1850/1935 (ca.), varied and interesting accumulation of several hundred covers and other postal history items form all over the world in two larg albums. The most substantial section being Germany and related Areas with Mi.-Nos. 446-9 with exhibition postmark on airmail cover, Württemberg Officials Mi.-Nos. D129 and 248-50 as rare single frankings on declared value or registered items, Saar Mi.-Nos. 11-17 on cover and Togo Mi.-Nos. 1-6 on registered letter from Lome to Pforzheim. Also some Switzerland with illicit use of 1922, 10 c. postal stationery indicum on Postcard to the Belgian Congo or 1927 SCADTA-Airmail cover from Zürich to Bogota, Great Britain with 1902 7d grey-black (SG 90) and 2d on 1910 Express cover from Southampton to Germany, some Russian P.O. in Constantinople and some better South America.