366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten
1920, National Assembly, small unused and used collection wit one cover containing 60sk. as horizontal pair imperforated between (ex Matuzas) and 30+15sk. as block of 10 with gutter pairs, written up on pages
1921, First Definitive issue, interesting unused/never hinged collection with many imperforated multiples, Mi.-Nr. 94F, 95F unused and 2a. as vertical pair imperforated between, written up on pages
1921, Airmail 20sk.-5a., interesting unused / never hinged collection with one cover, containing imperforated multiples and 80sk. as horizontal strip of three imperforated between (ex Matuzas), on written up pages
1921, Airmail 20sk-5a., small unused collection containing 80 sk. as vertical pair imperforated between and 2a. imperforated at right (ex Matuzas), written up on page
1922, First Definitive Issue 4-8a., small unused and used collection with many better items including 4a. with variety yellow color omitted, block of four from the lower left sheet corner with partially omitted color yellow, vertical pair imperforated between, 8a. horizontal pair imperforated between, 4a. with four different varities, written up on pages
1922, Airmail 1-10a., small unused collection with different types and two multiples, written up on pages
1922, De Jure Issue20sk.-10a., small unused collection containing 20sk. with inverted center, 8a. with wrong center, 50sk. imperforated at bottom, 2a. with wrong center as pair etc., written up on pages
1922, New Currency Overprinted Issue 1c-1l., interesting unused collection with many varities like different perforations, 2c. on 60sk. vertical pair, double surcharge, one inverted (ex Matuzas), 10c. on 2a. vertical imperforated pair, double surcharge and vertical/horizontal pair imperforated between and 1l. on 100a. as vertical pair imperforated between (ex Matuzas) etc., written up on pages
1923, Memel issue 1c.-5l., interesting unused and never hinged collection with one cover, containing 1, 5 ,15 and 25c. and 5l. imperforated and 1c. as horizontal pair imperforated between, written up on pages
1923/25, Cross issue & Kaunas castle, interesting unused and never hinged collection with better varities like Mi.-Nr. 211Y, 213U and 217U, written up on pages
1926, Airmail 20-60 c., interesting unused collection with many better items like 20-60c. as vertical and horizontal pair imperforated between, 60c. with inverted center (3) and 40 and 60c. with "Cietuva", written up on pages
1926/27, Warrior's Cross, Basanavicius and Vytis, interesting unused and never hinged collection with many better items like Mi.-Nr. 270,72U as pairs, 271U single, Mi.-Nr. 271Uo(4) etc., written up on pages
1930, Grand Duke Vytautas 2c-25l., small unused collection with some varities of 30 and 60c., written up on pages
1930, Vytautas 5c-1l., small unused and never hinged collection, containing 60c. as horizontal pair imperforated between (ex Matuzas), 1l. as horizontal pair, the left with "transposed heads", 5-15c. with seven/six varities (ex Matuzas) and 20-40c. with three varities (ex Matuzas), written up on pages
1932/33, interesting unused and never hinged collection with one cover, written up on pages
1933/39, small unused and never hinged collection
1939, Basketball European Championship 15-60c., unused and mostly never hinged collection, containing two imperforated sets., 60c. as block of six imperforated vertically and 30c. as pair imperforated vertically, written up on pages
1940, Peace issue 5-35c., interesting unused and never hinged collection with 10c. horizontal pair imperforated between, 30c. as horizontal pair vertically imperforated and 10 proofs in pairs, written up on pages
1922/40, unused and used collection with cards and covers, some Central Lithuania, better items, postal stationery, picture postcards, proofs and partially perforated stamps ex Mi.-Nr. 443-45, plus some Lithuanian SSR
1940, Return of Vilnius to Lithuania 15-60 c., interesting unused and never hinged collection with imperforated blocks of four, and pairs vertically resp. horizontally imperforated, also 9 proofs on different colors, written up on pages

1990/93, interesting collection on 7 albums with many covers, mixed frankings, postal stationery, proofs and varities
1919, 50 sk. on 1 k. imperforated with right sheet margin, unused, only 50 stamps printed, signed Mikulski and certificate Huylmans BPP (2018)
1919, 50 sk. on 1 k. imperforated with left sheet margin showing variety "italic i in літва", tied by provisional cancel "GRODNO" to local cover addressed to A. Plamsch, with receipt, a very rare cover, only 50 stamps printed, with this variety only 2 possible, hinge traces in the corner, fine, certificiate Huylmans BPP (2018)
1919, 3-70 k., unused, fine
1919, 15k. on light bluish-green (1st. printing, pos. 3) tied by blue cds. "RASEINIAI 18 III. 1919" to cover to Vainutas, stamp with perforation faults at left, some small folds and wrinkles, otherwise fine and rare
1919, interesting collection containing a block of 24 (2nd printing) and some pieces with different cancellations
1920, Telsiai Postmaster Issue, without value indication, with upper sheet margin, used, tiny corner crease in the sheet margin only, fine, signed Mikulski and certificate Huylmans BPP (2018)
1920, Telsiai Postmaster Issue 20sk. with upper sheet margin tied by cds. "TELSIAI 14.1.20" to postcard addressed to J.S. Kunig. Juozapavičiui, Varniai Mūrinė Bažnyčia, with adjacent arrival mark " "VARNIAI * * * 15 I 1920", fine, signed Ing. Becker and certificate Huylmans BPP (2018)
1920, Telsiai Postmaster Issue 120sk. with upper sheet margin tied by cds. "TELSIAI 14.1.20" to registered cover addressed to Sammlerbund “Union” Munchen, Clemenstr. 8, Bavaria, the stamps added in Kaunas have been removed, thus some slight discolouring and abrasion, backflap re-affixed, despite the imperfections a scarce and attractive cover
POLISH OCCUPATION OF WARWISZKI: 1923, 50 m. unused, fine, signed Mikulski and Schmutz and certificate Huylmans BPP (2018)
1923, 100 m. unused, fine, signed Petriuk BPP a.o. and certificate Huylmans BPP (2018)
1923, 200 m. unused, fine, signed Schmutz
POSTAL HISTORY: 1919-1920 (February), interesting collection of 9 cover(front) and cards, containing two german "transit r-labels", provsional registration label of Kursenai etc., all well described and written up on pages
POSTAL HISTORY: 1.3.1920-30.6.1921, interesting collection of 15 cards and covers and one parcel form, all well described and written up on pages
POSTAL HISTORY: 1.7.1921-28.2.1922, interesting collection of 13 cards and covers, containing mostly registered mail including one with provisional r-label of "Pagiriai" etc., all well described and written up on pages
POSTAL HISTORY: 1.3.1922-14.7.1922, interesting collection of 8 cards and covers, all well described and written up on pages