382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
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1903/18, Columbus Die Proof without value in black on thick card, together with Vignette Proof of the centre after hardening; very fine and scarce pair
1 "Shilling" on 1m., fresh color and good perforation, unused, very fine, a very rare stamp with only 35 printed, certificate PF (1972)
1903, 8 a. dull mauve and 1 r. green and carmine, used, vf, signed Holcombe with opinion
"GENERAL POST OFFICE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE NO 4 1837", a very fair strike of the crowned oval third dated letterstamp on a folded entire to Graaff-Reinet, endorsed "paid" and "11" with adjacent framed handstamp "POST PAID", both postmarks used at the General Post Office of Cape Town (Goldblatt DLS4, PP2), very fine red seal on the back, small paper holes on the front otherwise fine, a very rare combination of both pre-paid handstamps
1839, entire letter from Cape Town to London, showing on front clear "INDIA LETTER DEAL"
1853, Perkins Bacon 1 d. brick-red on blued paper, used block of four with fresh colours lightly cancelled with CGH obliterator, one stamp slightly touched on one side otherwise good to wide margins, portion of adjoining stamp at top, light horizontal crease not detracting, still very fine, ex Hudson
1863, De La Rue Issue 4d. deep blue as pair, fresh color and close to good margins all around, unused with original gum, fine and attractive
1915, Sansane-Mangu 3 pf. brown, used, few slightly shortened perfs, otherwise fine and rare, signed and certificate BPA (1968)
1895/96, overprint issue 1 r. slate and 5 r., used on registered envelope 1896 with adjacent "AR", to France, on reverse "ADEN REG." and arrival marks, on front red french railway mark. A fine and scarce franking.
1871 (dated 1288): Shahi black, Plate A, position 8, cut square, used on cover to Kabul, cancelled by bite and red sealcancel of Peshawar, very fine
2 a. ultramarin, fresh colours, complete imperforate sheet of eighteen, consisting of three panes leaving the central one as a tête-bêche, unused without gum as issued, showing large part of "HOWARD & JONES LONDON" watermark; horizontal crease at the bottom and a trivial horizontal bend, both not affecting the adhesives, still very fine and rare
1907, Coat of Arms 2 a. ultramarin, fresh colours, complete imperforate sheet of eighteen, consisting of three panes leaving the central one as a tête-bêche, unused without gum as issued; a trivial light horizontal bend, still very fine and rare
1921, Independance 10 p. rose and 30 p. light green, fresh colours, complete unused sheets, 30 p. showing the tête-bêche at position 13, fine and scarce
5 c. dark blue, sheet of 50 with all selvages, with full inscriptions at top, a few hinge reinforcement, separated perfs and trivial gum toning, still fine and very scarce
1892, Americas Discovery 5 c. Trial Colour Proofs (6) on thick card, incl. one in adopted dark blue, sharp impressions, also an official commemorative souvenir card for the stamp issue (toned), very fine and rare assembly
1897, Red Revenue 1 $, Large Overprint, fresh colours, unused with part original gum, pressed crease at left, still fine and very scarce, certificate ECL (2013)
1930, Junk Issue 1c. on 3c. green slate as block of eight with additional frankinf tied by dotted cds. "SHANGHAI 19 11 36| 19" to front and reverse of registered cover to Munich, fine
6Catalogue no.259
1932, Martyr of Revolution 30 c. violet-brown, tied by bilingual cds. "TIENTSIN 6 AUG 35" to airmail envelope with full correpondence to Sining (Tibetan Ziling, actual Qinghai province), on front further strike on label "PAR AVION", due to the heavy Japanese bombings detoured via "NANJING (8 September)" and "LANCHOW (12 September)", from there final part overland; a minor envelope tear, very fine and most unusal, opinion Flack (2008)
1897, Postal Stationery Card 1c. red with additional franking German PO China 5 Pfg. with cds. "TIENTSIN 26/4", addressed to Stetting with arrival mark, reverse with two handcolored scenes, attractive
1909, 1c. green postal stationery card with additional franking First Year 3-7c. with cds. "CHEFOO 27 SEP 29" and adhesives of 5 other countries, vertical crease, otherwise fine
1894, "SHANGHAI LOCAL POST MR 28.94", blue cds. reverse on local entire letter with multicoloured drawing and red handstamp "PAID", fine, nice cover
1915, small pre-printed official envelope of the Imperial Japanese post office at Tientsin, sent locally with dispatch and arrival marks on reverse
1793, Entire letter from Puerto to San Juan de Giron, fully dated inside, endorsed in manuscript "en su mano" and very likely carried by Chasquis; some worm holes and aging, still a presentable entire travelled within the Viceroyalty of Grenada
1810, Entire letter to Antioquia sent pre-paid with fair strike of red framed "SANTAFÉ YINDYAS FRANCA“, endorsed in manuscript "6“ reales; very fine, an attractive early post-Independence entire
1932, Columbus 20 c. Plate Proofs, a complete sheet of 100 from the Waterlow Archives, fully annotated and worked on with security punches, together with a lower left corner block of four endorsed "Colour Correct 29.6.32", also 20 c. dark green overprinted "WATERLOW & SONS L.T.D. SPECIMEN" mounted on small numbered card, the sheet folded several times and with some light aging, still a fine and rare assembly
COLONIAL PERIOD: 1796, cover front of a registered mail from Cuba to Santander carried by brigantine "La Divina Pastora", with red oval "HAVANA Franco", alongside two-line "ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO", both struck twice, endorsed on the reverse "3 de Septiembre 1796", some usual minor soiling and wrinkles, with large part of the back missing. Earliest ship´s register mail recorded from Cuba to Spain and extremely rare combination of postmarks, ex "Nuevo Mundo"
1946, Tobacco Industry, sunken Essay in green without value, mounted on a larger card, very fine and rare
1951/54, Queen Isabella 50 c. original artist project in watercolour on thick cardboard, together with 30 c. and 5 s. Trial Colour Proofs (3) in blocks of four, artist´s drawing slight peripheral toning, otherwise a very fine and rare specialist assembly
1866, 20 pa., 2 copies, tied by clear "POSTE VICEREALI CAIRO 6 FEB. 66" to entire letter to Suez with arrival mark. Very fine and scarce.
1866, 1 pia. lilac, tied by part of blue-black "POSTE VICEREALI EGIZIANE CAIRO 20 MAG 67", with additional strike alongside, to entire letter with combination franking Italy De ia Rue 60 c., tied by numeral "234", with adjacent cds. of Alessandria and boxed "PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI" to Italy. A fine and rare combination cover,
2 pia. orange-yellow, perf 12½, diagonally bisect, upper left half, tied by blue "POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE CAIRO 27 LUG 67" to entire letter to Alexandria with arrival mark. Very fine and attractive.
Provenance: 64. Corinphila auction (1981)
1867, 20 pa. green 2 copies, tied by cds. " V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE MINIE 5 DIC 69" to entire letter to Cairo with arrival mark, one stamp tiny creasing, still fine/very fine
1867, 1 piastre red, tied by cds. "POSTE VICE-REALI EGEZIANE CAIRO 6 NOV. 68" to envelope with additional franking Austrian Levante forerunner 1864, 15 kreuzer, tied by cds. "ALEXANDRIA 7/11", to LeipzigSaxony, with transit- and arrival marks. Small part of reverse flap missing, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare combination cover. Certificate Prof. Ferchenbauer AIEP (2004)
1867, 1 pi. red, tied by black 'retta' as the Volos Consular Post Office datestamp had yet to be placed in use, to entire letter from Volos to Trieste, dated inside '11/23 July 1870' (Gregorian resp. Julian calender), franked with Egypt The cover travelled with the Khedivial Mail Line to Syros with frontside "SYROS 12 JULY 70", rated '25' lepta in blue crayon (equal to 10 kreuzer to be paid by the recipient) and was forwarded to the Austrian Lloyd express line from Constantinople to Triest.; on reverse Trieste arrival cds (July 28). An outstanding and unique entire - the Consular Office on Volos was announced to open on July 14, 1870, thus this cover was mailed on the second of the (weekly) services. Signed A. Diena, A. Bolaffi and Todd, Certificate F. Zanetti (1999).
Provenance: Peter A.S. Smith (Corinphila 2015)