334 / September 2008
Heinrich Köhler Auction
1847, folded letter, carried privately from Buenos Aires to Montevideo, there a violet straight-line 'MONTEV.' and a black boxed 'PACKET LETTER' was applied, front endorsed 'p.Dolphin', two vertical filing folds, otherwise fine
1858, 5 c. red, tied by oval framed 'Correo Nacional Del Rosario/Franca' to entire letter to Buenos Aires, endorsed 'pr Rosario' in manuscript; adhesive with one margin just shaved, still fine (Scott-no.1)
1862, Escuditos 5 c. pale rose-red with accent, a fresh and fine block of eight comprising two unused blocks of four (postitions 31-32/38-39 and 45-47/52-53) carefully rejoined; delightful and very rare multiples, ex collection Del Mazo (Scott-no.5)
5 c. rose-lilac, a fine used horizontal strip of three from right of sheet, cancelled by oval 'Concordia' handstamps in black; a fine and attractive multiple (Scott-no.7Cd)
1864, Rivadavia, perforated issue 5 c. brown-rose, tied by oval 'Concordia' in black to entire letter from Concordia to Buenos Aires, (Scott-no.11)
5 c. brown-red, used on 1867 entire letter to Tucuman, cancelled by oval 'Correo Nacional dde Rosario' in blue with cds. alongside (March 8); small bends to entire but an attractive usage (Scott-no. 11)
1867/72, 5 c. carmine, imperforate on unwatermarked paper, a fresh and fine unused example of good colour; horizontal bend not apparent on front (Scott-no.14)
1876, 5 c. vermilion, rouletted, a fresh and fine mint block of four with large part o.g.; exceptional and rare multiple (Scott-no.33)
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1899, 5-20 p., unused, additional Mi.-no. 70 imperforated, used
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1884, 30 c. orange, an unused block of four with slightest of ageing, large part o.g.; scarce in a multiple (Scott-no.O12)
MARITIME POST: 1871 (Jan 30), entire letter from Buenos Aires to Bordeaux with scarce mixed issue franking of France 1867, 80 c. rose-carmine and 1870/73, Siege 20 c. blue, tied by anchor lozenge, carried by Paquebot 'Sindh' and struck lightly with 'Buenos Aires/Paq.Fr.J.Nº 2', octogonal date-stamp on front
1859, 1 p. blue (vertical torned) on front of cover to Mercedes, cancelled on arrival by rare usage of "Adm. De Correos/Mercedes/Rep. Del. Urug." applied on arrival; an extraordinary usage and very rare, signed Kneitschel (Scott-no. 10)
1 p. blue, tied by oval lozenge of dots to front of cover to Montevideo (Scott-no.10)
1862, 1 p. rose, showing dramatic flaw on 'S' of 'CORREOS' in top panel with 2 p. blue, touched at top on small piece, tied by dotted oval obliterator in blue; a scarce and attractive piece (Scott-no.12,13)
1860/80, (3 c.) on blue, unused block of eight with noticeably differing shades of impression, struck with double ring Corrientes cds. at right; vertical crease between adhesives but a fresh and fine multiple (Scott-no.3)
(3 c.) on blue (type 7), used on letter sheet to Corrientes, cancelled by five manuscript pen strokes (Scott-no.3)
(3 c.) on blue, used on letter sheet from Mercedes to Corrientes, cancelled by four manuscript pen strokes; scarce cover (Scott-no.3)
(3 c.) on bright blue, block of eight, cancelled by Corrientes 9 bar obliterators in black, heavy thinning showing only on reverse; a rare multiple (Scott-no.6)
(2 c.) on yellow, block of eight, unused fresh and fine (Scott-no.5)
(2 c.) on yellow, used on October 1869 outer letter from Saladas to Bella Vista, cancelled by single black ink stroke; an attractive cover, signed Lamy (Scott-no.5)
(2 c.) on yellow, used on February 1871 outer letter sheet from Caa-Caiti to Bella Vista, cancelled by single black ink stroke; an attractive cover (Scott-no.5)
(3 c.) on pale lila-rose, a fine used horizontal pair (type 6 and 5), cancelled by single ring Corrientes cds. in black (Scott-no.7a)
(3 c.) on lilac-rose paper, fine block of eight from second setting with margins all around (stamp 2 just touched at top), cancelled by complete strikes of single ring 'Corrientes' cds. (2.Ago.76) in black; a scarce multiple (Scott-no.7a)
(3 c.) on lilac-rose, used block of eight with margins clear to touched, cancelled by double ring 'Corrientes' cds. in black (16.Oct.78) (Scott-no.7a)
(3 c.) on reddish violet, a fine used horizontal tête-pêche pair (types 1 and 5), cancelled by double ring Corrientes cds. in black; scarce and appealing pair (Scott-no.8a)
ARGENTINIEN: 1858/1990 (ca.), postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand in 6 Lagerbüchern
1858/2000, umfangreiche gestempelte und ungebrauchte/postfrische Sammlung mit einigen besseren und kpl. Ausgaben sowie Blockausgaben ab Nr. 1, ab den 60er-Jahren über weite Strecken postfrisch kpl., dazu netter Teil Dienstmarken mit Aufdrucken, meist sauber in 3 Vordruckalben
1860/1982, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie, dabei auch etwas anderer Länder in 3 E-Büchern
1944/51, kleine Sammlung Essays und Probedrucke incl. 4er-Blocks u.a., interessantes Los
1952, ungebrauchtes, postfrisches und gestempeltes Lot mit einigen Besonderheiten
1960/91, postfrisches Lot in meist Einheiten mit vielen Motiven (Mi. nach Angabe des Einlieferers ca. 4500,-)
1963/82 (ca.), postfrischer Doublettenposten, meist in Einheiten (Mi. nach Angabe des Einlieferers ca. 6000,-)
1775/1879, 9 Vorphila- bzw. markenlose Briefe/Vorderseiten incl. seltener Vorderseite (ca. 1775) mit L1 "Bs.AIRs." in blau nach Chile, Brief mit L2 "BUENOS/AYRES" in rot nach Madrid (ca. 1800), L1 "MENDOSA" auf Vorderseite (ca. 1800), jeweils roter Ra. "CORDOBA" und L1 "FRANCA" auf Falthülle
1788/1860 (ca.), aufgezogene Sammlung von 44 Briefen und Vorderseiten mit zum Teil seltenen Stempeln, dabei Auslandsbriefe, dazu 6 fiskalische Dokumente aus 1621-1811