366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten
1914, King Constantine Issue: Complete set with "CHIMARRA" cds, canceled-to-order, 50L with small corner crease and 5dr with a nibbled perf at left.
1914, King Constantine Issue: Complete set with "CHIMARRA" cds, on philatelic registered cover addressed to St. Quaranta (Albania - arrival stamp on back).
1914, King Constantine, used set on fragments tied by "CHIMARRA" cds. Included is an extra 2L with broken E of ΧΕΙΜΑΡΡΑ. 1914, King Constantine, used set on fragments tied by "CHIMARRA" cds. Included is an extra 2L with broken E of ΧΕΙΜΑΡΡΑ.
1914, King Constantine Issue: Block of ten (5x2), with the first vertical row of stamps being the 50L value, the next three vertical rows being the 1L and the last vertical row being the 2dr value (producing as such two se-tenant pairs of the 50L & 1L values and two se-tenant pairs of the 1L and 2dr values, with a vertical pair of the 1L in the middle). Fresh, well centered, two stamps each belonging to a different se-tenant pair hinged with remnant, all others mint never hinged. very scarce
1914, King Constantine Issue: Block of eight (4x2), with the two left stamps of each horizontal row being the 10L and the two right stamps being the 2L value (producing as such two se-tenant pairs of the 10L & 2L values in the middle). Fresh, one 10L (from a se-tenant pair with natural inclusion, mentioned for accuracy and visible from the back), well centered, mint never hinged. Scarce, high catalogue value.
Korytsa 1914: 25L, Flag issue overprinted "Korytsa", tied with "KORYTSA 21.Okt.14" cds on cover sent to Monasir via "Thessaloniki" (cds). Very rare on properly used cover
1914/16: Various "North Epirus" overprint on Campaign 1912/13 or lithographic definitives on commercial covers, tied with "KORYTSA" large cds (x7), "PREMETI" large cds (x1), "ARGYROKASTRON (x3) type V cds and "CHIMARRA" type V cds
1915, Greek Stamps Overprinted N. Epirus in black, complete, 1L-3dr overprint reading up, the 5dr correctly reading down, fresh, great perfs for these, unused, almost all are backstamped, very nice.
1-5dr , 1-3dr overprint reading up, the 5dr correctly reading down, each tied to fragment by "KORYTSA" cds, very fine.
5dr engraved in a sheet selvage block of four with double overprint reading upwards. Fresh, great centering and perforations, mint never hinged gum with pencil number on the selvage only, backstamped Argyropoulos and Schmitt. Very Fine and very rare multiple.
5dr engraved with double overprint reading up. Fresh, great centering and perforations, unused with pencil number, backstamped Argyropoulos. Very Fine and rare.
5dr engraved with double overprint reading up. Because the type-setting used was that for the smaller format (lepta) values, the overprint appears thrice. Fresh, great centering and perforations, unused with small remnant and with pencil numbers, backstamped Argyropoulos. Very fine and rare.
5dr engraved with double overprint reading up. Usual centering and perforations, unused with some toning and pencil number, backstamped Zeis with his certificate (1988).
Bilista: 10L "North Epirus" overprint on lithographic definitives and (5L) Red Cross Charity stamp, tied with "BILISTA 24.Mar.1916" large cds on commercial cover sent to Salonica Greece (arrival cds), very unusual
Liaskoviki : 10L and 40L "North Epirus" overprint on Campaign 1912/13 issue, tied with "LIASKOVIKI 25.Mai.1915" large cds on censored registered cover sent to Constantinople Turkey via Janina & Salonica (cds), very unusual commercial use
Premeti : 5 copies 5L "North Epirus" overprint on Campaign 1912/13 issue tied with PREMETI 24.5.1915 large cds on cover sent to Constantinople Turkey via Janina & Salonica (cds), very unusual, commercially used
1940/41: 10 items (envelopes, postcards and postal cards), all properly used, with postmarks and censor-markings of "KORYTSA" (x8) and "ARGYROKASTRO" (x2), very interesting
1914/41, Accumulation of mint and used, hundreds of stamps starting off with the desirable Chimarra Skulls, including a canceled set of the original printing, with some small faults but very presentable, reprints and forgeries, Autonomous Epirus Infantrymen including imperf pairs which although marked Falsch we believe genuine, Moschopolis including overprinted and color variations, Erseka and other unofficial issues, Chimarra double eagle, Greek stamps with N. Epirus overprint including at least one set on Campaign and a definitives set to the 3dr. with overprint reading up, and ending with 1941 Greek Administration overprints. Must examine, quality range from faulty to very fine, should expect forgeries in a lot like this

1870/1990 (ca.), interesting accumulation including North Epirus, Argyrokastron, Chimarra, Korytsa, Italian, Austrian and Turkish post, etc. with also interesting covers
1920, 3 covers and one front franked with "Thrace Interalliée: stamps, tied with "XANTHI", "DEMOTIKA" and "ODRIN" cds, together with a censored cover with TRESOR ET POSTES, nice commercially used items, some usual imperfections
Asia Minor & Islands 1920/22: 7 fragments and 2 stamps with lithographic issue stamps, canceled with Greek cds "SEVDIKIOI", "EPHESOS", "ALATSATA", "VAINDIRION", "MAGNISIA", "TENEDOS", 3x "IMVROS" (Turkish names: Seydiköy, Selçuk, Alaçatı, Bayındır, Manisa, Bozcaada, Gökçeada), rare selection and beautiful strikes
1947, 19 items as follows: 9 covers with different cds of the islands, 4 covers with "RODOS" cds tying stamps overprinted "S.D.D.", together with 6 German Feldpost lettercards stamped with the official handstamps of the P.Os of Patmos, Leros and Kalymnos
1947: 7 envelopes, all properly used, with cds of "RODOS" (x5), "KALYMNOS" and "SYMI" (x1) tying stamps overprinted "S.D.D.", very interesting and scarce

1860/1948, unused and used collection with covers, including French PO with 3 covers Castellorizo, Brititish, Austrian and Turkish Post
1941/45, German field post letters with overprinted air mail stamps , including Mi.-no. 7A (2), 8B (2), 9, 11B, 12 etc., some ex Rungas, some signed Mogler BPP

MYTILENE: 1864/1944, small collection including Austrian. Russian and Turkish post
KAWALA: 1870/1915 (ca.), small collection including registered letter greek occupation, French, Austrian and Turkish post

GREECE AND AREAS: 1860s/modern: Accumulation of mint and used stamps and covers, stockcards and glassines jam packed with loads of material that may very well prove to be a treasure hunter's dream. Large Hermes section includes a Volos 40L clear and distinct double control error, great cds but repaired on the left, another consecutive 40L with light double control figures, a meshed paper 40L with a dark purple shade among many others that include a few pairs, etc. Different printings, shades, papers, and some control errors noted. Small Hermes showing is strong, unchecked, spot checks also revealed a variety of printings, shades, papers and cancels. Olympics include an 1896, 10dr high value in two copies, one completely sound, the other with a scissor cut as it was used on a parcel form. Other Olympics include a nice 50L on 1dr with an unusual cancel, a 1906 3dr olive yellow, etc. From there on, some proofs and imperf pairs of the Flying Hermes including an unused no gum 5L blue horizontal pair, Epanastasis better values, imperf sheet selvage singles of the 3 & 5dr Engraved as well as a used imperf pair of the 2dr Litho, all sound, etc. Area stamps include Ikaria complete overprint set on paper, Mytilene, Italian & French Levant Offices, Castellorizo, British Ionian Islands, and too much more to remember. About 100 covers or so from pre-adhesive and Large Hermes Heads with many Levant Offices, etc. A lovely, a bit messy accumulation, condition ranges from faulty to very fine as expected, forgeries should be expected in a lot like this
FORGERIES and Bogus Issue accumulation of Greece proper, strong Samos with Map type forgeries up to and including the high value of the General Administration 25dr. Castles; also, Epirus with Chimarra reprints and forgeries both off and on cover; Crete with many British including several of the 1898, 20pa violet (even a multiple on cover) as well as desirable Russian PO values; Mytilene and a variety of Foreign Offices in the Levant, stamps or on cover, etc. A wonderful showing that includes complete forgeries, genuine stamps with forged overprints and/or cancels, mostly separated but never fully knowing what's coming up next. Condition ranges from faulty to very fine, some of these are very well done and dangerous, excellent for study.
Literatur : small library with handbooks like Faenstua R.M. Kreta Postal History, Postage and Revenue Stamps, Coins and Banknotes, Athens 2001