Customer Magazine Printed Matters

"PRINTED MATTERs. The Philatelic Magazine" - that is the title of our customer journal. And the name of the magazine says it all. "PRINTED MATTERs" stands for current and special reports, features and news from the world of philately. Get to know passionate collectors and philatelists, join us on fascinating journeys back in time to highly interesting epochs in postal history and discover exciting collecting areas and their significant special features. Customers of the stamp auction house Heinrich Köhler receive "PRINTED MATTERs. The Philatelic Magazine" twice a year free of charge by post. Enjoy reading it!



Customer magazine "Printed Matter(s) – The philatelic magazine"  
Issue 1 (June 2021) Download
Issue 2 (December 2021) Download
Issue 3 (June 2022) Download
Issue 4 (November 2022) Download
Issue 5 (May 2023) Download
Issue 6 (November 2023) Download
Issue 7 (June 2024) Download