380th Auction
16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden
1899, Chrysantheme 1s. brown and 2s. green, each as pair tied by cds. "PORT-ARTHUR 20.09.09" to postcards via Chefoo to Tsingtau, China, the card with 1s. underfranked thus taxed, fine
1925, Emperor Yoshihito, 1½s. - 20s., mint never hinged, complete set in blocks of four, fresh, all but one with sheet margins, 20s. small tear on the selvage, fine
1939, National Parks 1s.-20s., complete set in blocks of four with corner sheet margins, a few unobstrusive gum bends, fresh colors, mint never hinged, very fine
1898/1901, Krone/Adler mit diagonalem Aufdruck 10 Pfg. mit Stempel "SHANGHAI DP *b 27.9.00" auf Jahrhundert-Ganzsachenkarte Germania 5 Pfg. mit Stempel "BREMEN 31.1.299" als "Rund um die Welt"-Postkarte mit u.a. Marken und Stempel aus Russische Post in China, Japanische Post in China, Krone/Adler 10 Pfg. mit Stempel "DSP OST-ASIATISCHE LINIE *c 7.2.00" und Japan mit Frankatur für eine R-Karte nach Stuttgart mit Ankunftsstempel vom 11.5.00, Marken zum Teil fehlerhaft bzw. zwei Marken vermutlich montiert. Trotz der Einschränkungen eine seltene und dekorative Verwendung
1872/1949 (ca.), small lot of better stamps in stockbook, several with opinon resp. Certificate Eichhorn BPP, little mixed condition.
1872/1999 (ca.), unused and used collection, collected in both conditions, housed in 9 Leuchtturm SF albums, some good values without gum, later years mostly mnh. Included are Mi. 161-69 unused, 170 unused, 144-47 (2), 180-83, 475 in sheet, Bl. A28, Bl.5, etc.etc
1873/1989, unused/mint and used collection with better values, also national park souvenir sheets as well as souvenir sheet 9, small part Ryukyu, mostly good condition
1876/1923 (ca.), about 3500 stamps in stockbook, with about 1900 values Koban alone; many different cancellations including fiscal ones.
1952/90 (approx.), mostly mint stock Japan and Republic of China from subscription, much in glassine bags, including miniature sheets, FDC's and stamp booklets, in two large boxes. Enormous acquisition value.