366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten
POSTAL HISTORY: 15.7.-9.9.1922, interesting collection of 6 cards and covers, containing better frankings etc., all well described and written up on pages
POSTAL HISTORY: 1.10.-31.12.1922, interesting collection of 9 cards and covers, containing better frankings and registered mail etc., all well described and written up on pages

POSTAL HISTORY: 1923/28, interesting collection of 160 cards and covers, containing interesting frankings and registered mail, better cancellations, printed matter, picture postcards etc., all well described and written up on pages

POSTAL HISTORY: 1928/34, interesting collection of 160 cards and covers, containing better frankings and registered and value declared mail, better cancellations, postage due etc., all well described and written up on pages

POSTAL HISTORY: 1934/40, interesting collection of 130 cards and covers, containing better frankings and registered and value declared mail, better cancellations, printed matter, picture postcards etc., all well described and written up on pages

POSTAL HISTORY: 1940-41, interesting collection of 17 cards and covers, containing registered and censored mail etc., all well described and written up on pages
AIRMAIL: 1934, Darius and Girenas 60ct., vertical pair and single with additional franking tied by cds. "VILNIUS 18.11.40" to censored airmail cover via "YANKEE CLIPPER" to New York, fine
1934, Darius and Girenas 1lt., two singles with additional franking tied by cds. "VILNIUS -9.7.40" to censored airmail cover via "YANKEE CLIPPER" to New York, fine
Red Army 1 rbl. as vertical pair with additional franking tied by bilingual cds. "KAUNAS 1 3 41" to airmail cover via "YANKEE CLIPPER" to New York, two vertical folds not affecting the stamps, otherwise fine
Northpole 80k. as horizontal pair and single with additional franking tied by cds. "JONAVA 26.XII.40" to airmail cover via "YANKEE CLIPPER" to Chicago, fine
AIRMAIL 1921-22, interesting collection of 9 cards and covers, all well described and written up on pages

AIRMAIL 1923-36, interesting collection of 33 cards and covers, containing registered and express mail, all well described and written up on pages

AIRMAIL 1936-41, interesting collection of 24 cards and covers, containing censored and registered mail, all well described and written up on pages
FIELDPOST: 1922, Airmail 10m. as horizontal strip of three tied by cds. "K.L. pasto ist. N 1 1-X.1922" to reverse of registered cover to Yugoslavia, small tears, otherwise fine and rare
POSTAL FORMS: Interesting collection of 20 unused forms, containing parcel national and international parcel cards, postal money order, COD etc., all written up on pages

POSTAL STATIONERY: 1924/40, interesting unused and used collection with more than 90 cards, containing many different images from the later cards, written up on pages
PRISONER OF WAR: Cover from "KAUNAS 25.VI.19" addressed to a POW Camp in Celle, franked with Germania 15 pfg. tied by straight line "Postamt 1.", fine
PROVIOSIONAL CANCELLATIONS: "Kalvarija 7 IX" manuscript mark on horizontal pair 60sk. on registered cover with handwritten r-label to Philadelphia, some bends and creases, rare and attractive
"Kedainiai 8 V 19" in manuscript in circular cachet on 30 sk. stamps on cover to Kaunas, fine
"Kelme 13/X 19" boxed two line cachet on 5a. on registered coverb with provsional r-label to Berlin, with glued on receipt of postage, some stains, otherwise fine
"Plunge 11/9-19" red manuscript on horizontal pair 20 sk. on censored cover to Germany, fine and rare
RIETAVAS: "Retowo" straight line on 60sk. on cover to Copenhagen with arrival mark, fine
"SAKIAI -14-7-19." blue straight-line on 10 sk. brick-red and 40 sk. brown on cover to Königsberg, fine
"SAKIAI -14-7-19." blue straight-line on 10 sk. brick-red and 15 sk. violet, each as pair, on cover to Basel, fine
"SEDA 9-7-19" in manuscript on two different 50 sk. stamps on registered cover to Copenhagen, there readressed to Esbjerg, registration label handwritten and inscribed "Siady N. 89", reverse roughly opened, otherwise very fine and rare
"SILALE PASTO SKYRIUS 20.8.19" cds. on 60 sk. stamp on cover to Berlin, stamp slightly soiled, otherwise fine
Provenance: The Collection Harry von Hofmann (358. Heinrich Köhler Auction) & pictured in "Postal Markings in Lithuania" by Vytautas Fugalevicius and Martin Bechstedt, page 22
"Skuodas" blue straight line on 20sk. on cover to Libau, fine
SILALE: Dump 4-ring cancel on 20sk. and 1a. on reverse of registered cover with provisional r-label ro Durham, a rare cover, very fine and attractice
pictured in b/w only at http://lithuanianphilately.com/provisional-postmarks/silale/
"Subacius No..." framed two line cachet on 60sk. on censored cover to New York, vertical fold, few imperfections, very rare
"VILKAVIŠKIS 24/IV-19" manuscript on 20 and 40 sk. on registered cover with provisional r-albel to Kaunas with arrival mark, rare and fine
VIRBALIS: "VIRBALIO MIESTO 26-4-19" violet circular cachet on 10 and 20sk. on cover to Kaunas, fine
"Zagara 14-X-19" manuscript mark on 20 and 40 sk. on cover to Latvia, little roughly openend otherwise fine, scarce
RAILWAY, interesting collection of 14 cards and covers, all well described and written up on pages
Return postal stationery card Hindenbugr 6 pfg. from "SMALENINKAI -4.IV.34" to Berlin, with interesting text, fine
SOVJET OCCUPATION: Northpole 80k. and Worker 5. tied by cds. "KAUNAS cent. -6.1.41" to registered postal stationery card to Tel-Aviv, with censor and arrival mark, fine
Red Army 1 rbl. tied by bilingual cds. "KRETINGA 3 3 41" to postal stationery card 35ct. to Minneapolis, minor edge wear, fine