376. Auktion
19.-24. April 2021 in Wiesbaden
BOOKLETS: 1931/38, Booklet with "Se" above Harp: Booklet 2 sh. "32-3", so-called voucher booklet with triangular punch holes in the stamps, unmounted mint, very fine and fresh
1988, Dublin Millenium 28 c., imperforated booklet sheet with 4 stamps, within a complete booklet, unmounted mint; a most desirable and unique variety. Certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2009)
1991, City of Culture booklet pane 28 p., 32 p. and 44 p. imperforated within a £ 2,60 booklet, unmounted mint, very fine. The only recorded example; certificate Hamilton-Bowen BPP (2010) (Mi.-No. H-Bl.25U)