371. Auktion
24.-28. September 2019 in Wiesbaden
1857, entire letter from Remdios (dated 9.2.) with Forwarded Agent "Lillie, Rasines & Co, New York" via "NEW YORK BR.PKT. MAR.4." and Liverpool with accountancy handstamp "GB 1 Fr.60 C." via Calais with transit mark "ANGL. AMB.CALAIS K 17.MARS.57" and tax mark "8" (Decimes) to Hasparren with arrival mark, fine
1917, Definitives 2 c. red, single die proof in block format on sunken paper
1920, Airmail 2 c. red, unused, tiny spot at top, otherwise fine, very rare stamp in unused condition, signed Champion and Kessler (Mi. 4.200,-)
1919, Airmail 2 c. red with surcharged error "P from Postal broken", unused without gum, fine, signed Brun with certificate (1956) (Mi. for unused 4.200,-)
1920, Multicolores: 10 c. "Woman and Boy watching Plane", unused without gum as issued, fine, certificate PF (1965) (Mi. 3.600,-)
10 c. "Clouds and small Biplane" tied by oval cachet "CCNA/CARTAGENA" to First Flight cover with 1 c. green and 2 c. red cancelled by double circle "CORREOS AEREO CARTAGENA-COLOMBIA 27.FEB.1920" to Barranqilla with arrival mark on front, cover slightly shortened at right, otherwise fine, signed Champion and Holcombe with certificate (1999)
10 c. "Lighthouse", unused without gum as issued, fine, signed Sanabria, rare (Mi. 3.600,-)
10 c. "Condor on cliff", unused without gum as issued, small margin at top, otherwise fine, very rare (Mi. 7.000,-)
10 c. "Plane at rest, Pilot foreground", unused without gum as issued, fine, certificate PF (1965) (Mi. 4.200,-)
10 c. "Ocean Liner" with additional franking 3 c. red tied by oval cachet "CCNA/CARTAGENA" and bold datestamp "CORREO AEREO" to First Flight cover to Barranquilla with arrival mark, cover vertical and horizontal folded, stamp very fine, rare
10 c. "Ocean Liner" with additional franking 3 c. red tied by oval cachet "CCNA/CARTAGENA" and bold datestamp "CORREO AEREO" to First Flight cover to Barranquilla with arrival mark, fine, very rare cover, signed Holcombe with certificate (1994)
Pilot waves to bypassing plane 10 c. green tied by oval "AERO Agence Barranqilla..." and four line "PRIMER CORREO AEREO..." to flight cover with 3 c. red to Medellin with arrival mark on front, cover slight toned, otherwise fine
Cliffs and Lighthouse 10 c. green tied by oval "Cia Colombiana da Nevegacion AEREA MEDDELIN" to flight cover to Medellin with additional frankinc 3 c. red cancelled with arrival mark "Medellin (Antiequia) 18.APRIL.22", cover with diagonal crease, otherwise fine
Cliffs and Lighthouse 10 c. green and 3 c. red tied by oval "CCNA CARTAGENA" to flight cover to Barranquilla with arrival mark, fine
Sea and Mountains and Cliffs and Lighthouse 10 c. brick-red as vertical tête-bêche strip of three, unused without gum as issued, fine, certificate BPA (1968)
10 c. brown-red as block of six from the lower left sheet corner with margin inscription and three pairs, unused without gum as issued, tiny creases and spots, otherwise fine
Sea and Mountain 10 c. brown-red tied by oval "Cia Columbiana de Nevegacion AEREA MEDELLIN" to flight cover with flight vignette and 3 c. red to Cartagena with arrival mark "CARTAGENA DEC.25.1920" on front, cover opened for display and shortened at left and at bottom and traces of adhesive in the area of flight stamp, despite the restrictions a decorative cover, signed Champion and Enzo Diena with certificate (1988)
30 cvs. on 10 c. green with sheet margin at right, unuesed without gum as issued, slightly grease spot at left, otherwise fine, certificate Rendon A.I.E.P. (1991) (Mi. 750,-)
1920/86, umfangreiche, meist ungebrauchte und postfrische Sammlung "Flugpostmarken" inkl. SCADTA mit vielen besseren und kpl. Ausgaben, dabei u.a. Ausgaben der Compania Colombiana de Nevegacion Aerea mit Mi.-Nr. 7 ungebraucht, Mi.-Nr. 8 ungebraucht (FA Bühler) und Mi.-Nr. 9 gestempelt und auf Erstflugbrief (fehlerhaft, FA Rendon A.I.E.P) sowie SCADTA mit Mi.-Nr. 47-59 und Allgemeine Ausgabe Mi.-Nr. 1-13 kpl. ungebraucht, Erhaltung von fehlerhaft bis tadellos