378. Auktion
21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden
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„SOFYA 81“ all arabic double circle, three clear strikes tying 1868/70, 20 pa. green in horizontal pair, imperforated between, and single stamp to entire letter to Filibe. The single stamp slightly affected by crease at bottom, the pair minor imperfections where applied at the edge of the letter, still very fine and rare. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„SOFYA 81“ all arabic double circle, two clear strikes tying 1868/70, 1 pia. yellow and 2 pia. red to entire letter to Filibe; very fine. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„TELEGRAFHANE-I SOFYA- ‚ADM.on TELEG.que IMO.le SOFIA“ , for clear strike on telegram with corresponding envelope. Very fine. An extremely rare handstamp and remarkable ensemble. Ex Hitzler (Isfila RRR)
„Kaymakam-i Kaza Sumnu“ all arabic negative administative seal of the governor of Sumnu to Ruscuk. Supposed to be the only entire with this handstamp. Signed Nakri. Opinion Todd AIEP
„AN CANIB-I POSTA-I SUMNU 260“, clear arabic negative seal on official cover to the war ministry at Constantinople with adjacent small negative arabic „important correspondence“. Fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP
„AN CANIB-I POSTA-I SUMNU 260“, clear arabic negative seal on ‚Tatar Post‘ printed form for mail carried to Filibe, showing fair strike of scarce „AN CANIB-I POSTA-I FILIBE 256“, opinion Todd AIEP
„AN CANIB-I POSTA-I SUMNU 260“, clear arabic negative seal on ‚Tatar Post‘ printed form for mail carried to Galatz, showing on reverse nice strike of very rare „AN CANIB-I POSTA-I KALAS“. According to Isfila handbook just one further strike recorded. Ex Hitzler
„AN CANIB-I POSTA-I SUMNU 260“, clear arabic negative seal on registered letter sheet to Constantinople with adjacent small negative registration handstamp. Fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP
„POSTAHANE-I SUMNU 1278“, arabic negative seal, fair strike on registered entire letter to Constantinople with manuscript postage notation of 6 piasters including 3 piasters registration fee. An extremely rare handstamp. Ex Hitzler. (Isfila RRR)
„POSTAHANE-I SUMNU 1285“, arabic negative seal, superb strike in blue on small money order form for a sac with 2500 pieces of gold to the ministry of finances in Constantinople. Small paper faults, fixed on cardboard for safe conservation. Supposed to be the finest of just five recorded strikes of this elusive handstamp, this one with the most spectacular story; not listed in the Isfila handbook. Signed Nakri and Todd.
SUMNU: 1863, entire letter to Ruscuk, franked with Tughra 2nd printing 20 pa. In horizontal pair with good to large margins, tied by ‚battal‘. A horizontal filing crease affecting the control band only. A fine and scarce cover. Opinion Todd AIEP
SUMNU: 1863, cover to Mehmet ifat Pasha, commander of the second Army at Sofia, franked with Tughra 2nd printing 2 pia. and 1 pia., tied by ‚battal‘. A fine and scarce cover. Opinion Todd AIEP
SUMNU: 1863, incoming cover to the 2nd army at Shumnu, franked with Tughra 2nd printing 5 pia., tied by ‚battal‘, very fine and scarce. Ex Schäfer and Heimbüchler. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„SUMNU“, dotted handstamp in blue, good strike on Tughra 3rd printing 1 pia. on piece, very fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP
„SUMNU“, dotted handstamp in blue, good strike on Tughra 2nd printing 1 pia. on entire letter to Ruscuk. The cover with vertical paper repair on face panel and the stamp with light horizontal bend. A rare letter. Ex Passer. Opinion Todd AIEP
„SUMNU“, dotted handstamp in blue, good strike tying Duloz 1865, 1 pia. to registered lettersheet to Ruscuk. Some ageing spots, otherwise fine. A unique letter with the only recorded usage oft he dotted handstamp of Sumnu on Duloz entire. Ex Platinga and Hitzler.
„An canib-i Postahane-I Samakov 1274“ large arabic negative seal, superb strike cover to Sevlievo, rated 2 piasters in manuscript. Fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP. (Isfila RR)
„SUMNU 81“ all arabic double circle, clear strike in blue on undated military cover with adjacent arabic negative seals „Imperial second army“ and „important correpondance“ to the headquarters of the 2nd army at Ruscuk. Light water stain, otherwise fine. Ex Hitzler.
„SUMNU 81“ all arabic double circle, 3 strikes on 1868/70, 20 pa. green in strip of 3 as onward franking on reverse of opened out envelope, originally dispatched in „CHALONS S MARNE 30 MAI 74“, franked with Ceres perforated 1 c., 2 c. (2) and 25 c. (3) and sent to Shumnu and from here to Constantinople, the family name in cut out from the address, usual minor transportation marks, otherwise fine. The most extraordinary combination franking of Ottoman Post in Bulgaria. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„SUMNU 81“ all arabic double circle, clear strike on envelope to Constantinople, franked upon arrival with Duloz 1869/71, 1 pia. and 20 pa., cancelled by boxed „Deraliye“. Very fine. Signed Nakri and opinion Todd AIEP.
TATARPAZARI: 1863, entire letter to Deraliye, franked on the revers with Tughra postage due 2 pia. on brown and 1 pia. on red-brown, tied by ‚battal‘. A very fine and rare franking from bulgarian soil. Signed Kuyas and opinion Todd AIEP.
„TATARPAZARI“ all arabic double circle, clear strike tying 1875, 20 pa. and 1 pia. Two reviews of envelope to Deraliye, here franked with ‚Sehir‘ 1pia., tied by light bilingual „BAGHSCHE CAPUSSI“. The envelope somewhat roughly opened with small parts at bottom missing (on front small part taped over). Fine and attractive cover with rare handstamp and combination franking. Certificate Isfila (Isfila RR)
TIRNOVA: 1845, official cover to Istanbul with manuscript dispatch notation „Tirnovo“, arabic blue „Tahrirat-i Mühimme“ for official mail and fine strike of blue „AN CANIB POSTA-I DERALIYE 257“ applied upon arrival. Very fine and scarce. Ex Schäfer and Heimbüchler. Signed Nakri and opinion Todd AIEP.
TIRNOVA: 1875, official cover to Istanbul with clear arabic administrative „Abdulhalim, Chief accounts officer in Tirnovo“ and adjacent Stambul arrival cds.. Very fine. Ex Schäfer. Opinion Todd AIEP
„AN CANIB POSTA-I TIRNOVA 1262“, arabic black negative seal on ‚Tatar Post‘ printed form for mail carried to Vidin, showing fine adjacent strike of „AN CANIB-I POSTA-I VIDIN 258“. Very fine and scarce. Ex Hitzler
„AN CANIB POSTA-I TIRNOVA 1262“, arabic black negative seal, clear strike on entire letter to Istanbul. Very fine. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„AN CANIB POSTA-I TIRNOVA 1262“, arabic blue negative seal, clear strike on cover to Istanbul, rated in manuscipt „2,10“ piastres. Very fine. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„AN CANIB POSTA-I TIRNOVA 1262“, arabic blue negative seal, clear strike on registered entire letter to Istanbul, rated in manuscipt „4,20“ piastres. Very fine. Opinion Todd AIEP.
„TIRNOVA“, dotted handstamp, clear and almost complete strike on Tughra 20 pa. yellow with additional part strike of battal cancel. A vertical crease is hardly visible, otherwise very fine. The only recorded strike of this handstamp, unrecorded by Isfila and Basaran. Ex Hitzler
„TIRNOVA“, all arabic double circle, clear strike tying Duloz 1875, 20 pa. green and 1876, 1 pia. (applied damaged at bottom) to entire letter to Constantinople. Fine and fresh. Opinion Todd AIEP
„TIRNOVA“, all arabic double circle, clear strike on postal stationery envelope 1869, 60pa. brown, to Constantinople with adjacent arrival mark (1877); somewhat roughly opened, otherwise fine. Very scarce usage of an postal stationery envelope used on Bulgarian soil. Ex Hitzler
„TIRNOVADJIK JAN 24 (block)“ bilingual cds. in violet, clear large part strike on 1892, 20 pa. in horizontal pair (left stamp damaged corner) on piece. A fine strike of this rare handstamp of which only few stamps/pieces but no covers have been recorded. Ex Hitzler
„TUTRAKAN“, all arabic double circle in greenish blue, almost complete and clear strike, centrally struck on Duloz 1875, 20 pa. green. Very fine and extremely rare; just few strikes on singles stamps but no covers have been recorded from this small village at the Danube. Ex Hitzler
Reference: illustration copy of the Isfila handbook
VARNA: „Liva Mustasariflik VARNA 284“, administrative arabic negative seal, good strike on cover from the governor of Varna to the second army headquarter at Ruscuk. Very fine and scarce. Ex Hitzler
VARNA: „Varna Orman Liva Idaresi“, administrative arabic negative seal of the forrest administration, superb strike on cover to Prevadi with adjacent arabic „important correspondence“. Very fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP
„AN CANIB POSTA-I VARNA 256“, arabic blue negative seal, clear strike on ‚Tartar‘ form for letters to Shumnu with agjacent „AN CANIB POSTA-I SUMNU 260“. Very fine and rare. Opinion Todd AIEP.