368. Auktion
26.-30. März 2019 in Wiesbaden
- (-) Remove Dänisch West Indien 1773-1917 – Die Sammlung "Høgensborg" (Teil I) filter Dänisch West Indien 1773-1917 – Die Sammlung "Høgensborg" (Teil I)
PRUSSIA - MEXICO: 1860, Lettersheet (top and bottom backflap missing) from "WITTEN 3/8" addressed to the Prussian consul in Mexico, endorsed "durch die Vereinigten Staaten", prepaid with "15¼" silbergroschen, transported via "AACHEN PAID Cts. / 4 8" to New York, here marked "24". Since there was no regular steamship service any more from New Orleans to Veracruz since November 1858 the letter was held and finally mailed via "ST. THOMAS OC 12 1860" to Mexico, here charged with "2" reales inland postage; a highly unusual item
PRUSSIA - UNITED STATES: 1851, Entire letter from "COELN 17/2", prepaid with "39½" silbergroschen addressed to a member of the German ship "Reform" at San Francisco, endorsed "via Panama", travelled via London, in closed package per "Trend" to St. Thomas (arrived March 19) and on March 24 per "Great Western" to Shagres and further via Panama to San Francisco, on reverse forwarding agent mark "Reynolds & Co. Express / San Francisco" and oval "NOT PAID", both in blue. A fine and extremely rare letter of the forwarding agent Reynolds & Co., who disappeared already in the fall of 1851
PUERTO RICO - BREMEN: 1848, Entire letter endorsed "By West Ind. Steam Packet" to Bremen, dispatched British PO "SAN-JUAN-PORTO-RICO JU 11 1848", transported per "Teviot" (RMSPC) via St. Thomas to Southampton and further via London to Bremen, here taxed with a total of "46" grote. A very unusual letter avoiding the Spanish post at Puerto Rico completely
PUERTO RICO - CURACAO: 1856, Lettersheet with crowned circle "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" and dispatch mark "SAN JUAN PORTO RICO SP 29 1856" via "ST. THOMAS SP 30 1856" to Curacao with red arrival mark on front, some folds (one with small paper break at top) and some ink erosion in the address
PUERTO RICO - FRANCE: 1860, Lettersheet franked with Spanish West Indies 1857, ½ r. blue, tied by paria with adjacent blue "PONCE 24 MAR 60", transported to St. Thomas with arrival mark of the Danish post, transfered to the British PO and sent via England to the Isle of Corse, charged "8" decimes. Name in the address cancelled, otherwise fine
PUERTO RICO - FRANCE: 1873, Envelope franked with Cuba 1873, 25 c. grey, tied by blue parila with adjacent blue "YAUCO PORTO RICO 2 ABR." via San Juan to St. Thomas, here sent via Danish post with cds. "ST. THOMAS 28/4 1873" to Bremen with frontside boxed "Aus Westindien über Bremen" and from here via Paris to Corsica; little unfresh, part of backflap missing, still fine and very scare, the only recorded entire from Puerto Rico with the boxed transit mark
PUERTO RICO - GREAT BRITAIN: 1836, Entire letter with black "FORWARDED BY WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" to London with arrival mark of July 2, 1836 and red boxed "PACKET LETTER" on front, charged "2/2"
PUERTO RICO - GREAT BRITAIN: 1850, Entire letter dated "Naguabo Aug. 23 1850" with clear red oval "FORWARDED BY J.F. PENISTON & Co. ST. THOMAS" and cds. "ST:-THOMAS SE 16 1850" to London, charged "1/5". The letter was transported with the ship "Trend" on the first direct voyage from St. Thomas to Southampton
PUERTO RICO - GREAT BRITAIN: 1850, Entire letter from Guayama with red oval "FORWARDED BY WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" (oval in red), and British ST:-THOMAS MR 30 1850" to London with April 21 arrival mark, charged "2/2"
PUERTO RICO - SPAIN: 1851, Entire letter with crowned circle "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" and dispatch "SAN JUAN PORTO RICO JY 16 1851" to Cadiz, transported in closed mail via St. Thomas. The letter was prepaid with "2/1" (1/5 to London + 8 d. to the Spanish border), in Spain charged with additional "11 R"
PUERTO RICO - SPAIN: 1852, Small envelope with crowned circle "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" and dispatch mark of July 29 1852, to Barcelona, transported in closed mail via St. Thomas to London and from here via France to Spain, prepaid to the Spanish border with "2/1", in Spain charged with additional "10 Rs" and "6 ms" at Barcelona, a special fee charged between 1848 and 1854
PUERTO RICO - SPAIN: 1857, Lettersheet (bottom flap missing), franked with Spanish Westindies 1856, ½ r. green-blue, tied by barilla with adjacent blue "ADMON GRAL. PUERTORICO 29 NOV 57" and British "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO", addressed to Rivadeo, transported November 30 per "Conway" to St. Thomas and the same day to Southampton; a fine and scarce cover
PUERTO RICO - NEW YORK: 1858, Entire letter franked with Spanish West Indies 1857, ½ r. blue tied by paria with adjacent "GUAYAMA 3 NOV 58" to New York, sent with Spanish mail to St. Thomas and handed here from the Spanish counselate to forwarding agent Koefoed, Whitmore & Co. (clear red oval marking on front) and mailed via "FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE ST. THOMAS" to New York, here charged with "6" cents; a vertical cover crease affecting the stamp, still fine; a scarce entire
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1860, Entire letter with crowned circle "PAID AT SAN JUAN PORTO RICO" with adjacent manuscript "1/-" from "SAN JUAN PORTO RICO MR 28 1860" via "ST. THOMAS MR 28 60" to New York with frontside "STEAMSHIP 10"
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1863, Entire letter from Arecibo, transported by forwarding agent to San Juan and here posted at British PO with red "PORTO-RICO PAID" with manuscript "1/-" via "ST.-THOMAS JY 29 1863" via Spanish mail to Havana and from here to New York, charged "10" cents
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1868, Entire letter from Mayaguez to New York, sent via "ST. THOMAS 14/9 1868" franked with 1861/67, 10 c. green, cancelled on arrival "NEW YORK SEP 21", faint filing creases not affecting the stamp
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1869, Lettersheet from Mayaguez, privately carried to San Juan and franked for quadruple rate with 1 s. green, pl. 4, and 4 d. vermilion, pl. 11, tied "C61" with adjacent faint red "PORTO RICO PAID" and sent via "ST. THOMAS SP 11 69" to New York, charged with "40" cents, filing crease through 1 s., still attractive and quite scarce (SG Z38, 49)
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1872, Dated lettersheet from San Juan, franked with pair GB 4 d. vermilion, pl. 12, tied by "C61" with adjacent red "PORTO-RICO PAID MR 13 72", sent via closed mail to New York with frontside "M.Y. STEAMSHIP 10 / MAR 21" and sent to Philadelphia, few short perfs, otherwise fine (SG Z90)
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1873, Lettersheet with sender's mark from Arecibo, privately carried to St. Thomas, franked with US 1870, 10 c. brown for transportation with USBMSC, and posted at Danish PO with cds. "ST. THOMAS 14/7 1873" and adjacent red manuscript "10 c. paid" and boxed black "FRANCO." to New York, , cancelled "NEW YORK JUL 21" upon arrival; the entire some faults; very scarce, only few entires with the "FRANCO"-handstamp are recorded
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1873, Entire letter franked with GB 4 d. vermilion, pl. 12, tied by duplex "C61", sent by closed mail via St. Thomas to New York with "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10 / NOV 20" on front (SG Z90)
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1874, Entire printed matter (Market Report) franked with GB 1 d., tied by unclear "F88" with adjacent "PONCE PORTO-RICO PAID NO 11 74" to Philadelphia, sent by closed mail via St. Thomas and New York, here charged "2" cents inland postage, fine (SG Z64)
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1876, Entire letter from Mayaguez, franked with GB 4 d. vermilion, pl. 14, tied by clear "F85" with adjacent "MAYAGUEZ PORTO-RICO PAID NO 11 75" via "ST. THOMAS NO 14 75" to Baltimore with frontside "BALT. PAID ALL" and further to New York (SG Z38)
SPAIN (?) - VENEZUELA: Printed matter letter (side flaps missing) with printed text in Spanish language addressed to Carupano, Venezuela, forwarded to London with manuscript endorsement of Sandeman, Sons & Co. on reverse, dispatched at "LOMBARD STREET FE 16 61", prepaid with "1/2½" and franked with 1 d. red as late fee. The letter was transported with the "Australasian" of Cunard Line to New York, from here per "Desoto" March 21st to Havana with transit mark of March 27, oval "FRANCO" and boxed "NE 2". On April 8 the letter was transported per "Clyde" of the RMSPC to St. Thomas and from "ST. THOMAS AP 13 1861" per "Pajaro del Oceano" to La Guaira with arrival mark on front. A very rare transatlantic printed matter, light ink corosion in the address and a tape strip on front removed, still very attractive, sign. Holcombe
ST. MARTIN - GREAT BRITAIN: 1843, Entire letter dated "FRENCH MARTIN 23 d MARCH 1843" via "ST:-THOMAS MY 9 1843" prepaid with "1/5" to Glasgow and re-directed to London, very fine
ST. LUCIA - FRANCE: 1871, Lettersheet franked with 1864/76, (4 d.) yellow in horizontal pair, tied by "A11" with adjacent "ST. LUCIA DE 2 .." to Bordeaux, sent per closed mail via St. Thomas to London and from here to France; one stamp corner crease, otherwise fine (SG 12)
SURINAM - NETHERLANDS: 1860, Large linen envelope, preprinted "GOUVERNEMENT VAN SURINAME. / DEPECHES", addressed to the royal secretary for the colonies at Den Haag, sent from "PARAMIBO FRANCO 20/10 1860" via "DEMERARA OC 22 60" and closed mail via St. Thomas to London and from here to the Netherlands with black "Engeland Franco"
TOBAGO - GREAT BRITAIN: 1850, Lettersheet from "TOBAGO MR 8 1850" to Edinburgh, transported via Barbados and St. Thomas, charged as double rate letter with "2/-"
TRINIDAD - JAMAICA: 1868, Entire printed matter (Trinidad prices current) franked with 1863/80, 1 d. rose, tied by numeral "1" with adjacent red "TRINIDAD PAID OC 24 1868", via St. Lucia and "ST. THOMAS OC 29 68" to Kingston with arrival mark of November 3; a fine and scarce printed matter (SG 69)
TRINIDAD - UNITED STATES: 1860, Entire letter franked with 1854/57, (1.d.) rose-red in horizontal strip of 5, somewhat cut in at left and just clear at lower right, otherwise ample to wide margins, tied by light mute cancel, from "TRINIDAD JA 9 1860" to Baltimore, travelled per "Conway" to Barbados, from here January 13 per "Derwent" to St. Thomas and from here January 19 per "Clyde" to Havana and further to New York with frontside "STEAMSHIP 10". The right stamp with ironed crease, otherwise fine. A very scarce and attractive fully paid letter, sign. H. Richter (SG 12)
TRINIDAD - UNITED STATES: 1864, Double rate letter sheet endorsed "Mail via Havanah", franked with 1862/63, 4 d. deep purple and 6 d. emerald-green (partly scissors' cut) with adjacent "TRINIDAD JU 7 1864" via "ST. THOMAS JU 13 1864" and crowned circle "PAID AT TRINIDAD", via "ST. THOMAS" and Havana to New York with frontside "STEAMSHIP 10" (instead of "20" for double rate letter) (SG 61, 65)
TRINIDAD - UNITED STATES: 1868, Small envelope franked with (1 d.) carmine and 4 d. violet, tied by numeral "1" from "TRINIDAD PAID FE 1 1868" via St. Lucia and "ST. THOMAS FE 16 68" to New York with frontside "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10", certificate RPS (2001) (SG 69, 70)
TRINIDAD - UNITED STATES: 1874, Small soldier's envelope, endorsed "From No 1890 Private A. Whitehead, 98th Detachment" and franked with 1863/80, 1 d. carmine, tied by "TRINIDAD AU 26 1874", addressed to Michigan and signed at left by commanding officer, on reverse transit mark "ST. THOMAS SP .. 74". In New York the reduced postage was not accepted and applied "NEW YORK DUE 10 U.S. CURRENCY". The stamp slightly round corner at upper right, otherwise very fine. A very rare soldier's letter, only a few recorded from Trinidad
UNITED STATES - BARBADOS: 1865, Postal stationery envelope 3 c. rose with additional franking 1861/67, 24 c. grey, 1 c. blue and 2 copies 3 c. rose, all cancelled by small grid with adjacent "WATERTOWN MASS NOV 25" via "ST. THOMAS .." to Barbados with arrival mark of December 21 on front; 1 c. with most of left margin removed and left 3 c. with small tear at top, otherwise fine, a very attractive and scarce franking
Provenance: Henry C. Gibson (1944)
UNITED STATES - HAITI: 1858, Envelope with Boston "PAID" in circle with adjacent manuscript "35" cents (overpaid by 1 c.) and sent via New York (here credited "24" c.) and "ST. THOMAS NO 16 1858" to Jacmel with arrival mark of November 23, then transported to Cape Haitian. The envelope small tear at left, otherwise fine
UNITED STATES - PUERTO RICO: 1872, Cover franked with 1870, 12 c. violet and 6 c. carmine with fancy cancel from "BUCKSPORT ME. MAY 8" to a ship captain at c/o address at Aroyo, sent via "ST. THOMAS MY 26 72"; the 12 c. some short perfs, otherwise fine, a scarce 18 c. franking to Caribean destinations
UNITED STATES - TURKS ISLANDS: 1845, Entire letter from New York "FORWARDED BY GORDON & LAMB ST. THOMAS" (red oval)