382nd Auction

18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1833



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for1.300 €

COLONIAL PERIOD: 1796, cover front of a registered mail from Cuba to Santander carried by brigantine "La Divina Pastora", with red oval "HAVANA Franco", alongside two-line "ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO", both struck twice, endorsed on the reverse "3 de Septiembre 1796", some usual minor soiling and wrinkles, with large part of the back missing. Earliest ship´s register mail recorded from Cuba to Spain and extremely rare combination of postmarks, ex "Nuevo Mundo"

Lot no.1854



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for750 €

"ACAJUTLA": very fair strike in black together with straightline handstamp "FRANCA" on a folded entire from Sonsonate to Liverpool, endorsed in manuscript "P. Columbus West India Mail", reverse transit cds. "PANAMA MY22 1861", "LONDON" and arrival "LIVERPOOL 13 JU 61" on front. Archival vertical fold and some slight aging, otherwise fine and very rare

Lot no.1942



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

VENEZUELA-SPAIN: 1848, Commercial lettersheet endorsed inside "La Guaira Mayo 21 de 1848" to San Sebastian, Spain, with very fair strikes of the red postmarks "YNDIAS" and "5R" (reales) struck on arrival at Spanish port, unclear red arrival cds. "SAN SEBATIAN" on reverse, some age stains and small tear, still fine and very scarce

Lot no.2024



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €

1848, Entire lettersheet from Pernambuco, Brasil to Hernut, Saxony, endorsed in manuscript "p. Columbus", landed in Scottland with framed "20 NO 1848 LIVERPOOL SHIP" on reverse (SG-Nr. 14Q), London red transit cds., scarce framed entry mark "AMERICA per ENGLAND" applied in Aachen (V. d. Linden-Nr. 112); slight aging otherwise fine, very scarce

Lot no.10480



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for850 €

1862/64, group of eleven folded lettersheets from New York to Aix La Chapelle (Aachen), most franked at the double rate with Benjamin Franklin 30 c. orange, other with 20 cents or 21 cents frankings, various endorsements "per Australasian", "P. Africa", etc., diverse cancellations incl. negative Four-Point Star or Barred Circle, all with arrival handstamps; mixed condition, scarce group

Lot no.10482



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

1870/72, Group of four covers to Sweden, all with various frankings, incl. a rare usage of the 1869 Pictorial 10 cts. with 2 cts. tied by ring cancel, overpaying the 11 cents rate via North German Union, cover struck in red with the German accountancy mark "Wfr. 1½" (very early example of the newly introduced tariff); some faults but a very unusual assembly