362 / März 2016
362. Heinrich Koehler Auction
1875, 25 c. blue in vertical pair, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 2 3 77" to registered sealed envelope with manuscript "chargée d'office", boxed "Recomandirt" and not quite complete label "Vom Ausland über Bahnpost 12 (Saarbrücken-Trier) eingeschrieben" to Vienna with arrival mark; the envelope somewhat reduced at left by opening and some age-wear, a great rarity of Luxemburg official stamps; this the only known registered entire with official stamps and the only known letter with official stamps to Austria, sign. Goebel
1875, 25 c. blue, tied by clear cds. "LUXEMBOURG 15 4 74" to lettersheet (side flaps missing) to Harlem with transit and arriva marks, fine and very rare, sign. F.S.P.L. and Goebel in manuscript
1878, UN FRANC on 37½ c., block of 26, block of 12 and single stamps, incl. 7 stamps with overprint inverted, all tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 2 11 80" to large cover front addressed to "Monsieur Ch. de Bourenstain, Chambellan, Ministre Résidence de Suede & Norwège à La Haye"; 4 further stamps fallen off, few stamps with light creasing or small faults, but general very fine condition; one of the most spectacular frankings of Luxemburg official stamps; sign. Goebel (Prefix D23A/B)
1882, Allegorie 5 Fr. with large italic overprint "S.P.", unused without gum, a rare stamp, sign. F.S.P.L. and Goebel in manuscript (Prefix 66)
1883/1922 (ca.), kleine Spezialsammlung mit div. Zähnungen, Abarten, zwei Kleinbogen, etc.
1903/36, 22 Briefe und Vorderseiten, dabei Express und Einschreiben