377th Auction
20. - 25. September 2021 in Wiesbaden
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1920, Combined unframed Z and 5 rbl HH on 2k. green, unused, fine, scarce, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
1920, New value on unframed, violet Z: 100r. on 5 rbl., imperforated, block of three with label at left, two stamps unused, one mint never hinged and ERIVAN cds. struck on label, fine, opinion Berger (2015)
1920, Emergency issue "10" on violet, unframed Z: 10 (r) on 20k., mint never hinged, fine, scarce, certificate Berger BPP (2017)
1920, Emergency issue "10" on violet, unframed Z: 10 (r) on 20k., mint never hinged, fine, scarce, certificate Berger (for former block of 4, 2011)
1920, Emergency issue "10" on black, large monogram: 10 (r) on 25k., horizontal pair, used, left stamp faulty, scarce, opinion Berger (2012)
1923, handwritten correction of Goldkopeck surcharge, 1(k) on 15(k) on 250r. black-blue, good margins all around, used with ERIVAN cds., fine, scarce, certificate Berger BPP (2018)
1922, Postmaster Provisional Issue: 150 and 400 r., unused and used, 150r. used small thin, otherwise fine
November 1922, Enumerator Surcharge 100000 on 2r. as single and 300000 on 3000r., two pairs, all tied by cds. "БАКУ 15 11 22" to reverse of folded out handmade registered cover from the Editorial Department of the Azerbaijan Naphtha Soc. "ASNEFTI" to London, vertical fold affecting one stamp, stamps partly applied over edge, an attractive and unusual cover
January 1923, Enumerator Surcharge 5000 on 2000r., block of 30 tied by cds. "БАКУ 27 3 23" to reverse of registered cover to Milwaukee, a fine and desirable item
1838, Official letter listing for the post office of Potosi, some water staining in lower part
1919, Coat of Arms 30 c. ochre, 5 single copies, tied by cds. "KAUNAS 9.IX.20" to strip of 5 of postal money order receipt, fixed on carton paper
1849/50, 60 r. black in horizontal pair, tied to reverse of opened out cover (reverse not quite complete) from Rio Negro via British PO "RIO JANEIRO JU 12 1854", England and Aachen to Goldap in Eastern Prussia, charged "1/- 4 d." in England and "17" groschen at destination; very scarce
1883, Large Dragon 1 ca. green, type III, used, fine, certificate Havemann BPP (2018)
1883, Large Dragon 1 ca. green, type III, used with black seal cancel, fine, certificate Havemann BPP (2018)
1882, Large Dragon 3 ca. red, type II, used with black seal cancel “Yantai” (Chefoo), fine, certificate Havemann BPP (2018)
1883, Large Dragon 3 ca. red, type III, unused with large part of original gum, very nice fresh colour, certificate Havemann BPP (2018)
1885/88, Small Dragon 3 ca. violet tied by blue seal of Tientsin to envelope with additional franking German Post 20 pfg. blue tied by cds. "KDPAg SHANGHAI 9.2.92” to Germany with arrival mark, showing on reverse blue “CUSTOM TIENTSIN JAN.21.” and black “CUSTOM SHANGHAI FEB.6.”; the envelope with transportation faults and light water spots and the German stamp with small faults, a scarce cover
INCOMING MAIL: 1892, Cover from Bavaria franked with 2 copies 10 pf. from "AMBERG 20 DEZ. 92" to Taiwanfoo, Formosa with transit marks of Hongkong and Amoy; returned to Bavaria with boxed "REBOUT A L'ORIGINE". The envelope somewhat damaged at top, still fine. A very scarce destination
1894, 1st issue 2 c. vermilion, sheet of 50 stamps with almost cpl. sheet margins, cancelled to order with oval "KEWKIANG LOCAL POST 15 SEP. 94" (Chan LK4)
1952, Gymnastics by Radio 400 f., cpl. block of four set, used, fine
1959, First National Games 8 f., cpl. set with 16 gutter pairs, unused without gum, fine
1961, Table Tennis World Championship souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, very fine
1962, Mei Lan Fang 4-50 f. cpl., unmounted mint, some stamps with gum toned, otherwise fine
1962, Mei Lan Fang 4-50 f. cpl., unmounted mint, gum partly with tinted spots, otherwise fine
1962, Mei Lan Fang imperforated, 4-50 f. cpl., unmounted mint, some stamps with lightly toned gum and 50 f. with small gum disturbances, otherwise fine
1962, Mei Lan Fang souvenir sheet, used with special cachet, fine
1964, Peonies souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, very fine
1967, Long Live Chairman Mao's Thought 8 f. cpl. set with both unfolded strips, unmounted mint, gold colour printing slightly oxidized and right stamp with small corner crease, otherwise fine
1967, Maos theses 4-8 f. cpl., unmounted mint, very fine
1967, 25th Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung's "Talks on Literature and Art 8 f. cpl., unmounted mint, very fine
1967, 46th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party 4-52 f. cpl., unmounted mint, very fine
1967, Mao our great teacher 8-10 f. cpl., unmounted mint, very fine
1967, Poems of Chairman Mao 4-10f. cpl., unmounted mint, one 10 f. with natural paper inclusion, otherwise fine
1968, Revolutionary Literature and Art. 8 f. cpl., unmounted mint, very fine
1968, Maos directions 8 f., unmounted mint, very fine
1978, Running Horses souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, very fine