378. Auktion
21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Altdeutsche Staaten (190) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (1) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsches Reich (10) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Europa (3) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (8) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- (-) Remove Transatlantikpost filter Transatlantikpost
- Übersee (58) Apply Übersee filter
- Baden (2) Apply Baden filter
- Bayern (2) Apply Bayern filter
- Braunschweig (1) Apply Braunschweig filter
- Bremen (2) Apply Bremen filter
- Hannover (3) Apply Hannover filter
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin (3) Apply Mecklenburg-Schwerin filter
- Oldenburg (3) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Preußen (3) Apply Preußen filter
- Sachsen (4) Apply Sachsen filter
- Schleswig-Holstein (2) Apply Schleswig-Holstein filter
- Württemberg (3) Apply Württemberg filter
- Norddeutscher Postbezirk (3) Apply Norddeutscher Postbezirk filter
- Deutsches Reich (1) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Österreich (3) Apply Österreich filter
- Weißrußland (Belarus) (1) Apply Weißrußland (Belarus) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (4) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (1) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (1) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (1) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
- Italien (3) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (1) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Toskana (1) Apply Toskana filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (1) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (4) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (1) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (7) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (2) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (3) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Kuba (Cuba) (1) Apply Kuba (Cuba) filter
- Hawaii (2) Apply Hawaii filter
- Mexiko (1) Apply Mexiko filter
- Peru (1) Apply Peru filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (43) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Kanada (2) Apply Kanada filter
1851, (Nov 25) folded letter to Waldshut in Baden, upon arrival in Bremen black boxed "See Brief." and blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, charged with "5" gro maritime postage and 9 kr. inland postage, thus "18" kr. charged to the recipient, fine and interesting item which travelled for more than 6 month
1853, (Aug 23) fully paid envelope from Texas Hill, California with manuscript "Paid 25" via "N YORK U.S. Pkt OCT 8 PAID 8" and Bremen to Schorndorf, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and blue "Fr. 3" applied, scarce usage of the blue handstamp "Fr. 3", sime minor transportation wear, otherwise fine and attractive
1853, (Aug 25) folded letter from "UPPER ALTON AUG 27" with manuscript "paid 22" and endorsed "by..Bremen line" via New York with "NY U.S. Pkt. SEP 10 8 PAID" alongside to Schwäbisch Hall, upon arrival red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and black "Fr. 3" struck, fine
1853, (Sep 19) fully paid large format folded letter from "BUFFALO SEP 19" with adjacent straight-line "PAID" via "N. YORK BREMEN PkT OCT 3 PAID 17", transported on the first return voyage of the "Germania" of W. A. Fritze & Company, to Gladbach, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and "Fr. 3" applied, fine and scarce
1853, (Sept 30) folded letter written in San Francisco with senders cachet "HOBE & WEIHE TOBACCONISTS" and cds. "SAN FRANCISCO OCT 1" with straight-line "PAID" alongside via New York, without any processing, to Herford, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and blue italic "Fr. 2" applied, a very rare cover and the only known strike of the blue "Fr. 2." handstamp
1853, (Oct 7) folded letter from "N.YORK U.S. PKT 14 OCT 8" endorsed "pr. Steamer Washington" to Berlin, upon arrival red three-line "4½/2 Sgr. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied and manuscript charge "6½" added, a fine entire with scarce cancel
1854, (Jan 13) insufficiently paid double-weight envelope from Philadelphia with intergral cds. "PHILADELPHIA JAN 13 PAID", manuscript "30" and red straight-line "PAID" alongside addressed to Oldelshofen. The cover arrived in New York on January 16th with red integral cds. "N. YORK US PKT JAN 16 PAID 7" applied, the cover was re-calculated and again posted with cds. "N YORK U.S. PKT JAN 28 PAID 2" on board of the "Washington" to Bremen, upon arrival blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and straight-line "Paid to Bremen" applied, the recipient charged with "9" Kr., some minor wear, a very attractive entire
1854, (Jan 22) folded letter with manuscript "paid 5" and red straight-line "PAID 5" via "N.YORK JAN 22 14" to Schweinfurt, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "16/6 Kr. R. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, the recipient was charged with "22x" Kr., the NY mark slightly enhanced, a fine and scarce entire
1854, (Jan 28) folded letter from New York endorsed "Per Steamer Washington via Bremen" with integral cds. "N.YORK U.S. PKT 28 JAN 14" to Steyr in Austria, upon arrival in Bremen red three-line "13/6 Kr. C.M. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied the recipient was charged with "19" cm., a fine and scarce entire
1854, (Feb 6) folded letter from "READING FEB 6" with manuscript "22" and straight-line "PAID" alongside via "N. YORK U.S. PKT FEB 25 PAID 6" to Coburg, upon arrival in Bremen red three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, fine
1854, (Apr. 22) envelope sent by the "CONSULAT ZU NEW YORK GR. BAD." endorsed "p. Hermann" via "N. YORK PKT. APR 22 14" to Adelsheim, Baden, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "24/9 Kr. R. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, the recipient was charged with "33" kr., fine
1854, (Oct. 7) envelope endorsed "Per steamer Hermann" and manuscript "21" added, franked with 1851 Washington 3c. strip of three and horizontal pair, all tied by cds. "NEW-YORK OCT 7", with adjacent integral cds. "N.YORK U.S. Pkt. OCT 7 PAID 6" to Ankum, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" added, sime imperfections at top, otherwise fine
1854, (Nov 9) envelope with integral cds. "N. YORK U.S. PKt. 9 NOV 4" to Vegesack, upon arrival in Bremen red three-line "5 1/3 ggr. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, the recipient charged with "16½" Groschen, some toning, otherwise fine entire with this rare handstamp
1855, folded letter dated "20 März 1855" with manuscript "paid" via "N. YORK U.S. PKT MAR 24 PAID 8" to Württemberg, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, fine
1856, (Apr. 20) envelope from "SAN FRANCISCO 20 APR" via New York with integral cds. "N. YORK U.S. Pkt. 9 MAY 16" to Hameln with arrival mark, upon arrival in Bremen red three-line "5 1/3 ggr AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, a fine and attractive cover with this rare handstamp
1856, (Jul 8) unpaid envelope via New York with integral cds. "N. YORK U.S. Pkt. 9 AUG 9" and Bremen where the red three-line handstamp "4½/2 Sgr. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" was applied, to Brunswick where the recipient was charged "5 1/3" ggr., some minor abhrasion at center, otherwise a fine and attractive entire with rare handstamp
1857, (Jan 24) fully paid quadruple weight envelope from New York with cds. "N. YORK U.S.PKT JAN 24 PAID" sent "in missionary concern" to the "hochverdienten und ordentlichen Professor der Theologie Dr. Henke" in Marburg, Hessia in the Thurn and Taxis district. The steamer "Hermann" of the OSNC could not sail on schedule due to repairs and so the U.S. postmaster concluded a one-time trip contract with the Belgian steamer "Constitution" of the "S.A. Societe Belge des Bateaux a Vapeur Transatlantiques", which was signed on Jan. 24, 1857. About 8000 letters for Bremen via Antwerp at the expense of OSNC were carried. Cover slightly shortened and opened out for display
the cover shortened and opened out for displa.
1858, (Oct. 28) envelope from "PHILADELPHIA OCT 28" with manuscript "22" via "N. YORK U.S. PKT OCT 30 14", transported by the "Ariel" of Vanderbilt Line, to Bodenheim, upon arrival in Bremen blue two-line "24/9 Kr. R. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and in addition "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, the recipient was charged with "33" kr., despite some staining a interesting and rare combination of two handstamps
1859, (Feb 2) envelope endorsed "By the Bremen & Hamburg mail", franked with 1857/60 Washington 3c. rose, four singles and 10c. green, all tied by cds. "HARDIN FEB 2", via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN PKT. 19 PAID", upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, adhesives some faults, an attractive and rare 22c.-Rate cover
1859, (Mar 19) envelope dated "Newburg Wis. March 3 1859", franked with 1857/60 Washington 3c. rose and 12c. black, used with black manuscript cross, to Bockenheim. The letter weighed over ½ ounce and was supplemented at the counter by 15c. cash payment with corresponding manuscript "Paid 15 cents", via New York with red integral cds., also tying the stamps, "N. YORK BREMEN Pkt. MAR 19 PAID 24" and upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, a scarce and very attractive cover which was fully paid but partly paid in cash
Provenance: 140. Edgar Mohrmann Auktion (1973)
1859, (Mar 19) unpaid morning cover from "NASHVILLE MAR 15" via New York with black integral cds." N. YORK BREM Pk. 3 MAR 19" to Heidelberg, upon arrival in Bremen double-circle "AMERICA über BREMEN 33" applied with corresponding manuscript "33", a very rare usage of this handstamp
1859, (May 28) wrapper endorsed "via Bremen" from "BELLEVILLE MAY 28" with adjacent "PAID 3" alongside to Brunswick, New York confirmed with red straight-line "PAID ALL", upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, scarce
1859, (Sep 28) small sized envelope franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose and vertical pair 12c. black, tied by cds. "AUGUSTA SEP 28", via New York with red cds. "NEW YORK PAID OCT 1" to Geneva, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, stamps minor imperfections and little unfresh, otherwise a scarce and attractive cover
1860, (Aug 25), cover endorsed "Per Steamer New York", franked with 1857/60 Washington 3c. rose and 12c. black, tied by grid cancel with matching cds. "SAINT PAUL AUG 25 1860", via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN PKT. SEP 1 PAID 12" to Strohhof near Welzheim, Württemberg. Upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, the recipient was charges with "1" kr delivery fee, fine
1860, (Dec 12) envelope franked with 1857/60 Washington 10c. green, strip of three, tied by manuscript with matching cds "STOCKTON DEC 12", via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. PK JAN 29 PAID 24" to Herford, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, stamps applied at edge thus some minor imperfections, backflap missing, an attractive entire
1861(?), unpaid fancy embossed cover via New York to Hagen near Bremen, upon arrival in Bremen blue double-circle "AMERIKA über Bremen 6½" applied, some toning, otherwise fine and scarce
1861, (Mar 7) part paid envelope franked with 1857/60 Washington 1c. blue, and three singles 3c. red, tied by barred oval with adjacent cds. "ALLEGHANY MAR 7 1861", to Harburg, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM Pk. MAR 16 PAID 7" and Bremen, where it was weighed and marked "2 fach" as a double-weight letter, blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and straight-line "Paid to Bremen" applied, sent to Kassel mistakenly, the actual destination "Harburg" noted again, in transit marked with red L1 "Charge" and the recipient was finally charged "6" Gr., despite some faults and added 3c. a very interesting and attractive entire
1861, (Mar 29) printed matter wrapper endorsed "pr Hamburg Steamer" franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose (oxydized), tied by cds. "MARSHALL MAR 29" to Germany, with New York red straight-line "PAID ALL" applied in transit and upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, some folds, a scarce item
1861, (May 28) envelope franked with 1857/60 Washington 1c. blue, 3c. red and vertical pair 10c. green., all used with mute ring cancel and adjacent cds. "OWENSBORO MAY 28 1861" to Goslar, via New York, originally marked with handstamp "9", this cancelled and red "N YORK BREM PKt JUN 8 12 PAID", applied, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" added, the 10c. with pre-printing paper fold, a very fine and rare 24c. rate cover
Reference: MISTAKEN 24c RATE TO GERMANY, 1857-61 (ROBERT S. BOYD), The Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues (226)
1861, fully paid patriotic cover "captured Union Eagle and Shield Patriotic" endorsed "via Bremen" from "N. YORK BREMN Pk. JUL 6 PAID 12" to Dresden, Saxony with three line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" alongside, fine and attractive
1861, (Oct 31) envelope endorsed "via Bremen or Hamburg Steamer" franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose strip of five, with mute ring-cancel and adjacent cds., via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. Pk. NOV 4 PAID 12" to Ichenhausen in Bavaria, carried on the NDL's "Hansa", upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" struck and partly tying the stamps, these with some minor faults, a very attractive, unusual franking to pay the 15c rate
1863, (Jan 17) small envelope endorsed "per Steamer Hammonia", franked with 1861 Washington 1c. two singles, 3c. rose and 10c. green, tied by grids, addressed to Paris, France but sent in error to Bremen. The letter probably arrived in New York a little too late, the "Hammonia" had already sailed, and thus it was entrusted to the next ship steaming towards Europe. This was the "New York" of North German Lloyd which went directly to Bremen, where the blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" was applied, it was noted that the cover was only partially paid for this new route thus boxed "Paid to Bremen" added and turning this cover into an unpaid cover for the remaining route, finally charged with "6" dec. to the recipient, despite some minor imperfections a very interesting and attractive cover
1863, (Feb 11) unpaid cover from "PITTSBURGH FEB 11" via New York with integral cds. "N. YORK BREM. PK. 3 FEB 14" to Steinkirchen, Württemberg, upon arrival in Bremen apted blue double-circle "AMERIKA über BREMEN" with adjacent large "22" applied, fine
1863, (Nov 19) overpaid cover endorsed "via Hamburg or Bremen" franked with 1861 Washington 3c. rose, two singles and 24c. gray-lilac, all tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "NEW BRIGHTON NOV 19" via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREM PK NOV 21 PAID" to Florence, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, in transit further "Franco ultra" applied, the recipient was charged with "5" cts., vertical fold affecting 24c. adhesives, otherwise fine and very attractive
1865, (Feb. 2) unpaid cover endorsed "Per Bremen Steamer" via New York with integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN PKt. 3 JAN 14" to Bonyhad, Austria, upon arrival in Bremen blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and accountancy mark "33" applied, reverse with transit- and arrival marks, some stains, still an attractive cover showing a good strike of the rare accountancy handstamp
1865, cover endorsed "per Bremen Steamer, Hansa" franked with 1861 Franklin 30c. orange, tied by cork cancel, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pkt. Feb 10 PAID 12" to Gössitz, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, a very fine and attractive cover