385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1345



Catalogue no.1

Opening1.000 €

1851, Victor Emanuel II. 5c. black, fresh color and close to wide margins, unused, reverse tiny age spot, otherwise fine, scarce, a.o. signed Köhler

Lot no.1346



Catalogue no.1,3

Opening1.500 €

1851, Victor Emanuel II. 5c. black, two singles and single 40c. rose-carmine, fresh colors and large margins to just in, tied by grid of diamonds to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. “ANNECY 11 NOV” to Lyon with red P.D. alongside, left 5c. small scissors-cut at bottom right, sideflaps reduced, minor aging, a rare and attractive combination franking of the first issue, signed E. Diena and Cardillo with certificates (1994;2014)

Provenance: Rarity Sale 2009 (Robert A. Siegel)

Lot no.1347



Catalogue no.2

Opening1.200 €

1851, Victor Emanuel II. 20c. blue, fresh color, good to wide margins, unused, very fine and attractive, a.o. signed Köhler with certificate (1939)

Provenance: 101. Heinrich Köhler-Auction (1939)

Lot no.1348



Catalogue no.2

Opening120 €

1851, Victor Emanuel II. 20c. light-blue, first printing, fresh color and good margins all around, used with clear strikes of “Nodi di Savoia”, fine, signed Cardillo with certificate (2014)

Lot no.1349



Catalogue no.3

Opening600 €

1851, Vittorio Emanuele 40 cmi. rose, nice fresh deep colour and ample to large margins, unused without gum. Very fine; a rare stamp. Signed Colla with certificate (2024)

Lot no.1350



Catalogue no.4

Opening250 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II. 5c. blueish-green, horizontal pair, fresh color and good margins all around, used with clear cds. “TORINO 4 FEB”, very fine and attractive, a.o. signed E. Diena with certificate (1980)

Lot no.1351



Catalogue no.4

Opening120 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II.  5c. blueish-green, fresh color and good margins, used with clear cds. “TORINO 11 FEBB”, fine, signed E. Diena

Lot no.1352



Catalogue no.4

Opening120 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II.  5c. blueish-green, fresh color and good margins, used with clear cds. “ARONA 10 DIC”, very fine, signed Köhler

Lot no.1353



Catalogue no.4,6

Opening400 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II.  5c. blueish-green, vertical pair and 40 c. rose, fresh colors, mostly good margins, 40c. slightly touched, tied by cds. “THONON 9 AVR 54” to small envelope to Paris with red “P.D.” and entry marking on front. The pair with minor creasing not detracting from appearance of an extremely scarce cover, signed A. Diena and P. Vaccari

Lot no.1354



Catalogue no.6

Opening800 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II. 40c. rose, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, signed Köhler

Lot no.1355



Catalogue no.6

Opening150 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II. 40c. rose, fresh color and good margins all around, used, very fine, signed Thier

Lot no.1356



Catalogue no.6

Opening120 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II. 40c. rose, fresh color and mostly good margins, close at upper left, tied by clear cds. “TORINO 15 OTTO 53” to small piece, fine and attractive, signed

Lot no.1357



Catalogue no.6

Opening200 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II. 40c. rose, fresh color and good margins with 4,5mm bottom sheet margin, tied by clear cds. “MACOMER 28 GIU 55” to large part of cover, very fine and attractive, signed Cardillo with certificate (2016)

Lot no.1358



Catalogue no.6,7

Opening300 €

1853, Embossed Victor Emmanuel II. 40c. rose in combination with horizontal pair 1854 5 c. green, fresh colors and good margins all around, tied by cds. with adjacent boxed “TIMBRE INSUFFISANT” to small piece, fine and attractive, signed Scheller

Lot no.1359



Catalogue no.7,9

Opening400 €

1854, Victor Emmanuel II. 5c. yellowish-green, horizontal pair and single 40 c. rose, fresh colors and mostly wide margins, 40c. close at top righter, tied by cds. “AIX LES BAINS 7 JUL 55” to small piece with part of entry mark and cds. “REDON” on reverse, fine and attractive, a.o. signed A. Diena and Cardillo with certificate (2015)

Lot no.1360



Catalogue no.9

Opening400 €

1854, Victor Emmanuel II. 40c. rose, fresh color and good margins all around, used with central and clear cds. “RAPALLO 25 SET. 55”, very fine and attractive, a.o. signed Pfenninger and certificate E. Diena (1998)

Lot no.1361



Catalogue no.10,12,13

Opening150 €

1855, Victor Emanuel II. 5 c. yellowish-green, 20 c. ultramarine blue and 40 c. scarlet-red, fresh colors and mostly wide margins, tied by cds. “GENOVA 10 DIC 58” to folded letter to Messina, upon arrival charged with “22” grana, minor aging, otherwise fine and attractive 3-color-franking, a.o. signed Cardillo with certificate (2014)

Lot no.1362



Catalogue no.10b, 13d

Opening400 €

1855, King Emanuel II. 5 c. dark emerald green, horizontal pair with good margin on the sides (cut in at bottom) and 40 c. pale vermillion, all tied by cds. “NIZZA MARITTA 22.APR.57” to lettersheet with red Handstamp “P.D.” and transit cancel to Marseille with arrival mark, folded, otherwise fine, scarce color of 5 C. stamp on cover, signed Cola with certificate (2024) (Sassone 13f+16)

Lot no.1363



Catalogue no.10DD,10

Opening1.000 €

1855, Victor Emanuel II. 5c. green, vertical strip of three, with shifted double embossing between 1st. and 2nd. stamp, fresh color, good to wide margins, tied by cds. “CORTONA 7 GIU 63” to folded letter to Rapolano with arrival mark, very fine and rare, signed Sorani with certificate (2014)

Lot no.1364



Catalogue no.11c

Opening200 €

1858, King Emanuell II. 10 c. olive-grey brown, horizontal pair with good to wide margins all around, tied by cds. “ANCONA 17.JAN.” to lettersheet to Jesi, fine, signed Cola with certificate (2024) (Sassone 14B)

Lot no.1365



Catalogue no.11d

Opening200 €

1855, Victor Emanuel II. 10c. black-brown, horizontal pair, fresh color and mostly large to wide margins, just in at lower right, tied by cds. “ISEO 7 DIC 89” to folded lettersheet to Brescia, scarce and attractive, a.o. signed Sorani with certificate (2015)

Lot no.1366



Catalogue no.11,12

Opening100 €

1855, Victor Emanuel II. 10c. bistre-gray, three sinlges and 20 c. blue, fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by three neat strikes of red cds. “MILANO 23 GEN 61” to small piece, fine and attractive, signed Sorani with certificate (2001)

Lot no.1367



Catalogue no.11,12,14

Opening100 €

1855, Victor Emanuel II. 10c. brown, 20 c. blue and horizontal pair 80c. light-yellow ocre, fresh colors and mostly good to wide margins, just 10c. touched at right, tight by cds. “GAVIONETTA 31 AGO 62” to small piece, a scarce and attractive combination, signed Cardillo with certificate (2014)

Lot no.1368



Catalogue no.12,14

Opening400 €

1855, Victor Emanuel II. 20 c. blue and 80c. yellow, fresh colors and good to large margins, with small parts of adjoining stamps, tied by cds. “GENOVA 21 MAR 62” to folded letter to Montevideo, Uruguay, some transportation wear, but a scarce and attractive entire, signed. Bottachi with certificate

Lot no.1369



Catalogue no.12

Opening100 €

“SPELLO”, black straight-line, twice on two singles 1855, Victor Emanuel II. 20c. blue on small piece, a very rare cancellation, fine, signed. Diena

Lot no.1370



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

MISCALENEOUS ITEMS: 1855, entire letter from Naples, with blue octagonal French paquebot mark "D.SICILES S.E. MARSEILLE 29 AOUT 55" to Bergen, Norway, with frontside transit mark of Sandosund, taxed upon arrival with black handstamp "34" (skilling)^. Very scarce.

Lot no.1371


1 4

Catalogue no.1

Opening400 €

1859, Ferdinand II. ½ gr. yellow, block of four, fresh color and close to wide margins, unused, very fine, scarce multiple, signed. E. Diena

Lot no.1372



Catalogue no.1,3

Opening800 €

1859, Ferdinand II. ½ gr. yellow and 2 gr. blue, two singles each, fresh color and close to wide margins all around, all tied by “ferro di cavalo” to folded lettersheet to Florence with arrival mark, fine and attractive entire, signed E. Diena

Lot no.1373



Catalogue no.2c

Opening200 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 1 gr. dark green-olive, horizontal strip of three, fresh color and mostly wide margins all around, tied by “ferro do cavallo” to small piece, very fine and attractive, certificate Vaccari (2002)

Lot no.1374



Catalogue no.4,2,3

Opening500 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 5 gr. rose-carmine, 1 gr. green-olive and 2 gr. blue, fresh colors and mostly good to wide margins, tied by “ferro di cavallo” to insured folded letter with adjacent cds. “PALERMO PARTENZA 17 SET” and oval “ASSICURATA” to Ucria, minor aging, small paper cracks in the lettersheet, a fine and attractive three-color franking, signed Cardillo with certificate (2015)

Lot no.1375



Catalogue no.5,2

Opening350 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 10 gr. indigo and 1 gr. olive-green, fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by “ferro di cavallo” to folded letter with adjacent cds. “MESSINA 19-3 60” to Naples with arrival mark, 1 gr. touched at bottom, otherwise fine and attractive, signed and certificate Bottachi (2001) and Colla (2015)

Lot no.1376


0 1 4

Catalogue no.3

Opening180 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 2 gr. light-blue, block of four from the upper left sheet corner, fresh color, unused, the lower stamps mint never hinged, very fine and attractive, a.o. siugned. A. Bolaffi and E. Diena

Lot no.1377


1 4

Catalogue no.3

Opening150 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 2 gr. blue “azzuro chairo”, block of four from the upper sheet margin, fresh color and mostly wide margins, unused, fine and attractive, signed E. Diena with certificate (1986)

Lot no.1378



Catalogue no.3

Opening200 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 2 gr. blue “azzuro scurissimo”, horizontal strip of three, fresh color and mostly good margins all around, first two stamps touched at top, tied by “ferro di cavallo” to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. “PALERMO PARTENZA 28 MAG 59” to Naples, attractive and scarce entire, certificate Cardillo (2014)

Lot no.1379



Catalogue no.3,4

Opening800 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 5 gr. carmine-pink, horizontal strip of four, positions 13-16, in combination with 2 gr. light dark-blue, all fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by “ferro di cavallo” to small piece, 2 gr. just touched at bottom, left stamp of strip small repair, otherwise fine, a very rare and attractive multiple, signed Cardillo with certificate (2014) and certificate E. Diena (2003)

Lot no.1380



Catalogue no.6,3

Opening500 €

1859, Ferdinand II. 20 gr. slate and 2 gr. blue, fresh colors and mostly wide margins, tied by “ferro di cavallo” to folded letter with adjacent cds. “MESSINA 13 2 60” and red three-line “PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI” to Torino, fine and attractive, signed Cardillo with certificate (2015)
