385th Auction

24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1654



Catalogue no.5IIa, 6I

Opening120 €

1870 (December 31), Occupied Alsace-Lorraine, feldpost cover to Jersey, franked with 1870 10c. orange-brown and 20c. ultramarine, tied by framed “K.PR. FELDPOST / RELAIS 41 / 31.12” datestamp, endorsed “voie de Belgique”, “1” (decimes) due marking in blue manuscript, reverse with “Prusse Est 1” (5 Jan, 1871) and Jersey (8 Jan) c.d.s. backstamps, 20c adhesive affixed over edge of cover, some light edge discoloration, else a fine and scarce cover to Jersey through Belgium then France, rather than via Great Britain.

Lot no.1655



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1873 (July 25), Jersey / France / M.B. “Boite Mobile” datestamp, tying 25c Type Sage to Aubin correspondence cover to Jersey, choice free strike alongside, corner card of Gautier de Ste Croix of St. Malo & Granville, tear through back flap, a few light diagonal creases, else fine.

Lot no.1656



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1877 (August 23), Jersey to St. Malo, registered folded letter, franked with two 1876 21/2p. claret (Plate 7) and single 1877 4p.t pale olive green (Plate 15), struck with choice REGISTERED Crown handstamp in red, same-day St. Malo c.d.s. receiver struck on front, one 21/2d. stamp faulty, otherwise fine and scarce.

Lot no.1657



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1778/1837, Mail from Jersey via Granville, trio of folded letters, comprising 1776 (April 4) folded letter to Nantes, with manuscript “18” (sous) due notation, struck with neat GRANVILLE straight-line, 1781 (July 10) letter to Caen, rated “6” (sous) in manuscript and handstamped with GRANVILLE straight-line, and 1837 (April 28) folded letter to Caen, rated “10” (decimes) in black and struck with fine two-line “GRANDE BRETAGNE / PAR GRANVILLE” handstamp, the first two examples with small flaws, the third very fresh, a desirable group.

Lot no.1658



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1814 (July 20), folded letter from Jersey to Passages, Spain, conveyed by forwarding agents Winter, Nicolle & Co of Jersey and endorsed by them as received on August 6, the sender noting in his message “you will write to us via St. Malo to the care of Messers. L. Blaize and fils,” struck with “34 / ST MALO” mileage mark, denoted “7” (decimes) in manuscript on front,  light fold, a fine example of mail conveyed via multiple forwarding agents.

Lot no.1659



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €

1817 (February 10), folded letter from Jersey to San Sebastián, Spain, forwarding agent's endorsement on reverse “Recu a 18 fevrier 1817 a St. Malo / et achemine le meme jour par V.S. [votre serviteur] / ob. [obedient] Ser. A. Lardonnieux”, struck on front with “P 34 P / ST MALO” postage paid handstamp, the '"9" manuscript notation on reverse denoting the rate of 9 (centimes) to the French border, bold red “4Rs” Spanish due marking on front, light filing fold, a most attractive letter.

Lot no.1660



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1829 (May 11), folded letter from Jersey to Murcia, Spain, via Granville, posted as a French inland letter, struck with black “P48P / GRANVILLE”  and 19 May c.d.s. datestamp in black, reverse with manuscript “10” notation denoting payment of 10 (decimes) for the French rate to the Spanish border, handstamped with red double-framed “AV" ("Affranchisement Vérifié"), black “5” (reales) in manuscript Spanish due marking, a fine and remarkably fresh entire.

Lot no.1661



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1846 (15 February), folded letter from St. Martin, Jersey, to the department of Eure, postmarked with “St. Sauveur S…” c.d.s. (18 Feb), bold “48 / Port Bail” two-line handstamp alongside, rated “5” (decimes) in manuscript, multiple partial c.d.s. transit backstamps, fine; with 2018 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1662



Catalogue no.14

Opening250 €

1855 (January), Jersey to Falaise, disallowed prepayment of French postage, cover franked with two 1854 20c blue (Type I), one with good to large margins all around, the other into design at foot, cancelled with “1441” dotted lozenge of the Granville boite mobile, red “Iles C / Granville” c.d.s. at left, further struck with red boxed “PD”, prepayment of French postage on mail from Jersey via Granville being contrary to regulations, the stamps and “PD” mark were crossed-out in pen, with manuscript notation “timbres poste insuffisante” written at top and “7” due marking written on front, reverse with Caen and Falaise (27 Jan) c.d.s. backstamps, some edge creasing and spots of light staining, but a scarce usage; with 2015 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1663



Catalogue no.14

Opening100 €

1857, Vannes to Jersey, folded letter via St. Malo, franked with 1854 20c blue (Type I), good to large margins all around, tied by 3484 dotted lozenge cancel, postmarked with corresponding Vannes c.d.s. (25 Mar), underpaid and noted in red manuscript “timbre insuffisant” and struck with boxed “Affranchisement / Insuffisant” and circular “MORE TO PAY” handstamps, the “6” (decimes) in manuscript indicating the amount due, endorsed “via St. Malo”, reverse with Nantes A Paris (25 Mar), Paris A Calais (26 Mar), London (27 Mar) and Jersey (28 Mar) backstamps, a most attractive and very fine cover; with 2015 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1664



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1870 (September 15), 3rd Army cover to Livarot, forwarded to Jersey, struck with fine “K.PR. ARMEE-POST-AMT / 3. / ARMEE / 15 9) c.d.s., reverse with intaglio handstamped seal of the 3rd Army, redirected to St. Helier, manuscript ”6" tax mark and “FR / 1F50c” accountancy handstamp, reverse with Livarnot (28 Sep) and Jersey c.d.s. arrival backstamp (1 Oct), with interesting contents in French, the sender noting “I have come to learn, and you will guess with what enthusiasm, that the Prussian post will not see that mail is delivered unless it is sent unsealed,” a fine and unusual entire; with 2019 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1665



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1870 (September 28), Ballon Monté “Les Etats Unis” to Jersey, folded letter franked with three 10c 1867 bistre, tied by “2” Paris Star cancel and postmarked with Paris / Rue St. Lazaire c.d.s., endorsed “via London” and struck on reverse with clear Jersey c.d.s. arrival backstamp (4 Oct), filing folds including through two adhesives, some wrinkling typical of this flimsy paper, else fine and scarce; with 2021 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1666



Catalogue no.28

Opening250 €

1870 (October 18), Paris to Luc sur Mer, redirected to Jersey, carried via “le Lafeyette”, postal card franked with 1867 10c. bistre, cancelled with Paris “15” star, “Paris / Rue Bonaparte” c.d.s. alongside, struck with partial boxed red “Affranchissement Insuffisant” with manuscript “5” tax mark alongside, reverse with “Luc de Mer” (22 Oct) and Jersey (25 Oct) backstamps, tear from upper left margin, creased in places including adhesive, but a scarce forwarded ballon monté cover to Jersey; signed Calves, with 2022 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1667



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €

1870, two letters from St. Helier, and Beaumont, Jersey, to Paris, from the Barre correspondence of Lucie to brother Albert, one datelined St. Peters Valley, Beaumont, October 21, 1870, franked with Great Britain 1865 3p. rose and cancelled with same-day Jersey 409 duplex, red “PD” below and London split-ring backstamp (24 Oct), the second datelined St. Helier, November 7, 1870, carried privately to France and franked with 1867 20c. light blue, cancelled at Lille (22 Jan), both bright and fresh, a scarce duo of covers smuggled into Paris during the siege.

Lot no.1668



Catalogue no.30

Opening250 €

1870 (November 9), Gazette des Absents No. 6, folded letter to Jersey, carried on “le Daguerre”, franked with 1867 30c. brown, tied by Paris “22” star cancel, “Paris / Rue Taitbout” c.d.s. alongside, faint framed “PD” handstamp in red, reverse with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (6 Dec), fresh and fine; with 2021 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1669



Catalogue no.30

Opening200 €

1870 (November 21), Gazette des Absents No. 9, folded letter to Jersey, carried via “le Ville d'Orleans”, franked with 1867 30c. brown, tied by Paris “34” star cancel, corresponding “Paris / Avenue Josephine” c.d.s., red framed “PD” struck alongside, reverse with Jersey c.d.s. arrival backstamp (13 Dec), tear to reverse, else a fine and scarce ballon monté letter; with 2023 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1670



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €

1870 (December 1), Ballon Monté “Le Jules Favre No. 2", to Jersey, Gazette des Absents No. 12, affixed with 1867 30c. brown, tied by “2” star cancel and postmarked with Paris “Rue St. Lazare” c.d.s., with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (13 Dec), filing folds and some small flaws, but a rare Ballon Monté to the Channel Islands; signed Calves, with 2023 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1671



Catalogue no.36, 37

Opening300 €

1870 (December 8), folded letter to Jersey, carried via “Le Général Renault”, franked with 1870 10c. bistre and 20c. blue, tied by Paris “3” star cancel, “Paris / Place de la Madeleine” c.d.s. alongside, endorsed “Ballon monte” in manuscript at upper left, reverse with neatly-struck Jersey c.d.s. arrival backstamp (13 Dec), from the well-known Hardon correspondence with content of historical interest, a very fine letter, fresh and most attractive; with 2022 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1672



Catalogue no.30

Opening300 €

1870 (December 10), Gazette des Absents #16 to Jersey, carried on “Le Parmentier”, franked with 1867 30c. brown, tied by Paris “35” star, corresponding “Paris / Ministere de Finances” c.d.s., endorsed “Angleterre” and struck on reverse with “Paris a Calais” transit (30 Dec) and  Jersey arrival duplex (1 Jan), a fresh and fine entire with choice strikes; with 2021 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1673



Catalogue no.30

Opening300 €

1870 (December 15), folded letter from Paris to Jersey, carried via “Le Parmentier”, franked with 1867 30c. brown, tied by Paris star cancel and postmarked “Paris / Rue St. Lazaire” , red boxed “PD”, reverse with Jersey arrival duplex (1 Jan, 1871), light wrinkles, else fine and scarce; signed Calves with 2006 Brun & Fils certificate.

Lot no.1674



Catalogue no.30

Opening250 €

1870 (December 24), “Gazette des Absents No. 19” to Jersey, carried via “le Bayard”, franked with 1867 30c. brown, cancelled with Paris “1” star, Paris / Place de la Bourse c.d.s. alongside, reverse with “Paris A Calais” (3 Jan, 1871) and Jersey (5 Jan) c.d.s. backstamps, fine and scarce; with 2021 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1675



Catalogue no.36, 37

Opening300 €

1871 (January 15), folded letter from Paris to Jersey, carried via the ballon monté “Le Poste de Paris”, franked with 1870 10c bistre and 20c blue, tied by Paris “2” star cancel, Paris / Rue St. Lazaire c.d.s. alongside, reverse with neatly-struck Jersey arrival c.d.s. (24 Jan), a few small repairs mostly confined to back, filing fold, but a scarce usage to Jersey; with 2018 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1676



Catalogue no.37

Opening1.000 €

1871 (January 23), 1870 20c blue, tied by Paris “8” star cancel to Gazette des Absents No. 30, printed “Par Ballon Monté” endorsement at upper left and carried by “Le Torricelli,” postmarked with Paris c.d.s. (23 Jan), addressed to Caen but insufficiently franked, redirected to Jersey via Granville, struck on front with “JERSEY / FRANCE / MB JANV 30 / 71” boite mobile datestamp and assessed postage due “4” in manuscript, reverse with Caen A Paris (28 Jan), Caen (29 Jan), Granville (30 Jan), some wrinkles and small flaws, an otherwise fine and exceptional Ballon Monté cover to Jersey; with 2022 Roumet certificate.

Lot no.1677



Catalogue no.37

Opening350 €

1871 (February 9), folded letter from Paris to Jersey, franked with 1870 20c. blue, tied by Paris “6” star cancel, “Paris / Senat" c.d.s. alongside, censored by the Prussian military and struck with framed blue “Versailles / Auswechselungs Stelle” handstamp, underpaid and handstamped with black boxed “Affranchisement / Insuffisant,” conveyed to London where struck with circular “More / To / Pay” and manuscript “4” notation added in black, reverse with Jersey c.d.s. arrival backstamp (16 Feb), some light wrinkles, but fine and extremely scarce example of censored mail sent shortly after Paris fell to the forces North German Confederation, effectively ending the Franco-Prussian War; with 2016 Roumet certificate. 

Lot no.1678
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.Z3

Opening400 €

“ST. THOMAS PAID/DE 28 74/C51" duplex on pair 1864/79, 1 d., pl.175, on printed matter to Arendal, Norway. Very fine and rare.

Lot no.2217


Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

Wilhelm II, König von Preußen und Deutscher Kaiser, 2 eigenhändige Texte mit Unterschrift 'William I.R.' auf 2 Formularen 'Telegramm Sr. Majestät des Kaisers und Königs' , beide aufgegeben an Bord der Yacht ‘Hohenzollern’ vor Bergen (Norwegen) am 29. Juli 1899; eines an seine Großmutter die Königin Victoria von England, das andere an ihren Privatsekretär, Sir Arthur Bigge. Der Kaiser bedankt sich für eine Einladung und bedauert die verspätete Antwort, da das Telegramm mit der Einladung versehentlich nach Berchtesgaden (die Kaiserin hielt sich zu dieser Zeit dort auf) und nicht nach Trondheim weitergeleitet worden war.

Lot no.2411



Catalogue no.1,3

Opening100 €

¼ Groschen grauviolett und ½ Groschen zinnober je mit klarem DKr. "BARMEN  15.4.72" auf Drucksachen-Faltbrief bis 50 g ohne Inhalt nach London. London. Die Marken sind farbfrisch und in einwandfreier Erhaltung, die Faltdrucksache ist gut erhalten mit leichter Patina, dekorative Auslandsverwendung mit nicht so häufiger Destination für Drucksachen

Lot no.2477



Catalogue no.20

Opening100 €

2 Groschen blau mit EKr. "BERLIN P.EXP. III 21.2.74" auf unterfrankiertem Briefkuvert mit handschriftlichem Vermerk "Bfks" (Briefkasten), die Stempel "Insufficiently prepaid" und "MORE TO PAY" sowie Nachgebühr-Taxe "4" (Pence) in schwarzer Tinte nach Oxford mit Ankunftsstempel. Der Brief wurde als unfrankiert behandelt und vom 6 Pence Porto für den unzureichend frankierten Brief wurden 2 Groschen mit 2 Pence angerechnet (Rötelvermerk "2"), die restlichen 4 Pence wurden vom Empfänger eingezogen. Interessanter Brief in guter Gesamterhaltung

Lot no.2812



Catalogue no.V21a,V20

Opening300 €

1872, 2 ½ Groschen rötlichbraun und 2 Groschen blau je mit klarem EKr. "KAISERL. P.A. CONSTANTINOPEL ° 15.1.74" auf Faltbriefhülle bis 15 g mit handschriftlichem Leitvermerk "p Odessa" nach London mit vorderseitigem Ankunftsstempel. Die farbfrischen Marken sind sehr gut geprägt, gut gezähnt und in einwandfreier Erhaltung, die Briefhülle hat leichte Gebrauchsspuren, eine dekorative und tarifgerechte Frankatur über Odessa, bisher sind nur wenige Belege mit diesem Leitweg nach England registriert

Lot no.8297



Catalogue no.Helgoland P2A + GB36

Opening200 €

1878, Victoria ½ Pence karmin als Zufrankatur mit Duplexstempel “LONDON N.W. X MR 13 78” auf Helgoland Ganzsachen-Antwortkarte 5 Pfennig grün an den Postmeister Pilger auf Helgoland, rückseitig mit Ankunftsstempel “HELIGOLAND MR 18 1878”, oben rechts kleiner Eckbug, sonst in schöner und ursprünglicher Erhaltung, sign. Kruschel sowie Lemberger BPP

Provenienz: Till Neumann (3. Altdeutschland Spezialauktion, 2009)

Lot no.8298



Catalogue no.10,14

Opening200 €

1857, Victoria 1 Pence rot, zwei Einzelwerte sowie 6 Pence violett, sauber mit Duplexstempel “BRIGHTON AU 7 1857” auf Briefkuvert via Hamburg mit Schmetterlingssstempel “HAMBURG 14 AUG 1857” an den deutschen Ornithologen und Maler Heinrich Gätke auf Helgoland, geringe Patina und Knitter, insgesamt ein sehr attraktiver und seltener Brief

Lot no.8299



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1878, Ganzsachenumschlag 2 Pence violett ab “IPSWICH E OC 8 78” mit nebengesetztem Absenderstempel “WHITFIELD, KING & CO. STAMP IMPORTERS”, an den Postmeister Pilger auf Helgoland, rückseitige Klappe kleiner Einriss, sonst tadellos, selten

Lot no.10110


0 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €

1840/2004, in the beginning used and from 1963 apparently in the main catalogue numbers MNH complete collection incl. postage dues and booklets, with a good part classical and semi-classical issues, with e.g. Mi. 1, 2, 5 (2), 7 (square-cut), 18-22, 23-27, 35, 70/71, 82-84, etc., also including small modern parts of Guernsey and Jersey, etc., mostly good condition, in six hingeless albums

Lot no.10111


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €

1840/2000 (ca.), mostly used and some mint never hinged and unused collection, starting with Queen Victoria Penny Black, Penny red (16), 1847 6 p., Mi. 20 (4), 35 (3), 75-77, 82 (3, one with perfin), 83 (3), 84 (all with faults), etc., also some modern material mostly on stockcards, somewhat mixed condition

Lot no.10112


0 1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening150 €

1840/2018, mixed collection incl. a good part classics and semi-classics with one pound Victoria, etc., later modern material with some complete years, further booklets and souvenir sheets, in 16 hingeless albums
