Lot no. 10353
380th Auction
3 6 5Catalogue no.
1840/81, postal history exhibit collection, with over fourty (40) covers and two hundred (200) used stamps, starting with 1840 prestamp folded entire tied with "ARAD" handstamp, Austria early issues with Hungarian postmarks, including two covers franked with 1850 3kr. vermilion or 6kr. brown, also a combination of both, tied by cds "FIUME 1858" to front of an envelope to OLMNITZ, Hungary Early Issues with a selection of frankings including 1871 2kr. orange, 3kr. green, 5kr. rose, some telegraph and journal stamps, 1873 5kr. rose postal stationery tied and 10kr. blue adhesive on reverse, tied by cds "NAGY SZEBEN 27 9 73", cover opened for display, also Crown of St Stephen several 5kr. attempts at sheet reconstruction, condition varies, overall fine