366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten
1854, Desmadryl 5 c. redbrown, clear to large margins, tied by target to lettersheet to "VALPARAISO 23 Mayo 54" to Santiago, very fine
1854, Gillet 5 c. Siena clear to wide margins, tied by clear target cancel to lettersheet from "Santiago 28 AGTO 55" to Valparaiso, very fine, certificate Maier BPP (2013)
1855, 2 London print 5 c. in horizontal pair with clear to large margins, cancel by central boxed "FRANCA", also franca-cancellations on 2 copies estancos 10 c. (one cut into)
1856/65, Estancos 10 c. blue, bisected diagonally, tied by mute cancel to folded cover from "SANTIAGO 17.ABRIL.57" to Valparaiso, fine, signed A. Diena and certificate Maier BPP (2010)
1867, 5 c. orange fiscally used on ship consignment note
1928/34, Airmail 1 p. US surcharge in blue, printed on 1 p. firstprinting with wm 'starpointing up', lightly cancelled; very rare variety of which only few copies are recorded, certificate RPS (without mentioning the variety of the original stamp) and article about this copy in the American Philatelist Juli 2014
"CHILLAN", clear strike of first straight line on undated lettersheet to Santiago, rated "1" real, very fine
"CHILE", red handstamp of Santiago on entire letter 1817 to Captain Rufus Coffin on board the 'Enterprise of Philadelphia' at Valparaiso; interesting contents about a cargo of muskets and gun powder which the colonial government was intending to purchase; vertical creases, but still attractive and interesting letter during the War of Independence
"TALCA", clear straight line in red on undated double rate lettersheet to Santiago, very fine
"TALCA" and "FRANCA", good strikes on undated lettersheet to Santiago
"VADIVIA", good strike of the first straight line on cover front to the governor at Chiloe, few termite holes, otherwise fine and scarce
"UALDIUIA", straight line in red clear on cover front to the postal administrator at Santiago, rated "8" reales
"BALPARAISO", good strike in red on undated lettersheet to Santiago, rated "1" real
"BALPARAISO", straight line in red in somewhat more worn state, good strike on undated lettersheet to Santiago, rated "1" real, very fine

1800/50 (ca.), Collection of pre-philatelic mail, 26 fronts and entires with different cancellations and postal rates including scarce strikes as "COQUINBO", "CHILOE", "SERENA" etc., all on exhibition pages
1826, Dated lettersheet from Valparaiso, endorsed "p.H.M.S. Briton" with frontside "PORTSMOUTH SHIP LETTER", rated "2/8"
1831, Lettersheet dated "Valp Aug. 19.1831" and endorsed on front "Augusta" to Providence, Rhode Island, showing on front red "SHIP" and "SALEM JAN. 13", taxed "12" cents (2 cent ship letter + 10 cent US inland postage); a fine and scarce Whaling mail item
1839, Double rate entire letter from Valparaiso to Copenhagen showing on reverse double line "LIVERPOOL SHIP LETTER" and transit marks of London and Hamburg; taxed in London "3/2", changed in Hamburg to "6/6"; in Denmark a total of "101" skilling was charged; horizontal filing crease at top, otherwise fine
1843, Entire letter from Valparaiso to Herrnhut in Saxony, carried by private packet to Liverpool and further via London (here rated "1/8") via the Thames packet and Rotterdam (red "Engeland over Rotterdam"); several taxes
1843, Entire letter from London to Valparaiso with frontside "PAID SHIP LETTER LONDON 8 JY 1843". The letter is written and signed by Thomas Cochrane, 10. Earl of Dundonald who was vice-admiral of Chile in the War of Independence and lateron also admiral of Great Britain, and addressed to his son Arthur; an interesting historic document
1846, Entire letter from Valparaiso to New York, showing on front clear black "VAPOR CHILE / P" and endorsed "via Panama", to Oswego, NY with blue "NEW ORLEANS MAY 20" and tax mark "10"; very fine
1847 (supposed), Lettersheet from Paris to Santiago, endorsed "Par Southampton y Panama" with red "ULTRAMAR", "VALPARAISO" and manuscript "1½ 2/ 3½"
1851, Lettersheet from "GUERNSEY MY 13 1851" to Valparaiso, prepaid with "2/-"; in Chile struck with red "ULTRAMAR" and "VALPARAISO" and cabotaje handstamp "1½ / 2 / 3½", fine and scarce
1854, Entire unpaid letter, written on board the ship 'Bolivia' near Equique to San Felipe, showing on front clear red "CABOTAJE" and "VALPARAISO 28 NBRE 54", very fine
1858, Entire letter from Valparaiso to Cadiz, Spain, forwarded to Paris, showing on reverse blue oval "L. DE CUADRA PARIS", posted "PARIS 2 SEPT. 58", transit and arrival marks on reverse, taxed on arrival with "4 R." in blue
1864, Cover from the correspondence of Captain Edward Coffin, endorsed "Mocha August 23 1864" addressed to his wife at Nantucket, Massachusetts, showing on front clear blue seal "CONSULATE U.S.A. VALPARAISO" and "STEAMSHIP 20"; a very scarce forwarded cover
1831/75, Small collection of 11 letters and covers including several British post office items, accountancy markings etc., all on exhibition pages
"PAID AT VALPARAISO", crowned circle, clear strike on envelope with reverse side "VALPARAISO MR 26 1852" to Massachusetts with frontside "STEAMSHIP 20", very fine
"PAID AT VALPARAISO", crowned circle, clear strike on entire letter with reverse side "VALPARAISO FE 15 1855" to New York with frontside "STEAMSHIP 20", rated in red crayon "1/-", very fine
"VALPARAISO SP 1 1853", clear strike on reverse of lettersheet to Genova, Italy, transported via Panama and London, showing on front blue transit mark "ITALIA STATO SARDO"; the recipient was charged a total of "23" decimes including 6½ d. Panama transit, 10¼ d. British packet & UK inland postage and 5 decimes French inland post
"VALPARAISO MR 1 1853", clear strike on reverse of tiny entire letter with red "SANTIAGO DE CHILE", "FRANCA" and "PANAMA TRANSIT" to Paris, charged with "21" decimes
"C30" on 2 copies 1867/80, 6 d. violet, one copy plate 6 (filing crease), the other plate 8 on entire letter via Panama to New York with frontside "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10/ MAR 30"
1870/80 (ca.), Small collection with 15 stamps, partly on pieces, and 3 cover fronts including 2 nice colour frankings, somewhat mixed quality
PROOFS AND RE-PRINTS: 2 exhibition pages with a total of 17 stamps including Estancos block of 6 and re-printed die proofs
1853, 1st London printing: 5 centavos red-brown on bluish paper, clear margins, unused without gum, very fine and fresh, certficate Maier BPP (2018) (Especializado 1)
5 centavos red-brown on slightly blued paper with clear to wide margins, cancelled by clear part-strike of straight line "VALPARAISO", very fine, opinion Maier BPP (Especializado 1)