366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- Hauptkatalog (1146) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello (771) Apply Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello filter
- Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer (266) Apply Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer filter
- Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt (483) Apply Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt filter
INCOMING MAIL: CHINA: Junke 1c. two pairs and 3c. as pair tied by chinese cds. to cover Riga, damaged on transit and seals tied by cds. "RIGA 18 5 23", a little unfresh, scarce
INTERNATIONAL PARCEL CARDS: 1925, 5l. green with additional franking tied by cds. "LEEPAJA 28 11 27" to parcel card to Brooklyn, stamps affixed at edge, fine
1925, 5l. green with additional franking tied by cds. "RIGA -2. I.32" to parcel card via "WILNO" to Zürich, small rust trace of paper clip, otherwise fine
1925, 5l. green with additional franking tied by cds. "LEEPAJA 25 11 27" to parcel card to Duluth, stamps affixed at edge, otherwise fine
1925, 5l. green with additional franking tied by cds. "LEEPAJA 22 8 38" to parcel card to Chicago, fine
1925, 5l. green with additional franking tied by cds. "RIGA 23 8 38" to parcel card to Cambridge, USA, vertical fold, otherwise fine
1925, 5l. green with additional franking tied by cds. "RIGA 27 1 40" to parcel card to Tallin, reverse with Estonia Narva falls 1kr. tied by cds. "TALLINN-VAKSAL 1 II 40", vertical fold, otherwise fine
1940, Coat of arms 1s. as strip of four with additional franking tied by cds. "RIGA 17.7.40" to front and reverse of parcel card to Bad Nauheim, vertical fold, small rust traces of paperclip, otherwise fine
METER MARKS, interesting group of 15 cards and covers including registered mail, on written up pages
MONEY ORDERS ON RUSSIAN FORMS: 1920, First Constitution Assembly 1r., two singles with additional franking tied by cds. "WEZ-GULBENE" to russian money order form to Birschi, stamps with fixed scisscor cuts, otherwise fine, signed Rucins
1921, Russian money order form from "ALOJA 21 6 21" to Valmiera, fine
1922, Coat of arms 50r. with additional franking tied by cds. "WALKA 2 12 22" to russian money order form to Lejaszeems, stamps with scisscor cuts and partially affixed at the edge, otherwise fine
1922, Coat of arms 50r., four singles with additional franking tied by cds. "WALMEERA -8.9.22" to front and reverse of russian money order form to Limbasch, stamps with scisscor cuts and partially affixed at the edge, otherwise fine
MONEY ORDERS ON LATVIAN FORMS: 1923, Coat of arms 1l. brown with additional franking tied by cds. "RIGA 24 VI 34" to Express money order, scarce usage, fine
Money order form from "KALNAMUISCHA 3 2 23" to Riga, fine
1940, Coat of arms 50s. as pair with additional franking and combination of Sovjet stamps tied by cds. "GULBENE 27.1.41" to money order to Aluksne, fine

POSTAL SLOGAN CANCELLATIONS: 1936/40, very interesting collection with many different slogans on more than 100 cards and covers, written up on pages
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1933, Coat of arms 20s. card with railway cancel "WALK-RIGA 20 7 34" to Leningrad, fine

POSTAL STATIONERY: 1920/40, interesting unused and used collection with more than 45 cards, specialized with many different types, MI.-Nr. P8, 11 two used each and P12 used, all written up on pages

TOURIST PICTURE POSTCARDS: Complete unused sets of number 1-42, in addition a few used copies, all written up on pages
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "DAUGAVAPILS-ABRENE P.V. No 17a -7.3.39" on vertical pair Ulmanis 20s. on registered cover to Daugavapils, opened on two sides and minor imperfections
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "DAUGAVAPILS-INDRA un OTR P.V. NOO. No No 41 un 42" on vertical pair Coat of arms 20s. on registered cover to Kraslava, scarce, some faults
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "DAUGAVAPILS-KRUSTPILS a P.V. No 58 15 12 37" on block of eight New Constitution 5s. on reverse of registered cover to Daugavapils, minor imperfections, scarce and attractive
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "DAUGAVAPILS-RITUPE IM DTRADI * P.V. a 30 7 26" on horizontal pair Coat of arms 15s. on reverse of registered cover with provisional r-label to Balvus, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "JAUNLATGALE-DAUGAVAPILS P.V. No 18a 13 3 37" on horizontal pair New Constitution 20s. on reverse of registered cover to Daugavapils, opened on two sides, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "KRUSTPILS-DAUGAVAPILS a P.V. No 57 7 11 38" on horizontal pair New Constitution 20s. on reverse of registered cover to Daugavapils, opened on two sides, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "KRUSTPILS-DAUGAVAPILS a P.V. No 57 1 3 39" on 20th Anniverary of Republic 40s. on registered cover to Daugavapils, opened on two sides, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "LIEPAJA-RIGA b P.V. No 12" on Hitler 12 and 30 Pfg. on registered cover with provisional r-label to Riga, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: LITHUANIAN CANCEL: "RYGA-KYBARTEI PASTO VAGONAS No. 2 17-IV-1932" on Aizsargi 2s. perforated and 3s. imperforated on cover to Stettin, scarce, somewhat toned, signed Rucins
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-PLAVINAS-WEZGULBENE P.W. a 29 3 27" on horizontal pair Coat of arms 15s. on registered cover with handwritten r-label to Bauska, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-RITUPE a P.V. No 7 15 IX 32" on block of four Coat of arms 10s. on reverse of registered cover to Balvi, backflap with tear, otherwise fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-RITUPE b P.V. No 7 1 II 26" on two singles Coat of arms 15s. on registered cover wit handwritten r-label to Bolwi, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-VENTSPILS P.V. No 13 -9.6.41" on Sovjet Union Perekop 15k. on local letter, fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-ZEMGALE a P.V. No 9 31 VII 38" on vertical pair New Constitution 10s. with additional franking on registered cover to Daugavapils, some pinholes in adhesives, otherwise fine
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-ZEMGALE a P.V. No 3 XII 34" on horizontal pair Coat of arms 20s. on reverse of registered cover to Daugavapils, minor imperfections
TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: "RIGA-ZILUPE a P.V. No 3 27 II 39" on horizontal pair Ulmanis 20s. on registered cover to Rezekne, openend out for display, otherwise fine