366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- (-) Remove Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello filter Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello
CESIS: dumb cancel "ГАЗЕНПОТЪ 24 7 19" on Liberation of Riga 5k. with additional franking on cover to Leepaja, fine (H.v.H. 040.3)
"DOBELE" deformed latvian cancel (with handwritten date on adjacent strike) on 3 amd 75k. on registered cover with provisional r-label to Libau, vertical fold, otherwise fine (H. v. H 54.2)
"Garkalne No. 33" provisional r-label on registered cover from "GARKALNE 24 VIII 26" to Leipzig, fine
"JAUN-GULBENE" with handwritten date and russian straight line "НЕЙ ШВАНЕНБУРГ" on 5k. red and 20k. orange on cover to Wenden, folded vertically well away from adhesives, fine (H.v.H 100.2, 100.3)
JAUNPILS: Mute single-circle on 10 and 15k. with adjacent cds. "Jaunpils 26.4.19" with handwritten date on cover to Berlin with censor mark "Kara zensors No. 13." and german "M.P.k.", fine (H. v. H. 107.1,107.2)
JEKABPILS: Manuscript with date on 25k. on cover to Riga, somewhat stained, otherwise fine (H.v.H. 109.2)
Jekabpils: "1/11" handwritten date on horizontal pair 35k. on registered cover with provisional r-label to Mitau, fine (H.v.H. 109.2)
JELGAVA:"Mitau" german fractured straight line on 5k red on cover with postage due, fine (H. v. H 110.1)
Provenance: see cover page "Die Stempel und Postanstalten 1918-40" by Harry von Hofmann (1999)
"Jelgawa ear and moose head" cancel with date "6 1 19" on horizontal strip of three 5k. red on cover to Dresden, scarce, fine (H. v. H. 110.5)
"KOKNESE 26 6 19" red double-circle cancel on 5,20 and 35k. on registered cover to Brandenburg, folded vertically, otherwise fine, a very rare and attractive cover (H. v. H. 126.1)
"КРЕСТОВОЕ ВИТЕБ 3.2 20" on two singles Liberation of Kurland 10k. as strip of three values Independence 10k. on registered cover, with old and corrected r-label, to Riga, fine (H. v. H. 132.1)
KRUSTPILS: "КРЕСТОВОЕ ВИТЕБ 18 2 20" on two singles Liberation of Kurland 25k. on reverse of registered cover to Riga, old r-label changed, fine (H.v.H. 132.1)
"KULDIGA" framed straight-line cancel on horizontal strip of three 5k. red on cover to Libau, fine (H.v.H. 134.3)
"Leepaja" straight-line on 5k. red as pair and block of four on registered local cover, fine (H.v..H. 146.1)
"LATWIJA 20-9-19 RENGE" three-line cachet on 25k. gray on cover to Mitau, fine (H. v. H. 215.2)
"Марiенбургская 7 XI 19." Russian two line cancel with handwritten date on 1919 3 r. horizontal strip of three and additional franking on registered money letter "80 k. czarist currency, 171 r. Latvian currency...." to the treasury of Riga, fine
"Марiенбургская 7 XI 19." Russian two line with handwritten date on vertical pair 35 k. brown on registered cover with handwritten registration label completed by manuscript, sent to the Estonian town of Walk, some small tears and folded twice vertically (H. v. H. 009.4)
Provenance: Estonia and Latvia - The Collection Harry von Hofmann (359. Heinrich Köhler Auction)
"Mas-Straupe Latwija" violet double circle cachet with handwritten daten on 10k. blue on postcard, somewhat unfresh, scarce (H.v.H. 176.1)
"Matisi" straight-line on horizontal pair 5 K. red and single value 15k. green on cover to Riga, fine (H. v. H. 173.1)
"МИТАВА 13 11 19" cds. on 5k. red vertical pair and block of eight (this perforated at bottom) on local registered cover, a little stained (H. v. H 110.8)
"Nihza" blue straight-line on horizontal strip of three 5k. red on censored cover to Dresden, slightly rough opening at the bottom, otherwise fine (H. v. H 183.1)
"ОПЕ П.Т. КОНТОР" violet straight line on 25k. grey on cover to Riga, fine (H.v.H. 10.1)
RAUNA: 5k. red, two values and 50k. violet with pen cross on value declared cover with handwritten old label to Riga, fine
"РИГА 19 8 19" on 20k. orange and 35k. brown on registered cover wit provisional r-label to Wintherthur, german transit-label "Vom Ausland über...", slightly toned, otherwise fine (H.v.H. 219.1)
"RUZAWA" red straight-line on 15k. green on small censored cover to Dresden, fine (H.v.H. 226.1)
SMILTEN: "СМИЛЬТЕНЪ -9 9 19" on 10k. blue and 15k. green on cover to Riga, fine (H.v.H. 250.?)
"TALSI 10.5.19" double-circle cancel on four singles 5k. on cover to Borna, fine (H.v.H. 264.2)
"TIRSA" violet double circle cancel on Liberation of Kurland 1r. with adjacent strike with handwritten date on small cover, fine (H.v.H. 266.3, 266.4)
UPESMUIZA: Pen cross with date on 15 and 35k. on value declared cover with old label with handwritten correction on cover to Riga, folded, otherwise fine
"Wainode" blue straight-line on 5-15k., 5k. as horizontal pair, on cover with adjacent straight-line "Preekule", folded, otherwise fine
"ZEHSIS" double circle without date with adjacent dumb cancel "ГАЗЕНПОТЪ 2 8 19" on 5k. as horizontal pair and single with additional franking on registered cover, with old, corrected, r-label to Leepaja, stamps affixed on the edge and minor imperfections, an attractive and scarce entire (H.v.H. 040.3, 040.6)
"Allaschu P. Kant" violet two line cancel on horizontal pairs 10k. blue and 15k. green on value declared cover to Riga, fine (H.v.H. 006.1)
Provenance: Estonia and Latvia - The Collection Harry von Hofmann (359. Heinrich Köhler Auction)
PROVISIONAL CANCELLATIONS: "WALMEERA 20 9 19" on strip of five of Issue for North-Latvia 10k. on registered cover to Riga, fine
PROVISIONAL CANCELLATIONS: "WALMEERA 18 11 20" on two pairs Sun design 75k. on registered cover to Detroit, fine
PROVISIONAL CANCELLATIONS: "WALMEERA 25 8 19" on Liberation of Riga 15k. and additional franking on cover to Leipzig, fine
PROVISIONAL CANCELLATIONS: "WENDEN" muted russian postmark on Liberation of Riga 5 and 15k, two pairs resp. two singles, on registered cover with old r-label and handwritten corrections to Liepāja, fine