376. Auktion
19.-24. April 2021 in Wiesbaden
1855, Entire letter dated January 10 from Thorshavn with nice red wax seal "FAERÖE AMTS SEGL" to Copenhagen, posted on the Shetland Islands with green boxed "LERWICK JA 16 1855", transported via London, Belgium and Hamburg, showing GPO accountancy mark "3½ groschen". In Hamburg "7" silbergroschen were charged (3½ each for GB and GPU), in Hamburg changed into "9½" shilling, equivalent to 31 Danish skilling, to which 9 skilling Danish share was added and total of "40" skilling charged to the recipient. A fine and rare entire letter.
1856, Entire letter from Thorshavn, dated 31.7. to Copenhagen, carried by private ship and delivered by foot post with clear blue "F:P:18/9 1856", charged "2" skilling in red crayon for local delivery. Very fine and scarce. Only 7 letters from the Faroes are recorded delivered by foot post of which only one other shows this rate. Certificates Moeller BPP (2002) and Nielsen (2004)
1870, Entire double rate letter dated "Sande den 26 Juli 1870" with lapidar date stamp "THORSHAVN 4/8" to Copenhagen with arrival mark of August 14, charged "12" skilling in red crayon, very fine. Certificate Nielsen (1991)
1811, Lettersheet from Copenhagen with nice royal trade seal on reverse, addressed to trade manager Mörck at Faroe with registration number "10" at top left. Enclosed is a photocopy of the original contents of the letter, which is kept in the National Archives, very fine
1823, Entire letter from Copenhagen to 'Landvoged Meyer' at Thorshavn with manuscript registration number "60"
1834, Entire letter from Rønne to 'Amtskontorist Davidsen' at Thorshavn with registration number "37", very fine
1840 (ca.), Entire parcel accompanying letter with 3 pages of text from Braendekilde to Vagur, endorsed "Afleveres i den fareoeske Handel i Köbenhavn", prepaid to Copenhagen with 22 skilling, endorsed "betalt"; a fine and interesting letter
1845, Entire parcel accompanying letter with long contents from Copenhagen (dated October 5) to Pastor Lund at Sandegjerde (by mistake originally addressed 'on Iceland', changed to 'Faroe'); manuscript registration number "13" on top right, very fine and scarce
1850, Entire parcel accompanying letter from Copenhagen (dated March 23) to Osterö with registration number "25", very fine
1853, Entire letter from "SKANDERBORG 23/6 1853" to Thorshavn, franked with FIRE R.B.S. red-brown, Thiele 1st printing, tied by numeral "63" with margins cut into. A fine and rare letter; just 2 further FIRE R.B.S.-covers to the Faroe Islands are recorded. Certificate Moeller BPP (2000)
1855, Entire letter from "KJØBENHAVN 8/12 1855" via Lübeck, Belgium, London and forwarding agent Hay & Co. on the Shetland Islands to Thorshavn, prepaid with 39 skilling (9 skilling Danish postage and 30 skilling foreign share). Very fine, just 4 letters recorded with this rate. Certificate Moeller BPP (2009)
1861, Entire letter from Helsingoer, franked with 1858, 4 skilling brown with ample to large margins and in nice colour, tied by numeral "1" with adjacent blue foot post date stamp "F:P:30/5 61", addressed to Pveraa, endorsed "Betalt" and "pr. Arcturus". A very attractive and rare letter, the only recorded with 1858 issue to the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller BPP (2004)
Provenance: Christian Andersen (2004)
1865, Entire registered letter endorsed "NB" with registration number "26" to Thorshavn, endorsed "betalt". One outer side flap missing, still very fine and rare
1868, Oval type 4 skilling red, perf. 13x12½, 2 copies, tied by numeral "238", with adjacent lapidar date stamp "THORSHAVN 11/9"(1870) to entire letter to Copenhagen with arrival mark. Very fresh condition, the stamps in a nice deep shade, the right stamp with minor perforation fault, otherwise very fine. The only recorded 1868 8 skilling franking from the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller AIEP (2003)
Provenance: Per Erik Knudsen (2004)
1864, Oval type 16 skilling greyish-olive perforated 13x12½, cancelled by clear numeral "238" of Thorshavn, extremely fine and fresh. Certificate Moeller BPP (2000)
16 skilling greyish-olive, perf. 12½, cancelled by central numeral "238" of Thorshavn, very fine. The only recorded example of this rare stamp with Thorshavn numeral cancellation. Certificate Nielsen (2004)
1870/72, Bi-coloured type 2 skilling greenish-grey/dull-ultramarine, 3rd printing, normal frame, cancelled by wavy lines in ink on entire letter dated "Sand den 6te Juni 1874", addressed to Tveraa; very fine and most attractive, a very rare cover. Signed Moeller BPP with certificate (2004)
Provenance: Christian Andersen (Postilionen, 2004)
2 skilling grey/ultramarine, 1st printing, normal frame, tied by numeral "238" to lettersheet with adjacent lapidar handstamp "THORSHAVN 4/6". The stamp with missing perf at top, otherwise very fine. Certificate Moeller BPP (2004)
Provenance: Christian Andersen (Postilionen, 2004)
1871, 3 skilling grey/purple with clear central numeral "238" of Thorshavn; a pulled perf at lower left backed, otherwise very fine and most attractive. A rare stamp used on the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller (1995)
4 skilling carmine/grey, used on lettersheet dated "Thorshavn 18 Juli 1874" and endorsed "Pr. 'Johanne'" to Copenhagen, here cancelled with numeral "1" with adjacent black foot post handstamp "F:P:2/8 74". The stamp with somewhat damaged perforation at top, still fine. A very rare and unusual cover during the skilling period
1870/72, 2 skilling ultramarine/grey and 2 copies 4 skilling carmine/grey (10. resp. 11. printing), tied by numeral "1" with adjacent "KJØBENHAVN 7/7" to parcel accompanying envelope with wide parcel label on front to Tveraa. Fine and very scarce. Certificate Moeller (1992)
1870/72, 4 skilling carmine/grey, 2 single copies with numeral "1" and adjacent "KJØBENHAVN 8/11" on double rate entire letter endorsed "Pr. Diana" to Tveraa with Thorshavn arrival mark on reverse. Some short perfs, otherwise fine
1875/1903, 3 øre blue/grey in combination with 1882, coat of arms 5 øre green with lapidar cancel "TRANGISVAAG 6/12 1898" to envelope to Copenhagen with arrival mark, 3 øre some minor staining in the upper perforation only, otherwise very fine and attractive, signed Moeller BPP and certificate Nielsen (2006)
1875/1902, 4 øre greenish-blue/grey with central, clear and complete strike of numeral "238" of Thorshavn, very fine and most attractive, opinion Moeller (1991)
4 øre blue/grey and 3 copies 8 øre carmine/grey, tied to money letter from "KLAKSVIG 13-2-1902" to Copenhagen with arrival mark on front, very fine
1875, 12 øre lilac/grey in horizontal pair, tied by cds. "KJØBENHAVN 15/11" to folded registered lettersheet to Tveraa with adjacent straight line "anbefalet", the lower left corner of the lettersheet backed otherwise very fine and extremely scarce. Certificate Moeller (1998) and Nielsen (2008)
12 øre lilac/grey, 2 copies, each with clear numeral "238" with adjacent lapidar postmark "THORSHAVN 25/2" (1881) on entire letter with one page of text and declared value of 35 crowns and 78 øre to Viborg with Copenhagen transit mark on front. The insurance label partly removed, otherwise very fine. Just 4 entires with the numeral cancellation on øre issues are recorded, in this form an unique item. Certificate v. Wowern (1989) and Nielsen (1995)
12 øre brownred/grey with frame inverted, horizontal strip of 4 with clear lapidar cancel "THORSHAVN 1/12" (1893) on parcel accompanying letter for 2 parcels to Soroe with transit and arrival marks, very fine
16 øre brown/grey and 4 øre blue/grey in fresh colour and well perforated (corner perf of 4 øre turned around by cancelling), tied by numeral "238" to envelope with adjacent lapidar handstamp "THORSHAVN 7/8" to Paris 'Poste Restante' with adjacent blue transit mark "DANEMARK 2 ERQUELINES 12 AOUT 78". The letter was not asked for and returned in May of the following year with reverse side straight line "Non Reclamé" and faint Thorshavn arrival mark, re-addressed to Copenhagen, the 4 øre additionally cancellec by numeral "238" and lapidar "THORSHAVN 8/5" applied; Copenhagen arrival mark of 16.5.1879. A fabulous and most attractive cover of the øre issues used on the Faroe Islands; the earliest recorded franked letter to the European continent (excluding Scandinavia) and the most important cover of the b-coloured issue used on the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller (2003)
16 øre brown/grey with 'Carøes Snit' (pos. 45) with 4 øre blue/grey, tied by lapidar "THORSHAVN 7/6" on postal money order to Reykjavik, Iceland. The form with neglectable corner crease, otherwise very fine; a rare item. Certificate Moeller (1996)
16 øre brown/grey with horizontal pair 1882, 20 øre blue, tied by lapidar cancel "THORSHAVN 28/4" to registered double rate linen envelope with adjacent boxed "DANEMARK / R / No." with manuscript "9" to Copenhagen, transported via Leeth with frontside "LEETH SHIP LETTER ME 4 97", Edinburgh and London with further transit and arrival marks on front and reverse. The envelope paper somewhat separated in the folds and the right 20 øre damaged at top. A still very attractive and extremely rare registered letter. Certificate Nielsen (2007)
1875/82 (ca.), 5 stamps with clear central cds. of Klaksvig, Trangisvaag and Thorshavn, 3 with certificate
1884/1902, Coat of arms 10 øre carmine in horizontal pair, tied by 2 clear strikes of star cancel "SMIRIL" to preprinted response-envelope of the 'GRANDS MAGASINS DU PRINTEMPS, PARIS' with adjacent lapidar "THORSHAVN 28/11", "LEETH SHIP LETTER DE 8 96" and French railway mark. Very fine and most attractive; a rare ship mail cover. Certificate Grønlund (1975)
20 øre blue, tied by superb strike of star cancel "SMIRIL" to envelope with adjacent lapidar handstamp "TRANGISVAAG 30/4 1897" and "LEETH SHIP LETTER MY 4 97" to Copenhagen, endorsed "per Smiril via Leeth"; on reverse transit and arrival marks; faint paper bend in the envelope only, still very fine. Certificates v. Wowern (1989) and Moeller (2007)
1912, 5 øre green, 5 copies, tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 19-1-1914" to local money letter with 122 crowns
1912, 5 kroner with 2 copies 35 øre orange, tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 29-9-1915" to parcel accompanying letter for 3 parcels to Copenhagen with adjacent boxed "Toldfrit". The 5 kroner used on the Faroe Islands is extremely rare. Certificate Nielsen (2009)