385th Auction
24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden
"MANTOVA", Ra ohne Datum, jeweils sauber abgeschlagen als zusätzliche Entwertung auf Österreich Maschinenpapier 6 Kreuzer braun und 9 Kreuzer blau, mit EKr. "OLMÜTZ 13/5" Vorder- bzw. rückseitig auf eingeschriebener Briefhülle (unterer Teil der Vorderseite und 2 Seitenklappen fehlend), nach Modena und offensichtlich mehrfach nach-bzw. zurückgesandt mit 4 Ankunftsstempeln von Molina zwischen dem 17. Mai und 14. Juli. Ein – trotz der Beschädigung – interessanter und außerordentlich seltener Brief mit auf Marken äußerst seltenem Stempel. Mehrfach signiert, Fotoattest the Alberto Diena (1974) Raybaudi (1976) und Ferchenbauer (2011)
Grande frammento affrancato per 9 Kr. (Austria) ed un 6 Kr. al verso diretto a Modena, annullato in transito con il bollo in cartella di “Mantova” normalmente usato per le ricevute. Inusuale.
1713, "SANIT MONIS..." disinfection dry seal applied on lettersheet to Casale Monferrato, one of the earliest sanitation seal, signed Vollmeier
1734, "AR. DITALIE" on folded entire to Paris, tax "12" sous, fine and scarce mail from the Polish Succession War (1733-1735)
Italian Shipmail: 1836, unpaid folded letter from Genova with “VAPORI TOSCANI/QAGENZIA DI GENOVA” cachet showing a steamer in black to Livorno, fine
1852, Papal coat of arms ½ black on blue-gray, block of 8, fresh color, touched in places, two stamps “otto filetti”, tied by grill to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. “FOSSOMBRONE 15 MAG 56” to San Gemini, some minor aging, a very scarce, and one of the largest recorded, multipe, sign. Colla with certificate (2004)
1852, Papal coat of arms ½ black on violet-gray, block of 10 from the upper right sheet corner with gutter at left, wide margins all around, the upper 5 stamps “otto filetti”, used with clear grill cancel, vertical crease between 3. and 4. vertical row, small creases, one stamp shallow thin, minor aging, otherwise fine, a very attractive and scarce multiple
1852, Papal coat of arms ½ black on violet-gray, horizontal strip of four, fresh color, touched in places, tied by grill to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. “TERRACINA 2 GUI 67” and cachet of the papal delegation of Velletri, to Maenza, attractive entire, signed Vespermann BPP with certificate and certificate A. Diena (1974)
1852, Papal coat of arms 1 black on dark-green, horizontal strip of five with gutter pair, fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by grill to folded letter with adjacent cds. to Florence, a fine and scarce entire
1852, Papal coat of arms 1 black on dark-green, horizontal gutter pair, fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by cds. “GUARCINO 8 AGO 65” with adjacent straight-line “GUARCINO” to folded letter to Rome, minor aging, otherwise fine, scarce, signed Colla with certificate (2014)
1852, Papal coat of arms 1 black on dark-green, block of six, with two gutter pairs, fresh color, touched in places, tied by cds. “BOLOGNA” to small piece, attractive and scarce, signed E. Diena with certificate (1990)
1852, Papal coat of arms 2 baj. on green, block of six with lower sheet margin, fresh color and wide margins all around with parts of adjoining stamps at left and top, used with grill, few thins in margin only, a very fine and attractive multiple, signed A. Diena with certificate (1974)
Provenance: 118. Corinphila Auction (1999)
1852, Papal coat of arms 3 baj. on brown, horizontal gutter pair, fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by grille to small piece, minor aging, otherwise fine, signed E. Diena with certificate (1992)
1852, Papal coat of arms 6 baj. on violet-gray, block of four, fresh color and mostly good margins, just touched at upper right, used with cds. “BOLOGNA”, an attractive multiple, signed Sorani with certificate (1993)
1852, Papal coat of arms 6 baj. on gray, vertical strip of three with “distanza di gruppo” between 1st and 2nd. stamp, used with grill, fine, signed A. Diena with certificate (1974)
1852, Papal coat of arms 7 baj. on blue, block of six, fresh color and good margins all around, used with grill “Civita Castellana”, horizontally folded between stamps, few minor wrinkles, scarce and attractive multiple, signed A. Diena with certificiate (1968)
1852, Papal coat of arms 50 baj. blue, with additioanl franking of 8 baj. on white, single and horizontal pair and single 6 baj. on gray, fresh colors, 50 baj. with good margins, the others partly touched, tied by grille and pen cross (partly weakened) to folded letter with adjacent cds. “ROME” to Torino, vertical file fold trhough right stamp of pair, 50 baj small corner crease, despite imperfections an attractive entire, certificate Bottachi (2003)
1852, Papal coat of arms 50 baj. dark-blue, worn impression, fresh color and good margins on three sides, barely touched at right, without gum, scarce, signed Colla with certificate (2014)
1867, Papal coat of arms on glossy paper 2 c. on green, horizontal strip of five with gutter between 3rd. and 4th stamp (separating group III and IV), fresh color and good margins all around, tied by cds. “TOSCANELLA 12 AGO 68” to folded letter to Vetralla, left stamp minor corner crease, otherwise a very fine and rare entire, with only three gutter pairs on cover known, a.o. signed E. Diena with certificate and certificate Bottachi (2005)
1867, 3 cmi. gray-rose, good margins with dividing lines on all sides, unused with large part original gum, very fin. Signed Alberto Diena with certificate (1973) (sassone 14)
1867, Papal coat of arms on glossy paper 80 c. on rose, horizontal gutter pair, fresh color, fresh color, used with mute cancellation, a scarce multiple, signed and certificate A. Diena (1965) and E. Diena (2002)
1867, Papal coat of arms 10-80c., fresh colors and good perforations, tied by grill to small piece with adjacent cds. “ROMA 14 LUG”, 40c. one missing perf, otherwise fine and attractive 4-color-franking, signed Raybaudi with certificate (1995)
1867, Papal coat of arms 20 c. red-lilac on normal paper and 80 c. on glossy paper, fresh color and good perforation, tied by grille to folded letter (one sideflap missing) with adjacent cds. “ROMA 27 NOV” to Genoa with adjacent straight-line “VIA DI SVIZZERA”, 20c. minor wrinkle, light aging, otherwise fine and attractive
1852, Coat of arms, with period after value, 1 l. black, fresh color and good margins, tied by black cancel to small piece, fine, signed E. Diena and certificates Fiechhi (1974) and Raybaudi (1983)
1852, Coat of arms, with period after value, 1 l. black and 40 c. blue, fresh color and 1l. good margins, 40 c. close at right, tied by black bars with adjacent cds. “CARRARA 16 OTT” to folded letter to Philadelphia, vertical file fold through 40c., otherwise fine and attractive, a scarce entire form the known Vito Viti correspondence, signed E. Diena with certificate (1979)
1852, Coat of arms, without period after value, 5 c. green, fresh color and good perforation all around, tied by black bars to registered folded letter with adjacent fancy “CARPI” and straight-line “RACOMM” to Modena with arrival mark, fine
1852, Coat of arms, without period after value, 5 c. green, 10c. rose and 25c. brownish all fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by black bards to folded lettersheet to Milan with arrival mark, 10c. touched at lower right, otherwise a fine and attractive 3-color franking
40 c. “celeste”, fresh color and good margins, used with “grigletta”, scarce, natural inclusion at top, fine
40 c. “celeste”, fresh color and good margins, used with blue bars and small ink stroke, fine, signed Diena
1852, 25 c. on green, the error of color, fresh color and good margins, with greenish administrative cancellation, fine
1859, Coat of arms 5 c. green, horizontal pair, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, signed Senf
1859, Coat of arms 5 c. blueish-green, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, fine, signed Bühler
1859, Coat of arms 5 c. green and two singles 20 c. violett, fresh color and good margins all around, tied by boxed “PAVULLO *" to small piece, with one 20 c. showing additional straight-line “RAC”, very fine, an attractive piece with rare cancellation, signed E. Diena and certificate Cardillo
1859, Coat of arms 5 c. dark-green, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, a.o. signed Schlesinger
1859, Coat of arms 20 c. dark-violez, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, signed Sorani with certificate (2007)
“Doppio ovale con aquila”, good and complete strike on two singles 1852 10c. rose, fresh color and good margins, on small piece with adjacent cds. “MODENA 9 OCT”, fine and attractive, signed G. Bolaffi and Raybaudi with certificate (1993)
1859, 10c. black, fresh color and wide margins all around, unused, very fine, signed and certificate Chiavarello (2002)