375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
1841, folded letter privately forwarded from Rome to Bordeaux, from there via Valparaiso to Santiago de Chile with red two-line "ULTRAMAR VALPARAISO" and boxed "P.P." alongside, fine
1853, Colon 5c. red-brown tied by mute cancel with adjacent red "SANTIAGO CHILE" to folded lettersheet endorsed "Via de Panama" via London and France with cds. "ANGL. AMB. CALAIS 31 MAI 58" and accountancy mark "GB 2F 87 5/10" (vdL fig. 1628) alongside, charged upon delivery, rebacked, otherwise a fine and interesting entire
1856, folded triple weight letter from Valparaiso to Voltri, prepaid to the embarkation port. The letter was carried by a PSN Co packet to Panama, then the letter was placed aboard a RMSP in Colon and transferred to the RMSP packet Atrato in St. Thomas that arrived in Southampton on 29 November. In transit in London the red "PANAMA / TRANSIT", debiting France 5s 4d for each ounce carried to France, was struck. charged "69" decimes on arrival, a fine and attractive entire
1863, Victor Emanuel 2l. red-orange and 20c. blue tied by square of rhomboids to coverfront to Santiago, 20c. faulty, otherwise an attractive and very rare franking
1867, folded letter dated "Valparaiso, Aprile 17 1867" via London to Genoa with private boxed cachet in blue "Via Panama = Inglaterra" alongside, fine
1870, folded letter dated "Valparaiso Marzo 13 de 1870" endorsed "col vapore Magellan" via Bordeaux with red cds. "OUTRE-MER BORDEAUX 27 AVRIL 71" to Genoa, upon arrival charged with "14" decimes thus postage due 40c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., 40c. with horizontal crease, otherwise a fine and attractive entire
1875, Colon 10c. blue tied by fancy cork with adjacent red "SANTIAGO CHILE 2 OCT" to double-weight folded letter to Rome with cds. "PANAMA-TRANSIT OC 20 69" and accountancy mark "GB 1F 90C" alongside, fine and very attractive, certificate Moorhouse (2009)
1875, Colon 5c. red, horizontal pair and single with cork cancel on triple weight folded lettersheet endorsed "Voie de Pananam et Southampton" with adjacent red "SANTIAGO CHILE 2..." to Rome, with cds. "PANAMA-TRANSIT OC 20 69" and accountancy mark "GB 1F 90C" alongside, fine and very attractive
1875, Colon 10c. blue tied by fancy cork to envelope with adjacent violet cds. "SANTIAGO 29 NOV 73" to Rome with red cds. "PAYS-ETR. PAQ. ENG. BORDEAUX 13 JAN 73" alongside, charged "28" decimes upon arrival thus postage due two singles 40c. and single 2l. added and tied by cds, Colon 10c. and one 40c. postage due faults, otherwise a fine and attractive entire
1877, Columbus 5c. carmine vertical pair with part of marginal inscription with mute cancel and tied by violet cds. "SANTIAGO APR 23" to envelope to Caravaggio, upon arrival charged with "14" decimes but only 80c. in form of pair 10c. and two singles 30c. applied and tied by cds., postage due with faults, some minor toning, roughly opened on reverse, scarce
1877, Columbus 5c. carmine and 20c. green tied by cds. "SANTIAGO 11 AGTO 79" to envelope endorsed "Via Magellanes..." but sent via Panama with three line "PANAMA 30 AU 1879 TRANSIT" and Colon with red octogonal "ASPINWALL PAQ. FR. A No 2 1 SEPT 79" to Genoa, charged "13" decimes, usual small transportation marks, yet an attractive entire
1862, Victor Emanuel II. 40c. carmine and 80c. yellow and 20c. blue perforated tied by cds. "GENOVA 10 JUL 62" to folded lettersheet via London, Panama with cds. "PANAMA AJ 6 1862", 40c. slightly touched, a fine and attractive three-colour franking, signed Bolaffi
1863, Victor Emanuel II, 60c. violet horizontal pair and 1867 20c. blue tied by dotted numeral "13" to folded letter to Valparaiso, a fine and attractive entire, signed E. Diena
1853/67, fast auscchließlich gestempelte Partie von rund 680 Colon-Marken, dabei viele frühe Ausgaben, Einheiten, viele vollrandige Kabinettstücke, dazu 9 Briefe, interessantes Los
1854/1913, meist ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit einigen Ganzsachen, dazu Korrespondenz eines österr. Diplomaten mit fast 40 Briefen und Karten 1903/04 mit interessanten Texten, sauber auf selbstgestalteten Albenseiten im Ordner
CHILE 1883, einzigartiger Bestand ungezähnter und ungummierter Proben der Telegrafenmarken (Spezialkatalog Nr. 1-6), herausgetrennt von dem einzig bekannten Bogensatz dieser Proben von der American Bank Not Company. Die Bögen waren sehr stark beschädigt und der Besitzer hat daraus möglichst viele einzelne komplette Sätze und Einheiten herausgetrennt, inklusive komplette Sätze mit Bogenrandbeschriftung. Ex Martin Cusworth Los 1134 der 366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion März 2018