385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1181



Catalogue no.Tür.87

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €

1904, "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SAJADA", violetter Ovalstempel auf Türkei 1901,10 Pa. auf Ansichtskarten nach Korfu. Etwas unfrisch. Sehr selten. Fotoattest Goller BPP (2024)


Lot no.1182



Catalogue no.Öster.Lev.54

Opening1.000 €
Sold for800 €

1910, "Agenzia DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO 25 MAR.1910 SAJADA (Epiro)", violetter Ra.4 auf Österreich Levante 1908, 20 Pa. auf Ansichtskarten nach Triest. Sehr selten. Fotoattest Goller BPP (2021)


Lot no.1183



Catalogue no.8II

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €

1861, Grands médaillons Leopold I 20 c. blue, fresh color and close to good margins, unused, fine 

Lot no.1184



Catalogue no.206K

Opening300 €
Sold for340 €

1927, Airmail 1 l. on 6 l. with overprint inverted, used, fine, rare, certificate Karaivanoff (2003) and RPS (2006)

Lot no.1185



Catalogue no.38,40A

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €

1921, 5m. single and 10m. as vertical pair tied by cds. "WILNO 17 III 22" to cover to Russia with transit mark of Moscow on reverse, very scarce, fine, signed Korzsen and Petriuk PZF with certificate (2021) 

Lot no.1186



Catalogue no.38A, 40A, 41A

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €

1921, 5m. and 10m. and strip of three 20m. tied by cds. "WILNO 1 20.II.22" to reverse of registered express cover to Krakow, very fine and rare, signed Schmutz and Petriuk PZF with the latters certificate (2021)

Lot no.1187
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.605 proof

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €

1950, skiing 1,50 kc., die proof and die proof of the central design only, both in ultramarine on white paper

Lot no.1188



Catalogue no.2I

Opening600 €
Sold for800 €

1852, 2 R.B.S., Thiele printing, plate I, type 3, fresh color and good to wide margins all around, neatly tied by numeral “1” to printed matter, dated “Bergen 19/3 1855”, privately forwarded to Copenhagen, and delivered by foot post with adjacent oval “F. 7½ ¼ 55 P.”, a very fresh and scarce entire, signed Möller with certificate (2013)

Lot no.1189



Catalogue no.2I

Opening500 €
Sold for450 €

1852, 2 R.B.S., Thiele printing, plate I, type 6, fresh color and close to wide margins all around, neatly tied by numeral “1” and foot post handstamp “F. 8 23 9 53 P” to folded letter, the letter with small wrinkles, otherwise a fine and scarce entire, certificate Nielsen (2000)

Lot no.1190



Catalogue no.2II

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €

1852, 2 R.B.S., fresh color, good to wide margins all around, used with numeral “1”, fine, a.o. signed Grobe

Lot no.1191



Catalogue no.2II

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €

1851, Thiele Printing 2 rbs. blue, Plate II, Position 64, good to large margins all around, used with circular numeral “1” COPENHAGEN, very fine, certificate Möller (Facit 1II)

Lot no.1192



Catalogue no.3+8+13,15

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, 2 s. blue in combination with 1858 8s. green and 1864 4s. red and 16s. olive, all fresh colors, good margins and perforation, neatly tied by numeral “1” to folded lettersheet via Lübeck to London with arrival mark on front, very fine, a beautiful and attractive entire with 4-color-franking over three different issues, certificate Möller (1998)

Provenance: Dr. Gene Scott (Postiljonen, 2000)

Lot no.1193



Catalogue no.3,5+10+13A

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, 2 s. blue and 8s. green in combination with 1863 16 s. violet, rouletted and 1864 4s. red, fresh colors, all tied by numeral “3” to folded letter via Lübeck to London with arrival mark on front, vertical file fold touching 1864 4s. red, otherwise an attractive entire with scarce 4 color-franking over three different issues, sign. M. Kurt Maier Berlin

Lot no.1194



Catalogue no.5+12A

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, 8 s. green in combination with 1864 3s. violet as horizontal pair, fresh colors, good margins and mostly good perforations, all tied by numeral “19” to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. “FREDERIKSHAVN 15 5 1867” to London, from the famous Westenhoff-Correspondence, with the usual changed name in the address, a very attractive and scarce entire

Lot no.1195



Catalogue no.5, 13A

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

1854, 8 sh. green, of fresh colours and with four balanced margins, tied together with 4 sh. red by circular numeral cancellation to folded lettersheet from Copenhagen to Königsberg, alongside departure cds. “KOPENHAGEN KB 5.9” and framed “FRANCO”, transmitted via railway with reverse three-line TPO “BERLIN HAMBURG” and arrival cds., 4 sh. a couple of pulled perfs, still fine and very scarce franking, certificate Möller

Lot no.1196



Catalogue no.D2B

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1871, Coat of arms 4s. rose, perf. 12½, horizontal pair tied by numeral “45” with adjacent cds. “NIBE 8/10” to parcel cover to Hobro, left stamp light filing fold, otherwise fine and scarce

Lot no.1197 °
For lots marked with a circle (°) next to the lot number an additional 7% VAT on the hammer price will be charged. This charge does not apply to dealers outside Germany and within the European Union with a turnover tax identification number.



Catalogue no.2-6

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €

1940/41, surcharge issue 20 o. – 60 o., mint never hinged, vf, certificate Dr. Debo (1984)

Lot no.1198



Catalogue no.2x

Opening120 €
Sold for140 €

1856, Coat of arms 10k. red, fresh color and good margins all around, used with pen stroke, fine, sign Matl VÖB

Lot no.1199



Catalogue no.2x

Opening300 €
Sold for800 €

1856, Coat of arms 10k. red, fresh color and close to good margins all around, tied by boxed “BRAHESTAD. 10 DEC 1858” and pen stroke to folded letter to Stromedal, fine

Lot no.1200



Catalogue no.2x

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €

1856, Coat of arms 10k. red, fresh color and good margins all around, tied by boxed “GAMLECARLEBY 26 APRIL 1857” to folded lettersheet to Uleaborg, sensibly cleaned, the stamp light ageing, otherwise fine, certificate Schwenson (2016)

Lot no.1201



Catalogue no.2x

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €

1856, Coat of arms 10k. red, fresh color, very close at the sides, good margins at top and bottom, tied by boxed “WIBORG  JUL 1856” to cover front, fine, certificate Linder (1973)

Lot no.1202



Catalogue no.6A,9C

Opening300 €
Sold for560 €

1866, Coat of arms 8 p. green on ordinary paper, horizontal pair, together with 40 p. lilac on blueis-lilac ribbed paper, fresh colors, all tied by cds. “FREDERIKSHAMN 20/9” to envelope, endorsed “via St. Petersburg”, to Lichtensteig, Switzerland, with arrival mark. The pair in good condition, 40 p. a few short perfs, some light ageing and transport wear, an attractive and scarce entire, certificate Schwenson (2016)

Lot no.1203
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.400 proof

Opening100 €
Sold for460 €

1952, Olympic Games 7+1 m., 3 colour proofs in green, yellow green and black green on presentation card, dated 5.10.51

Lot no.1204



Catalogue no.2b

Opening3.000 €
Sold for2.400 €

1849/50: Ceres 15 c. dark-green 'vert foncé', two singles, fresh colors and good margins all around, tied by two neat strikes of the “Paris Star” to small 2nd weight folded cover with adjacent cds. “PARIS 8 MARS” to Montagne. The left hand adhesive light vertical file fold and corner crease, one sideflap missing, of exceptional rarity as this stamp was primarily used for the “drop letter” rate within Paris, signed Roumet and certificate Calves (2007) (Yvert 2b)

Lot no.1205



Catalogue no.4a

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €

1849, Cérès 25 c. blue, fresh colours, good margins all around, unused without gum, very fine, signed and certificate Scheller (2025)

Lot no.1206


2 4

Catalogue no.4ND, Proofs

Opening300 €
Sold for280 €

1849, Cérès 25 c. blue, lovely group of 9 proofs, one on China paper, three on rose paper, five (including an horizontal strip of three) on carton paper of varying thickness (one single with light vertical crease), together with a Granet reprint from 1862, mostly in fresh and very fine condition

Lot no.1207A



Catalogue no.6

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.600 €

1 Fr. vermillon vif, beautiful fresh and vivid shade, full to large margins, used with clear grid, minor scuff at lower right corner, tiny nick at lower left corner, a fine copy of this rare stamp, signed A. Brun and certificate Roumet (2019)

Lot no.1207


1 4

Catalogue no.4ND

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €

25 c. blue, 1862 reprint in block of four, good to large margins all around, unused, a couple of tiny toned spots and a negligible tiny lower right corner crease, still fine, certificate Scheller (2025) (Yvert-Nr. 4d)

Lot no.1208



Catalogue no.7

Opening8.000 €
Sold for6.400 €

1 Fr. vermilion, beautiful fresh and vivid shade and full to large margins, tied by clear grid with adjacent c.d.s. "COGNAC 3 FEVR. 49" to entire letter to Angouleme. Despite a tiny rub in the upper right corner in flawless condition. A very fine and rare stamp on early entire. Several signatures, certificates von der Weid (1978) and  Philatelic Experts (2024)

Lot no.1209



Catalogue no.16,13

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

1853, Napoleon 80 c. and 20 c. (applied with missing corner), tied to lettersheet from "LA BASTIDE 6 FEV. 60" to Frederikshall, Norway. A register handstamp next to the franking overstamped with boxed "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT". The franking was not accepted and upon arrival the letter was taxed with "26" skilling. On front transit mark "SVINESUND 15 2 1860". An interesting letter with unusual destination.

Lot no.1210



Catalogue no.35, 45, 47, 51

Opening150 €
Sold for140 €

1870, Cérés 40 c. orange in combination with 1871 1 c. bronze, 4 c. grey and 25 c. blue, each neatly tied by large dotted lozenge “2915” alongside cds. “POITIERS 20 DEC. 75” to commercial folded entire to La Rochelle, reverse arrival cds the next day. A fine and scarce four-colour and two-issues franking, signed Scheller

Lot no.1211



Catalogue no.41,43,44

Opening400 €
Sold for320 €

1870/71, Bordeaux issue 20 c. blue (Type III, report 2) just touched at right, large margined 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine on rose, all tied by gros chiffres “3176”, (Rocheservière (Vendée)) to registered cover to Nantes, adjacent straight line "CHARGÈ" in red and endorsed as containing 'Milles Francs' at top in manuscript. One flap missing and re-inforced sensibly on reverse, a splendid and rare three colour franking, signed Baudot and Calves, certificate Vachat (2010)

Lot no.1212



Catalogue no.28

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €

JULES FAVRE No.1 (most likely), entire letter with lauré 20 c. (applied defective), tied by cds. "PARIS R. CARDINAL LEMOINE 14 OCT." to Cauterets with transit "BORDEAUX A IRUN 20 OCT." and arrival mark of October 21, signed Calves

Lot no.1213



Catalogue no.34

Opening700 €
Sold forUnsold

“LE VILLE D´ORLÉANS”: entire letter with Cérès 20 c. blue tied by dotted lozenge “A.R.A.M” with alongside cds. “ARMÉE DU RHIN 22 NOV Bau AM” and boxed “PP”, sent to occupied territory Versailles, small imperfections of no importance, extremely scarce cancellation, certificate Soluphil (2003)

Lot no.1214



Catalogue no.34

Opening450 €
Sold for520 €

“LE VILLE D´ORLÉANS”: La Gazette des Absents N°9 with Cérès 20 c. blue tied upon arrival by large dotted lozenge “3880” with reverse cds. “St VALERY-S-SOMME 22 DEC. 70”, very fine, interesting text “… I have been told that a balloon would leave from the north tonight, so I came back home early to write a letter and make it carry…”. A rare `pli confié´ with this scarce balloon, certificate A. Roumet (2008)

Lot no.1215



Catalogue no.33

Opening750 €
Sold forUnsold

“LE VILLE D´ORLÉANS”: la Gazette des Absents N°9 with Cérès 10 c. yellow-brown in vertical pair tied by dotted lozenge “A.R.13°C.” and alongside cds. “ARMÉE DU RHIN Bau AL”, sent to Caen with reverse arrival cds., fine. Extremely scarce  military cancellation with this balloon, certificate P. Roumet (1997)
