378. Auktion
21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Altdeutsche Staaten (190) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (1) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsches Reich (10) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Europa (3) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (8) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- (-) Remove Transatlantikpost filter Transatlantikpost
- Übersee (58) Apply Übersee filter
- Baden (2) Apply Baden filter
- Bayern (2) Apply Bayern filter
- Braunschweig (1) Apply Braunschweig filter
- Bremen (2) Apply Bremen filter
- Hannover (3) Apply Hannover filter
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin (3) Apply Mecklenburg-Schwerin filter
- Oldenburg (3) Apply Oldenburg filter
- Preußen (3) Apply Preußen filter
- Sachsen (4) Apply Sachsen filter
- Schleswig-Holstein (2) Apply Schleswig-Holstein filter
- Württemberg (3) Apply Württemberg filter
- Norddeutscher Postbezirk (3) Apply Norddeutscher Postbezirk filter
- Deutsches Reich (1) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Österreich (3) Apply Österreich filter
- Weißrußland (Belarus) (1) Apply Weißrußland (Belarus) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (4) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Finnland (Suomi) (1) Apply Finnland (Suomi) filter
- Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) (1) Apply Griechenland (Eʌʌaʃ) filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (1) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
- Italien (3) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (1) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Toskana (1) Apply Toskana filter
- Luxemburg (Luxembourg) (1) Apply Luxemburg (Luxembourg) filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (4) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (1) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (7) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (2) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (3) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Kuba (Cuba) (1) Apply Kuba (Cuba) filter
- Hawaii (2) Apply Hawaii filter
- Mexiko (1) Apply Mexiko filter
- Peru (1) Apply Peru filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (43) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Kanada (2) Apply Kanada filter
1872, Briefkuvert frankiert mit Kleiner Schild 2 Kr. ziegelrot und 7 Kr. graublau, je farbfrisch und gut gezähnt, sauber entwertet mit EKr. "BADEN 10 APR", nach Boston mit ausgewiesenem Weiterfranco "1 2/3" sowie Ankunftsstempel "BOSTON PAID", der Umschlag etwas getönt, eine Seitenklappe fehlend, rückseitig kleine Tesareste, eine nicht häufige Frankatur, Fotoattest Brugger BPP (2011)
1873, Faltbrief mit Leitvermerk "Via Southampton pr. 'Weser'", frankiert mit Großer Schild ½ Gr. orange und 2½ Gr. braunorange mit EKr. "BREMEN 18/1 73" mit nebengesetzem roten L1 "FRANCO" nach New York mit rotem "NEW YORK PAID ALL FEB 4", eine sehr schöne und attraktive Übersee-Frankatur, Befund Sommer BPP (2000)
1874, Faltbrief mit Leitvermerk "via Queenstown" frankiert mit Großer Schild ½ Gr. orange und 2½ auf ½ Gr. braunorange, mit EKr. "BREMEN 31 3 74", nach New York mit rückseitigem Ankunftststempel "NEW YORK PAID ALL APR 18", teils winzig verkürzte Zahnspitzen, sonst tadellos
1875, Faltbrief mit Leitvermerk "via England", frankiert mit zwei Einzelwerten Großer Schild 1 Gr. in Mischfrankatur mit 1875 10 Pfge. rosa, sauber entwertet mit zwei EKr. "BREMEN 20 3 75", nach New York, die Marken teils kleine Einschränkungen, in den Faltungen teils etwas gebrochen, eine ansprechende und nicht häufige Frankatur
1874, Briefkuvert frankiert mit Großer Schild 2 Gr. blau sowie 2½ auf 2½ Gr. mittelbraun, sauber entwertet mit EKr. "KAISERL. DEUTSCHE POST CONSTANTINOPEL 29 9 74", nach New York mit rückseitigem "NEW YORK PAID ALL OCT 8", 2½ Gr. kleiner Eckfehler, Umschlag etwas unsanft geöffnet, eine attraktive und seltene Frankatur
1873, Doppelt schwerer Faltbrief mit Leitvermerk "Via NYork (pr Bremen or Hamburg Steamer)", frankiert mit 1867 Franz Joseph 3 Kr. grün und 10 Kr. blau, je im Paar, sauber entwertet mit zwei kleinen EKr. "MARIENBAD 26 5 73", nach Brownsville, Texas, eine nicht häufige und sehr attraktive Frankatur
1874, small cover endorsed "via Bremen" franked with 1865 Coat of Arms 10c. blue-lilac horizontal pair and 12½c. carmine, with cds. "ESCH SUR ALZETTE 5 MARS 74", foreign share noted in blue crayon "Wfr 1 2/3", to St. Paul, Minnesota, adhesives applied at edge thus some faults, a scarce Transatlantic cover, certificate Böttger BPP (2014)
1871, orange buff cover franked with 1861 Franklin 1c. blue, Washington 3c. rose and 1870 Banknote Issue 3c. Washington green, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "SAN RAFAEL MAY 18" alongside, via New York and Bremen to Nordstrand, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, a attractive and colorful combination franking
1868, buff cover franked with 1861 Jackson 2c. black, E Grill, and Washington 3c., two slightly overlapping singles, tied by blue duplex "CINCINNATI MAY 25", via New York with "NEW YORK PAIID ALL DIRECT MAY 28", carried by the "HANSA" of the NGL, with boixed "BREMEN 19 6 68 FRANCO" to Obernkirchen, near Minden, minor covcer wear and flaws, very attractive appearance
1869, yellow cover franked with three singles 1857/60 Washington 3c. red, F-Grill, and two singles Pictorial Issue 2c. brown, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "DUBUQUE SEP 13" alongside, to Oldenburg, Germany. Red "NEW YORK PAID ALL" transit and red exchange L4 "VERVIERS 30/9 COELN FRANCO" on front, couple 3c, stamps have a few negligible short perfs, small bend at right, prepaid 13c. for obsolete NGU rate (reduced to 10c in 1868), a very Fine and color mixed-issue franking
1869, double-weight envelope franked with two singles 1861 Jefferson 5c. brown, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "NEWARK APR 7" alongside, via New York with handstamp "INSUFFICIENTLY PAID" applied and Bremen with cds. "BREMEN 20/4 69" to Pliezhausen, upon arrival charged with "6", the recipient was charged with "21" kr., some wear and small tear in cover fixed by hinges, a very attractive and rare entire
1869, small cover with embossed Sender insignia franked with 1861 Washington 10c., two singles with Grill, with cork cancel and matching cds. "BUFFALO JAN 20" via Bremen with boxed "BREMEN 3 2 69 FRANCO" to Dresden, Saxony, fine, signed 172 (Knapp)
1868, folded triple-weight lettersheet endorsed "via New York & Bremen" franked with 1861 Franklin 30c. orange, tied by black grid cancel with adjacent violet cds. "PHILa DIRECT PAID ALL APR.29", via Bremen with boxed "BREMEN 12/5 68" to Leipzig, Saxony with arrival mark, letter with creases and inside paper backed, otherwise fine, nice third rate cover to Germany, signed Diena and Bolaffi
1869, folded letter dated "Bremen 25. Dez. 1869" with senders cachet "Heinr: Rüppel & Sohn Bremen" on front, sent as shipletter to New York, upon arrival franked with Pictorial Issue 2c. and tied by cork and matching cds. "NEW YORK RECEIVED JAN 11" and treated as local letter, although the company postmark on the front clearly indicated the place of origin, unauthorized private transport with the "Union" of North German Lloyd.
1869, folded letter franked with Pictorial Issue 2c. brown and 3c. blue, two singles each, tied by cork cancels with matching cds. "RICHMOND DEC 20" alongside via "NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT DEC 24" to Bremen, file fold at bottom, one 2c. adhesive tiny tear, a very fine and handsome combination for 10c. direct rate, certificate PSE (2000)
1870, envelope endorsed "via Hamburg" franked with Pictorial Issue 10c. yellow, tied by cork cancel with adjacent "BOSTON PAID ALL DIRECT JAN 21" via Bremen with boxed "BREMEN 2/2 70 FRANCO" to Gotha with arrival mark, adhesive small corner crease, otherwise very fine
1873, cover with pre-printed senders address franked with two slightly overlapping singles 1870 Bank Note Issue Washington 3c. green, tied by cork cancel with adjacent red "NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT AUG 16" to Bremen. It was found that the letter weighed over 15g., thereupon L1 "INSUFFICIENTLY APPLIED" applied as well as the handwritten red crayon "6" cancelled, the recipient was finally charged with 7½gr., stamps affixed at edge, thus some minor imperfections, attractive and interesting entire
1872, registered cover franked with vertical pair 1870 Bank Note Issue McMasters Stanton 7c. orange-red, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "NEWARK MAY 9" alongside via New York with cds. "NEW YORK REGISTERED MAY 11" and straight-line "REGISTERED, and via Bremen to Nuernberg with arrival mark, very fine and attractive
1873, folded lettersheet endorsed "p Rhein" franked with double (late) the fee 1870 Clay 12c. dull violett tied by black cork cancel and cery clear matching red "NEW YORK SUPPLEMENTARY SEP 20" alongside via Bremen with red boxed BREMEN 3 10/ 73 FRANCO" to Sulingen, Hannover, adhesive few toned perf tips, a very fine and scarce entire
1873, large format registered envelope, franked with two singles and one pair 1870 Bank Note Issue Webster 15c. orange with cork cancel and matching, tying one stamp, "NEW ORLEANS NOV 13" alongside via New York with red cds. "NEW YORK REGISTERED" and boxed DIRECT SERV. PAID ALL" and via Bremen to Elsfleth. At first probably franked as ninefold weight, probably during the inspection it was noticed that the letter falls into eightfold weight according to the international progression (15g instead of ½ounce=14,2g), one stamp subsequently removed. The cover, because of the size alone, some transportation wear, small tears etc., right stamp with small tear and some short perfs, a very appealing unusually high transatlantic franking
1873, registered cover endorsed "Per Bremen or Hamburg Steamer" franked with 1870 Bank Note Issue Webster 15c. orange, tied by cds. "MILWAUKEE FEB 5" with registry number "319", via New York with green crayon "12165" registry number, carried by the NGLs "America", red "BREMEN 27 2 73 FRANCO" and registry handstamp applied, very Fine use convenience overpaid 1c. for the 6c. Direct Mail rate plus 8c. registry fee
1869, cover endorsed on reverse "1869, 20/8 Havana" with partial merchant flap cachet alongside to Trieste. Cuban stamp removed in transit at New York, black exchange cds. "NEW YORK DIRECT SEP 2" and large due handstamp "7" applied, carried by NGL Line "Deutschland" from New York to Bremerhaven with boxed "Aus Westindien über Newyork" applied upon arrival, the recipient was charged "45" Austrian Nkr., some light staining and some edge wear, a very scarce cover with only few recorded
1871, cover endorsed on inside "1871, Havana 25. Novbr." with complete merchants' cachet "STEHPHANI Y CA HABANA NOV 25 1871" on front, via New York with cds. "NEW-YORK DEC 2" to Bremen with black due handstamp "7" and boxed "Aus Westindien über Newyork." applied, the recipient was charged with "8" gr., a fine and rare entire
1872, folded lettersheet from Havana with complete merchants' cachet dated "SEP 3 1782" on reverse, via New York with black integral cds. "NEW YORK SEP 11 7" and Bremen with blue boxed "Aus Westindien über Newyork" struck, onward to Stockholm, Sweden "8½" gr. in blue crayon added for German and sea postage, the recipient was finally charged with "99" öre, a very rare entire with unusual destination
1873, cover endorsed on inside "Pto Cabello 5 Avril 1873" via "ST. THOMAS 28/4 1873" and Bremen with boxed "Aus Westindien über Bremen" applied and "5" gr. in blue crayon debited, the recipient was charged with "11" decime, a fine and scarce entire
1871, folded lettersheet endorsed "Via Panama by North German Lloyds Steamer Graf Bismarck", franked with Peru 1868 Coat or Arms 1d. yellow-green, close to good margins, tied by cds. "LIMA 18 JUN 1871". Carried by British ships to Panama, then overland to Colon on the Caribbean side, where the NDL Steamer took over the mail as "British Closed Mail" and ran via St. Thomas to Bremen, there on arrival the Ra2 "From West Indies via Bremen" struck and blue crayon taxation "19 ¼" Gr. applied (18¼ British and German sea postage as well as 1 Gr. inland postage). A very attractive and rare cover from the first voyage of the "Graf Bismarck".