385th Auction
24–29 March 2025 · 7–8 April 2025 in Wiesbaden
- (-) Remove China Empire and Republic filter China Empire and Republic
6Catalogue no.15A, 24, 27
1920, DVR Overprint Second Issue 7 k. on 15 k. as a vertical pair, with Vladivostok Definitives 5 k. (two pairs) and Chita 3 k. (vertical pair) making up the correct 40 kopek tariff, tied by cds. “VLADIVOSTOK 17 11 22” to reverse of a registered envelope to Kharbin, China, with arrival cds., negligible faults on two 5 kopek, of no importance, still very fine. An attractive three-issues franking
6Catalogue no.41B, 42, 27-30, 32
1923, Gold Kopek 1 k., two singles and 2 k. in horizontal pair, together with Chita issue 3 k.- 7k. and 15 k., tied by cds. “VLADIVOSTOK -6 10 23” to reverse of registered envelope to Kharbin, China, with faint arrival cds., fine and scarce
1910, Karte König Frederik VIII. 10 Öre mit Stempel “KJOBENHAVN 13.7.15” via Russland mit russischem Zensurstempel “D.Z” nach Shanghai mit Ankunftsstempel vom 11.8.1915, leichte Beförderungsspuren, in guter Erhaltung