385th Auction
24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden
1855/56, 1 d. red-brown, together with 4d. rose-lilac, 6d. violet and 1sh. green, fresh colors and mostly good perforations, all tied by barred numeral “11” to folded letter to Reval (Tallinn, Estonia) with arrival mark on front, very fine and attractive four-color-franking, signed Knopke
1840, 1 d. black, plate 4, horizontal strip of four, CI/CL, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by red MC. CI with tiny thin spot on reverse, otherwise very fine and fresh. Certificate Louis BPP (2024)
1840, 1 d. black, plate 4, SK, ample to wide margins, tied by red MC to letter sheet (side flaps missing) from "BELFAST JA 5 1841" to Kilkenny. Vertical creases not affecting the stamp. A fine cover.
2 d. deep full blue, plate 2, horizontal pair, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by black MC. Very fine. Signed Pfenninger and certificate Louis BPP (2024)
1856/58, 1 d. rose-red and pair 1857, 4 d. carmine, white paper, tied by duplex "QUEENSTOWN OC 17 1861" to cover to Calcutta. Minor transportation marks, otherwise fine and fresh.
1862, Abnormal 1 s. green, Plate 2 = Plate 3, wmk. Emblems inverted, with Hairlines, lettered AG, fresh color, "Imperforate", good to large margins all around, unused with large part original gum, very fine and rare. Galland & Louis in "Surface Printed Stamps" record just 15 examples
Provenance: Harmers of London (June 1969)
Dr. Douglas Latto (Phillips, London, October 1994)
1 Pound, GE, nice colour and quite well centered, nicely cancelled by central and clear "DUBLIN SORTING OFFICE FE 10 79", extremely fine. Signed Grobe and certificate Louis BPP (2024)
Wmk Large Anchor, blued paper, 10 sh. grey-green, GF, nice deep colour, very good perforation, nicely cancelled "GLASGOW AP 16 83", very fine. Signed Calves and certificate Louis BPP (2024)
Provenance: 63. Corinphila-Auktion (1980)
White paper, 5 Pound orange, BN, nice fresh colour, very good perforation, nicely cancelled by central clear "BELFAST FE 4 91", very fine. Signed Stolow and certificates Pröschold (1987) and Louis BPP (2024)
1888, 1 Pound brown-lilac, nice deep colour, lightly cancelled, very fine, signed Pfenninger and certificate Louis BPP (2024)
BOARD OF EDUCATION, 1902, Edward 5 d., neatly cancelled "KIRKHILL SP 24 03". Colour of value tablets slightly faded, still very fine. Certificate BPA (2024)
1878, Victoria ½ Pence karmin als Zufrankatur mit Duplexstempel “LONDON N.W. X MR 13 78” auf Helgoland Ganzsachen-Antwortkarte 5 Pfennig grün an den Postmeister Pilger auf Helgoland, rückseitig mit Ankunftsstempel “HELIGOLAND MR 18 1878”, oben rechts kleiner Eckbug, sonst in schöner und ursprünglicher Erhaltung, sign. Kruschel sowie Lemberger BPP
Provenienz: Till Neumann (3. Altdeutschland Spezialauktion, 2009)
1857, Victoria 1 Pence rot, zwei Einzelwerte sowie 6 Pence violett, sauber mit Duplexstempel “BRIGHTON AU 7 1857” auf Briefkuvert via Hamburg mit Schmetterlingssstempel “HAMBURG 14 AUG 1857” an den deutschen Ornithologen und Maler Heinrich Gätke auf Helgoland, geringe Patina und Knitter, insgesamt ein sehr attraktiver und seltener Brief