366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- Hauptkatalog (1146) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello (771) Apply Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello filter
- Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer (266) Apply Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer filter
- Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt (483) Apply Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt filter
1945, Liberation of Polish Cities with overprint "LODZ I. 1945" without day in date and heavily shifted, since without surcharge "3 zt", unmounted mint, a scarce variety, sign. Krawczyk and certificate Korszen
1946, BIE souvenir sheet, mint never hinged, fine
1946, BIE souvenir sheet, used, fine, signed Krawczyk
1950, Culture souvenir sheet with handstamp "Grosze" in type 22, neatly cancelled "SZCZECIN 2 24.1.51", tiny marginal fault, certificate Wezranowski (2017) (Mi. 2.000,-)
1968, Fairy Tale 60gr. with yellow instead of red frame, mint never hinged, fine, signed Petriuk BPP
1968, Philatelists 60gr. as se-tenant pair with missing colours, mint never hinged, fine, signed Petriuk BPP
1916, unissued 2-20 gr. imperforated, unmounted mint, also proof 20 gr. in black, sign. Petriuk
1966, 1 e. with inscription "PORTUGAL" missing, unmounted mint, very light bend
1998, CEPT 900 and 3900 l., two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
900 and 3900 l., two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
1858, 10 k. on thick paper tied by dotted numeral "2" to folded lettersheet to Wolmar (today Latvia), fine, certificate Eisold BPP (1998)
1875, Horizontally laid paper: 7 k. grey/carmine, irregular block of 21, tied by unclear cds. to piece of linnen envelope; few stamps with marginal faults and 5 values light creasing, otherwise fine; a scarce and attractive multiple
1923, Labor Day 1 r. + 1 r. on 10 r. with golden overprint and 2 r. + 2 r. on 250 r. and 4 r. + 4 r. on 5000 r. each with copper overpring, tied by cds. "MOSKAU 1.5.23" to First Day Cover, fine
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: 1909 (ca.), Revenue stamp 5 k. green, complete sheet with 40 stamps incl. 16 tête bêche pairs, all with red overprint "образецЪ", mint never hinged, some stamps with crease and one stamp with perforation fault at bottom, rare
1912, Machine registration mark "MOCKBA 576.." in red on registered postal stationery 7k. blue with addiotnal franking to San Remo, fine
"SIMA No 50" white label imperforated on enevelope franked on reverse with vertical strip of three and single Coat of arms 35k. and single 7k. from "SIMA 4 VIII 1899" to Ursowo, slightly shortened at left, folded, one stamp of strip of three with missing corner, scarce
1886, postal stationery card from "GROSS-LIEBENTHAL 10 VI 95" to Switzerland, taxed at arrival and postage due 10r. added, fine
1884/94, Wenden coat of arms 2k. tied by manuscript resp. cds. "WENDEN 12 XI" to russia postal stationery card 4k. addressed to Java, a very rare destination, fine
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
0 1Katalog-Nr.1-11
Ausruf400 €
Zuschlag400 €
1919, Handstamp of of the Russian Orthodox cross in a circle: 3-75 k. and 5-35 k. each as block of four from the upper left sheet corner, unused, very rare in multipes, few stamps with wrinkles, otherwise fine, signed Dawydoff
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
Ausruf200 €
1919, Liberation of Riga 5-35k., each as complete sheet, mint never hinged, fine, compelte sheets are scarce
1921, 10 k. blue, horizontal strip of 3, tied by cds. "WLADIWOSTOK 7.11.21" to reverse to registered cover with two different register labels via London to Budapest with arrival mark, cover shortened at right, otherwise fine
BUCHARA: "STARAYA BUKHARA 5.2.14", clear strikes on 1908/13, 1 k., 2 k., 3 k. and 7 k. (2) on reverse of commercial cover to India, usual transportation marks
LEVANTE: 1895, postcard 4 k.+4 k. with text used from Constantinople 1900 to Munich
BOGORODSK: 1894, 4 k. red, copy from the sheet corner, tied to reverse of cover 1894 from Germany with 1889/1900, 20 pf. tied by railway mark "BERLIN-GIRSCHAU 28.5.94"; German stamp tiny corner crease, otherwise a fine and scarce combination (Schmidt 86)
OSINSKY: 2 c. green tied by oval handstamp with date "12...90" to handwritten receipt, folded and tiny spots
1932, 2nd Polar year 50 k. and 1 r. in blocks of 4, unmounted mint, one 50 k. corner gum crease
1935, Lewanewski flight 1r. on 10 k., unmounted mint, very fine, signed Richter and Sovjet philatelic association (Mi. 1100,-)
1950, Soviet republic "Estonia", three essays in unadopted designs (90X117mm) in different denominations on cardboard, painted in pencil, one colored, depicting "Tartu Parlament", "Industrial plant" etc., fine and very attractive
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.
0Katalog-Nr.3032B KLB
Ausruf500 €
1965, Space ship Woschod 10 k. imperforated, miniature sheet with 20 stamps, unmounted mint, slight marginal bends (Zagorsky no. 3087M Sheet)
1950, two essays in unadopted designs (184x142mm and 165x232mm) in different denominations on cardboard, painted in pencil, depicting "Agricultural sector" and "Industrial plant", in addition three little photo essays one depicting the same motif as in the large essay but with different aligment of the denomination
1933, unissued Zeppelin 20l. on 3l carmine with perforation "SPECIMEN" as vertical gutter pair originating from the Bradbury Wilkonson printers archive, mint never hinged, very rare with only 1 sheet printed, thus only 15 such pairs possible, very fine, certifcate Ceremuga (Sassone P16a)
1992, Europe 750-850l., each as horizontal gutter pair, mint never hinged, fine
2011, Visit of Pope Benedikt 1€. as imperforated block of four with sheet margin, with missing gold print (denomination and inscription), mint never hinged, fine
NOVI PAZAR: 1876, registered cover to Istanbul franked with 1pi of 1870 and 5pi of 1872, Dulos type postage due stamps tied by superb YENIPAZAR (A&P type 1, RRR) handstamps. Believed to be the only recorded registered cover.
PIROT: 1871 (ca.), cover to Sarajevo franked with 1pi and 2pi postage due of 1869/71 Dulos stamps tied by SEHIRKOY (A&P type 1, RRR) handstamps. Illustrated in A&P. Certificate TFF
1850, 12 c. lilac in horizontal pair, fresh colour and large margins, tied by 2 clear strikes of red spider cancel to large piece with adjacent rec "LOJA 24 ABR. 1850"; very fine and rare in this condition, certificates CEM (1999) and Graus (2000)
Provenance: "Sarah" (Corinphila 1999)