365 / September 2017
365. Heinrich Koehler Auction
1854, Coat of Arms 1 r. blackish-blue on thin white paper, block of 23 stamps with clear to mostly wide margins and nice deep fresh colour, lightly cancelled by oval of bars; the largest multiple recorded of this stamp, a beautiful item in very fine condition (Edifil 34)
Provenance: Maurice Burrus (1963)
1865, 12 c. blue/rose with variety "Frame inverted" together with normal stamp, tied to entire letter from "SAN SEBASTIAN 17 AGO 65" to Bayonne in France with transit and arrival marks; both stamps with good to wide margins; an attractive and very rare franking in fine condition; sign. A. Bolaffi, G. Bolaffi and A. Diena, certificate COMEX (2004) (Edifil 70ei)
1865, 19 cs. brown/rose, good to wide margins and fine fresh colour, unused without gum, very fine, certificates COMEX (1984) and Graus
1931, unissued 4 pta lilac-carmine and 10 pta brown, unmounted mint, few toned perf, sign. M. Galvez and A.Diena with certificate (1974)
1939, Unissued airmail stamps 2 p.-5 p., the complete set of 5 perforated stamps, all from lower sheet margin, unused without gum as printed; a very rare set in extremely fine condition, certificate COMEX (2004) (Edifil NE39-45)
BENEFICENCIA: 1939, Unissued souvenier sheet with 5 c. in green, imperforated and without control number on reverse, unmounted mint with very slightly toned gum, small pencil signature in the margin; a very rare block (Edifil NE34)
1873, Don Carlos 1 r. blue, type II, good to wide margins all around, tied by blue star cancel to piece, very fine, rare cancellation, signed M. Calvez and Dr. Saeftel BPP with certificate (1979)
1833, Entire letter from Havanna to Herrnhut in Saxony, showing on reverse clear "SCHIFFSBRIEF-POST HAMBURG 21 DEC 1833"
1890, King Alfons XIII. 1 c. grey-olive, two single stamps 2 c. brown, two single stamps 2 1/2 c. orange and 10 c. lilac-red, each tied by cds. "HABANA ISLA DE CUBA NOV.12." to registered cover Germany with arrial mark, part of address to cross with ink pen, otherwise fine
FRENCH POST: 1872, Lettersheet with Lauré 80 c., horizontal pair and single, tied by ancre with adjacent octogonal "LA HAVANNA 22 JUIN 72" to Lima, Peru, showing on reverse "LIGNE B / PAQ.FR.B. NO.2" and Lima arrival mark, small imperfections, but a scarce destination
1909, King Alfons XIII. 15 c. deep brown (2), 5 c. deep green (2), 2 c. rose (4) and 1 c. orange-brown (3) each tied by oval violet cachet "SAN CARLOS..." to registered cover with registered boxed "CORREOS....SAN CALOS (FERNANDO POO)" via "LISBOA 23.12.09" to Honnef, Germany with German transit register label "Vom Auslande über Bahnp. 10", forwardet to Colonge, fine
1896, 2 c. ultramarine, 5 c. lilac-brown, 10 c. brown and 15 c. green-blue, each tied by cds. "MANILA 9.JUL.(96)" to registered cover to Winterthur, Switzerland with arrival mark, cover with fault at top, still fine, nice coulor franking
1871, Hispania 50 c. green (3) and 1 p. brown, tied to lettersheet via British PO "PORTO-RICO JY 13 72" and London to Cadiz with arrival mark on reverse, fine and scarce, certificate Graus (1991)
1873, Hispania 5 C. rosa mit Punktstempel-Entwertung auf privater Firmenvordruckarte der Fa. "Verduco Y Compania" von "CADIZ 3.NOV.73" nach Sevilla mit Ankunftsstempel, rückseitig mit Klebespuren, sonst in tadelloser Erhaltung
1850/1950, sehr schöne anfangs gestempelte später zunehmend ungebrauchte Sammlung mit vielen besseren Werte, dabei Mi.-Nr. 220-29, 231-42, 267-79, 598-610, 721-26 und 737-45 sowie Mi.-Nr. 721-26 als ungezähnte Proben auf Kartonpapier, außerdem Carlistische Post etc., meist gute Erhaltung ex Waelbroeck
1980/2000, postfrische, anscheinend kpl. Sammlung in 4 spanischen Vordruckalben
1671/1701, Partie mit sieben kpl. Faltbriefen nach Antwerpen, Belgien mit diversen Tax-Vermerken (u.a. "Sch 1:4" und "Sch 1:6"), gute Erhaltung
1765/1911 (ca.), 25 frankierte und unfrankierte Briefe, dabei u.a. "B.C. CADIZ"
1850, 3 Briefe mit Mi.-Nr. 1, dabei zweimal Type I
1854/1949, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit diversen besseren Werten, dabei gute Teile Marokko und Philippinen, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung ex Waelbroeck