366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten
1863, Tugra 2 ghr. deep blue on thin paper, fresh colour and good margins all around, unused, very fine, certificate Isfila (2017)
5 ghr. rose on thin paper, control band at top, fresh colour and good margins on three sides, touched at right, unused without gum, very fine, certificate Isfila (2017)
1867, unissued 25 pia. salmon, unused, tiny wrinke in the center, otherwise fine and very scarce, certificate ISFILA (2017) (Mi. 5.000,-)
1876, unissued 5 ghr. greyish-blue, unused with full original gume, fine, private signature and certificate ISFILA (2017) (Mi. 2.800,-)
Unissued 25 ghr. pale-red, unused, fine, certificate ISFILA (2017) (Mi. 2.800,-)
Notary public revenue 50 pia. ochre, unused, tiny corner crease, otherwise very fine, a scarce stamp, signed and certificate ISFILA (2017)
1920, Religous tribunal fiscal stamp 1 ghr. green with handstamped overprint, unused, few short perforations, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate ISFILA (2017)
1921, Court fiscal stamp 1 pia. ultramarin with handstamped overprint, unused, light diagonal crease, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate ISFILA (2017)
1921, Court fiscal stamp 50 pia. yellow-brown with handstamped overprint, unused, very fine, scarce, signed and certificate ISFILA (2017)
1921, Religious tribunal fiscal stamp 5 ghr. blue with handstamped overprint, unused, tiny crease at top, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate ISFILA (2017)
Theatre tax 20 pa. black tied by arabic cds. "ANKARA 8" to small piece, fine, certificate ISFILA (2017)
1921, Foreign affairs fiscal stamp 5 ghr. bright-green with handstamped overprint, unused, light horizontal crease at bottom, barely perceptible, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate ISFILA (2017)
Museum fiscal stamp 1 p. blue with handstamped overprint, unused, perforation faults, otherwise fine, scarce, signed and certificate ISFILA (2017)
Museum fiscal stamp 1 p. blue with handstamped overprint, unused, vertical crease, otherwise fine, scarce, signed and certificate ISFILA (2017)
1958, CEPT 25 k. with colour variety "carmine", unmounted mint, fine
1958, CEPT 25 k. with colour variety "carmine" with first day cancellation "ANKARA 10.10.58" on cover
POSTAGE DUE: 1867, Unissued 25 ghr. light brown, fresh colour and usual perforations, unused, small thin, otherwise very fine, a very rare stamp, signed twice and certificate ISFILA (2017) (Mi. 25.000,-)
LOCAL POST LIANOS: “BUYUKDERE 15 SP 66” bilingual c.d.s. on folded envelope to Genova, bearing 20 Pa. green/black in horizontal pair used by dotted grid with adjacent "POSTE LOCALE CONSTANTINOPLE 16 SEPT. 66" , handed to Austian PO with "CONSTANTINOPEL 29/9" and transported by Italian steamer, with boxed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI"; weak italian arrival mark; a horizontal cover crease affecting the pair; a very scarce combination cover, certificate Nakri (2017)
ANDRINOPLE & CONSTANTINOPLE : 1859-60 Two folded envelope each tied by “Stefano Badetti Constantinople” blue forwarding agent cachets, each by red boxed “Paquebot de la Mediterranee” to Marseille, usual file folds, fine pair
DENIZLI-IZMIR : Railway postmark „BUR. AMB. DENIZLI-SMYRNE“ (AP No.501, RR) on greeting card envelope bearing three 2 Para olive 1911 issue to Belize Honduras, 1 para overpaid, fine and only recorded destination to Honduras, certificate TFDF 1996
IZMIR: 1826, entire letter from Izmir to Belgium with front side "Turquie." and on revers clear disinfection mark of Semlin "NETTO DIFUORA E SPORCO DIDENTRO"
"KOUROU-TSCHESME SEP.19.96", clear bilingual cds. in black on 1 pia. grey-blue on cover via Constantinopel-Galata to St.Petersburg with arrival mark, cover rough opened at bottom with long tear, otherthise fine, rare
"TELEGRAF VE POSTAHANEI MISRATA" negative seal, partially on reverse of cover. Only two strikes of the rare MISRATA negative seal are known to date. None of the two is complete with this one being the more complete of the two. A great rarity and most desirable for the serious postal historians!
PRINKIPO : All arabic negative postmark „Büyükada Posta Subesi“ (AP No.4, RRR, shown in catalogue) and No.7 with bars very clear on postal stationery envelope 1 Pia. 1901 issue to Bilecik with arrival mark, shortened at left and light crease on top right, fine and very scarce, certificate TOPS
MILITARY: 6 Ottoman Military related covers and cards including FPO
RAILWAY: 6 Ottoman railways related covers and cards mostly from Balkan countries
SHIPMAIL: 1858 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing admirality 3 piaster rose carmine excellent impression and color, good to wide margins, with boxed “P.P./Anchor” alongside, very clear. Usual vertical file fold not affecting stamp or cancellation. An important showpiece from well known corrospondance Kirmissian, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
Provenance : Corinphila 99.th Stamp Auction Torrey & Brodtbeck Collections
CONSTANTINOPOLI : 1861 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Mudania showing rare blue Ottoman Maritime Company cachet „COSPOLI POSTA DEL IMPERO OTTOMANO DELLA ZECCA *P.P.*“ very clear, alongside “Franco” one-liner in blue. Usual file fold and tiny spot at left, fine and very scarce
1859 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing label “Porto-Piastre” with ms. 4 Piaster, black “POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI COSTANTINOPOLI P.P.” clear alongside. Usual file folds, border toned, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
1862, maritime entire from France to Bursa struck on arrival by P.P. Ottoman Admiralty Steamship Co. cachet.
1908, postcard to Crete franked with 10pa and tied by very rare PIROSCAFO POSTALE SIRACUSA date stamp and La Canea Italian Levant arrival cds.
VAPUR : Folded envelope bearing postage due 1 Pia. brown tied by clear boxed all arabic “Vapur” (AP No.3, RR) to Constantinopoli, rough opened and flaw repaired, usual file fold, fine and scarce, certificate TOPS
AUSTRIAN DDSG: Folded envelope from Iskenderun (Alexandrette) to Aleppo tied by all Arabic “L+A An Canib-i Posta Haleb Nemce 1855” (AP No.2, RRR), usual file folds, very fresh; Iskenderun did not have a Lloyd office, so the entire was sealed on arrival; only few covers are recorded, certificate TFDF 1996
GREEK SHIP MAIL: 1863, folded entire to Athens struck by oval Greek HELLENIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY * VOLOS handstamp.
ITALIAN SHIP MAIL: 1902, postcard to France franked with 20pa of 1901 external issue stamp and tied by SERBIA * PIROSCAFO POSTALE ITALIANO datestamp. Scarce
PROVINCES IN ANATOLIA AND THRACE: All arabic boxed postmark „Iskenderun“ (Coles-Walker No.4, AP No.4, RR) on reverse of envelope bearing 1 Pia. yellow and same stamp bisect 1876 issue to Aleppo, some crease, large flaw on front, fine and scarce, ex Plantinga