numeral cancellations, some duplicates; condition poor to very fine, an interesting collection
1852/2016, attractive and comprehensive, unused / mint never hinged and used collection from Italian States with a.o. Papal States Mi.-No. 11 without gum, Naples with Trinacria and Croix de Savoy used, Sardinia Mi.-Nos. 1-3 and 4-6 used, Sicily Mi.-Nos. 6-7 unused, Tuscany with many better as Mi.-. No. 23 used (heavily repaired), from Kingdom on largely complete with Manzoni 5l., all good airmail issues, service Mi.-Nos. 9-10, Guardia Nazionale with good values, parcel stamps with lictor bundle, 1954, Cavalino 1000l., plus Trentino and other occupation issues 1941-43, Trieste and a collection Vatican incl. Provisional, mostly good condition
1855/1995 (ca.), mainly used collection in three binders from some Sardinia/Tuscany and chiefly Kingdom and Republic, slightly mixed condition and some postmarks valuated cautiously.
0 1 3Catalogue no.
1917/34, mostly unused group with various issues incl. complete sets, se-tenants with advertisements and Italian colonies on two stock pages
1924/51, mint never hinged group with better and complete issues, including mint no. 194-200 (FA Bolaffi for mint no. 199-200), 2x mint no. 345-367, mint no. 366B (FB Gazzi) and mint no. 560-75, clean on stockcards
0 1Catalogue no.
1933, squadron flight Rome-Chicago, five pairs of stamps Mi.-Nos. 445-46 each with the same overprint (a.o. BALB), in addition twice Mi.-No. 445 and three times Mi.-No. 446 with different overprints as well as Aegean Islands Mi.-Nos. 121-122, mostly unused, partly with pencil signatures
1892/1981, interesting group of over 150 cards and postal stationary, including few unused postal stationary, various condition
1892/1981, interesting group of over 150 cards and postal stationary, including few unused postal stationary, various condition
1922/1966 (approx.) holding of over 70 with postage due covers and cards, including some fiscal uses on documents.
1941, small collection with six unused and used postal stationary as well as four franked parcel registration cards (overprinted forms), including P11 unused as well as P24 and P25 used, plus three unused overprint postal stationary i.a. from Ital. Occupation Montenegro, good condition
1893/1962, Italy and mainly area/colonies, mint and used balance on stockpages/stockcards, comprising Kingdom, various colonies, nice section Levant offices, Fiume, Aegean Islands, etc.
1893/1934, collection of over two hundred (200) used stamps and some covers, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, starting with Forerunners Egypt tied by cds "MASSAWA 1885", First Issue King Umberto I with better items such as 5l. blue/rose (Mi 11, signed Pfenniger), some covers including Mixed Franking Eritrea 50c., 1l. and East Africa 1.50l. all tied by cds "CECAMERE 31 8 38" to front of registered envelope, reverse arival cds "CASTROCARO 4 9 38", some scarce 1903 postage dues with better items such as 5l. and 10l. blue/karmin (Mi P10I, P11I), also a small group of Italian Ethiopia; overall condition fine to very fine, a very interesting assembly (ex Mi.-Nr. 1/252)
1902/81, collection of hundreds of used stamps and some covers, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, starting with French forerunners 25c. Mouchon tied by cds "TRIPOLI 02" to front of an envelope to Hannover, Italian issues well represented, better items such as 1933 Fair complete set (Mi 177/189), Kingdom of Libya 1951 First Issues study group with 500fr. (Mi 13) and 480fr. (Mi 23) duplicates on and off covers including some usage on parcel cards, later souvenir sheets, postage dues, parcel card stamps, etc., condition varies, overall very fine and impressive assembly (ex Mi.-Nr. 1/955)
1920/42, group of over fourty (40) covers and cards, with multiple frankings, airmails, censored correspondence, a few faults, mostly fine to very fine
1903/25, collection of over a hundred (100) used stamps, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, with better items such as 1924 30b. on 1l. blue/black (Mi 61, signed Diena), also a small group of Djubaland, overall condition is very fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 1/73)
nice range of postmarks, also British Military 1948/50 overprints, condition mostly very fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 82/375)
1926/60, collection of over two hundred (200) stamps and one airmail cover, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, nice range of postmarks, also British Military 1948/50 overprints, condition mostly very fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 82/375)
ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS: 1865/78, collection of four folded entires, one front and a few fragments, neatly mounted and mostly written up on album leaves, including 1863 40c. carmine tied by cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 65" to front of four folded letters, also 20c. yellow-orange tied by boxed shipmail postmark "PIROSCAFI POSTALE ITALIOANI" applied in transit, single line "Da Tunisi" alongside, condition fine to very fine and interesting specialist group
40c. carmine tied by numeral dotted cancel "235" to front of a folded letter to Italy, departure cds "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE 22 7 68" alongside, reverse arrival cds "GENOVA 26 7 68", usual horizontal file fold away from the adhesive, very fine