378. Auktion

21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Ausruf120 €
Zuschlag100 €

Rhodos: 1879, entire letter from Bristol to Rhodos, franked with Victoria 2½ d. rosy mauve, tied by "BRISTOL JY 29 79 / 131" duplex, French Calais entry cds in red alongside, reverse with Lyon - Marseille Spécial TPO transit cds and blue "RHODES 9 AOUT 79" arrival cds., a very rare incoming item from the United Kingdom; certificate Roumet (2006).





Ausruf150 €
Zuschlag190 €

Tunis: 1856, letter sheet from Tunis to France, franked with 1853 Napoléon imperforated 20 c. blue in a left marginal horizontal strip of three, touched in two places but generally good to large margins, tied by PC "3716" of Bone with adjacent "TUNIS 17 SEPT. 56" (Pothion = 21 points) and framed "P.P." in red, reverse with Bone Algerie, Marseille & Montpellier transit and St. Pons arrival (Sept 26) cds's. Charge '4' décimes due upon arrival. A scarce and attractive item; signed Calves; cert. Roumet (1998). Note: Adhesives on mail from Tunis were cancelled in Bone, Algeria with the Petits Chiffres '3716' or Gros Chiffres '5015', respectively in the years between 1852 and 1862. In 1863 Tunis became a Bureau de distribution and received its own Gros chiffres '5107'.




Katalog-Nr.Fr. 49,51

Ausruf150 €
Zuschlag150 €

Tunis: 1873, entire letter from Tunis to Marseille, franked with 1871/73 Cérès 10 c. brown on rose and two singles of 25 c. blue, tied by GC '5107'  with adjacent "TUNIS 7 OCT 73" (Pothion = 13 points), framed PD in red and "TUNIS-PAR-BONE ALGERIE 8 OCT 73" cds in red, reverse with Marseille arrival (Oct 12) cds.; one short perf, otherwise fine and fresh, a scarce and attractive item with the 60 c. rate for covers up to 10 gr. which were transported with 'Paquebots de l'Algérie' vessels  





Ausruf800 €
Zuschlag640 €

TUNESIEN: 1852/88 (ca.), 36 Briefe und eine Ganzsachenkarte, dabei diverse Stempeltypen, Feldpost, Einschreiben, Farb- und Mehrfachfrankaturen etc.; ausstellungsmäßig aufgezogen. Ein sehr interessantes Objekt