383rd Auction
14–15 & 18–23 March 2024 in Wiesbaden
6Catalogue no.
1896, official envelope with the return address of the Secretary-General of the Greek Olympic Committee, used locally from "ATHENS 29 MAR. 1896" (4th day of the games) with adjacent violet cachet. Little roughly opened, otherwise fine and fresh. A rare item.
6Catalogue no.
1896, Greek Olympic Committee newspaper wrapper (open on three sides), used locally from "ATHENS 3 APR. 1896" (last day of the games) with adjacent red cachet. Very fine and rare.
6Catalogue no.
1896, Greek Olympic Committee newspaper wrapper (open on three sides), used locally from "ATHENS 1 APR. 1896" (8th day of the games) with adjacent violet cachet. Very fine and rare.
3Catalogue no.96-107
3Catalogue no.96-107
3Catalogue no.ex96-107
1 l. – 10 dr., except 2 l. and 10 l. complete set with Piräus cancellations during the Games
6Catalogue no.96-98,100
1 l., 2 l.(2), 5 l. and 20 l. (rounded corner), tied by c.d.s. "ATHENS 29 MAR 1896"(5th day of the games), two decorative envelope of the 'Hotel Grande Bretagne' to England with arrival mark's. backflap missing, otherwise fine. A rare non-philatelic usage during the games.
6Catalogue no.96,97,99
1 l. with seven copies 2 l. and 10 l., tied by c.d.s. "ATHENS 7/ 1 APR. 1896" (8th day of the games) to decorative commercial envelope to France, with arrival mark. Fine and rare non-philatelic usage during the games to abroad.
6Catalogue no.96-104
1 l. – 1dr., tied by cds. "ATHENS 3/ 20 OCT 1896" to registered letter to Germany with arrival mark, very fine.
(6)Catalogue no.100
20 l., tied by c.d.s. "PATRAS 2 APR.96"(9th day of the games) to uncomplete printed matter (front and backflap with arrival mark) to Paris. Stamp with tiny scratch.
6Catalogue no.100,99
20 l. and 10 l., two copies each, tied to small registered envelope from "ATHENS 3/ 13 SEPT 1896" to New York, with transit- and arrival marks. Small transportation marks.
3 4Catalogue no.103
60 l., block of four (lower pair split and strengthened by hinges), with clear "ATHENS 3/ 2 APR. 1896" (9th day of the Games). One central perf damaged, otherwise fine.
2Catalogue no.ex 103-107
60 l. - 10 dr., 1923, reprints of the original dies, two die proofs and 5 plate proofs in different colours
2Catalogue no.104 proof
2Catalogue no.105
6Catalogue no.105
2 dr., tied to small registered envelope from Syros 1897 two Germany, with arrival mark. Very fine and rare.
2Catalogue no.107 proof
6Catalogue no.107
10 dr., tied by c.d.s. "ATHENS 5/4 NOV. 97" and additionally with Constantinople arrival mark, to small envelope to the Banque Imperial at Constantinople. Stamp trivial wrinkle when applied; very fine and rare.
3Catalogue no.
"ATHENS 1" to "ATHENS 9", strikes of all 9 post offices on different values, fine/very fine
3 5Catalogue no.
MARITIME MARKINGS: 30 stamps and pieces with mostly different markings, including several agency markings, Italian markings, LLOYD AUSTRIACO, VAPORE DAL LEVANTE, PLEINE MER, etc.
3 5Catalogue no.
1897, Turkish war security markings, 14 stamps, multiples and pieces with different markings
0 1 3 5 4Catalogue no.

1896, Olympic issue, unused and mostly used balance, including six 10 dr.-values, different types of cancellations, railway cancels, stamps used during the games incl. first day, etc. Very interesting lot.
6 (6) 5Catalogue no.
1896, Olympic issue, 28 covers and cards, 1 front and 1 large piece with different frankings, including 3 registered items to abroad and nice frankings
6Catalogue no.119-120
25 on 40 l. and 50 on 2 dr., tied by c.d.s. "PIRAEUS 11..1901" to registered envelope to well known philatelist A.E. Glasewald at Gössnitz, with arrival mark. Very fine and scarce.
2Catalogue no.144-147,151 proof
1906, 1-5 l. and 30 l. , die proofs in issued colours on cards, 5 l. crease, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.150
25 l. in vertical pair, with c.d.s. "ATHENS 9/ APR 11 19.." to special envelope "KOMITEN FOR SVERIGES DELTAGANDE I OLYMPISKA SPELEN I ATHEN 190 CENTRALPALATSET, STOCKHOLM", to Helsingborg, Sweden, with Athens registered label on reverse and on front Helsingborg registered label. On reverse 5 l. and pair 10 l. uncancelled. Light transportation marks. A very scarce.
1Catalogue no.151DD
6Catalogue no.154
6Catalogue no.155
2 dr. with clear strike "STADION 16 APR.06" (8th day of the games), on cover to Brussels, with arrival mark. Very fine and rare
6Catalogue no.155
2 dr., tied to registered envelope from Athens 1910 to Germany with arrival mark. Very fine and rare.
3 6Catalogue no.

1906, Athens, about 50 cards and covers and some single stamps, including special cancellations, picture cards , entires with vignettes, etc.