379. Auktion
19.-24. September 2022 in Wiesbaden
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BAPTIST MISS. ROOMS: "FORWARDED FROM THE BAPTIST MISS. ROOMS. BOSTON" clear red oval cachet struck on reverse of small folded letter written on Corfu adressed to Providence with integral cds. "BOSTON 19 JUL 5 cts." alongside, minor ageing
CARY: 1841, "FORWARDED BY CARY & Co. NEW YORK" red oval cachet on reverse of folded lettersheet via Liverpool with matching framed "LIVERPOOL SHIP" to London with "8" manuscript tax, fine
C. EDMONSTON: "FORWARDED BY C. EDMONSTON & CO CHARLSTON S.C.", two bold strikes on reverse of folded letter dated "Havanna 28 March 1836" endorsed "p. Valparaiso via L'pool" with "Liverpool Ship Letter" handstamp and reverse to London with manuscript "1/7", fine
COLLOMB & ISELIN: "FORWARDED BY COLLOMB & ISELIN NEW YORK" clear strike on reverse of folded lettersheet from Havanna, Cuba endorsed "Acadia via Boston, conveyed on the third return voyage of "Acadia" via Liverpool with "AMERICA L" on reverse to London, with "1/-" rating, fine
GILPINS: "FORWARDED THROUGH GILPIN'S EXCHANGE READING ROOM AND FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE N-YORK" and "FORWARDED BY GOODHUE & CO NEW YORK" two bold red strikes on reverse of folded letter dated "Havanna 15 April 1839", conveyed on the "Sheridan" to Liverpool with matching "LIVERPOOL SHIP LETTER" on reverse, to London, fine
GOSSLER: 1844, "FORWARDED BY GOSSLER & Co. BOSTON" black cachet on reverse of double-weight folded letter dated "Matansas Abril 12 1844" to London with "2/-" manuscript rating, fine
HALES: 1842, "FORWARDED THROUGH HALE'S FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE NEW YORK", clear four-line red cachet on reverse of folded letter from Pelham via Liverpool to Berwick, with full letter transcription, fine
HARNDEN'S : "FORWARDED FROM HARNDEN'S PACKACGE EXPRESS & FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE No 2 WALL ST NEW YORK", red oval cachet on folded lettersheet endorsed "p Colombia Steamer" from New York to London with oval "AMERICA L" on reverse, some minor ageing, otherwise fine
HARNDEN'S : "FORWARDED FROM HARNDEN's PACKE EXPRESS & FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE COURT STREET BOSTON", red oval cachet on folded letter from New York, conveyed on Columbias Maiden return voyage to London, there re-directed to Buxton and charged with "1"sh., minor aging
HARNDEN'S : "FORWARDED FROM HARNDEN'S PACKACGE EXPRESS & FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE No 2 WALL ST NEW YORK", clear red oval cachet on folded lettersheet endorsed "p Caledonia" conveyed on Caledonia's Maiden eastbound voyage to London, fine
HARNDEN'S : "FORWARDED FROM HARNDEN's FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE PHILa.", clear red circle cachet on folded letter sheet from "PHILADELPHIA APR 29" with matching framed "PAID" alongside, carried by Harden to Boston, then by Cunard Line Britannia from Boston to Liverpool with corresponding "AMERICA L" on reverse, and matching "1/-" due handstamp, to Carlisle, fine
HARNDEN'S : "FORWARDED BY HARNDEN'S EXPRESS FROM BOSTON", red circle cachet on folded letter adressed to "Capt. D.L. Winsor, Ship Pharsalias in Liverpool", reverse with "LIVERPOOL SHIP LETTER" and charged with "8"d., fine
HECKSCHER: 1835, "FORWARDED BY C.A. HECKSCHER NEW YORK", red oval cachet on reverse of folded letter initially addressed to Thomas Wilson, the Forwarder, in London, with boxed "PORTSMOUTH SHIP LETTER" final destination Copenhagen with manuscript routing "via Hamburg" and matching oval "St.P.A. 25 JUL. 1835" on reverse, fine
KENYONS: "BY KENYONS FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE OFFICE NEW YORK", somewhat weak strike of red oval cachet on folded letter endorsed "p. America" via Liverpool to Cognac, fine
MASTERS & MARKOE: "FORWARDED BY MASTERS & MARKOE NEW YORK", black three-line cachet on reverse of folded letter dated "Philadelphia 1831" endorsed "p. Packetship De Rham via Havre" to Bordaux with boxed "PAYS D'OUTREMER" and charged "10" decimes, fine
MOSES TAYLOR: "FORWARDED BY MOSES TAYLOR & CO NEW YORK" red oval cachet on reverse of folded letter dated "Habana 20 JUN 1854" via "NEW YORK JUN 28" to Paris, fine
S.C. THWING : "FORWARDED BY S.C. THWING & Co BOSTON", on folded lettersheet to London, some minor ageing, otherwise fine
T.W. WARD: 1842, "FORWd BY T.W. WARD BOSTON" red oval cachet with red additional straight-line "PR COLUMBIA" on double-weight folded letter from Philadelphia to London with "2/-" manuscript rating, fine
1821 (1. Sept.), "PACKET SHIP ATLANTIC ABRAHAM BELL & CO OWNERS NO 33 PINE ST NEW YORK" clear red three-line cachet on reverse of folded letter from Belfast endorsed "Ship Atlantik" to Lynchburg, front showing "NEW YORK SHIP LETTER" and manuscript "27" rating, a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this rare ship handstamp
1828 (2. July.), "PACKET SHIP FABIUS ABRAHAM BELL.....", red three-line cachet (slightly enhanced) on reverse of folded letter from Ireland to Pattonsburg, Virgina, after landing in New York treated as ship letter and charged 2c. plus 18 3/4 cents for inland to Pattonsburg, with further manuscript "forwarded" and charged additional 10 cents, total showing as "10/30", a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this handstamp. The Bell cachets are registered for the sailing ships Atlantic, Courier, Josephine, and Robert Fulton, the Fabius being very rare and maybe unique
1828 (28. July.), "PACKET SHIP WILSON MALCOMSON & BELL AGENTS NO 9 DONEGAL QUAY BELFAST", red three-line cachet on reverse of folded letter from Philadelphia to Belfast, front showing boxed "* BELFAST * SHIPLETTER" and manuscript "6" rating, some wear as to be expected, a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this rare ship handstamp
1835 (9. June.), "PER BELFAST & NEW YORK PACKET SHIP SARAH SHEALE MALCOM ON & BELL AGENTS NO 9 DONEGALL QUAY BELFFAST" clear red four-line cachet on reverse of folded letter from New York to Dungannon, front showing boxed "* BELFAST * SHIPLETTER" and manuscript "1/-" rating, some wear as to be expected, a fine and scarce entire with clear strike of this rare ship handstamp
1866 (27 Sept.), Washington 3c. rose, two vertical pairs and single tied by grid cancel to small envelope endorsed "France via New York" to Combrondes, alongside scarce "DETROIT MICH SEP 27 PAID 12" exchange office mark, even though the cover was endorsed "France via New York" it most likely travelled with the "Moravian" to Londonderry, envelope some tears, otherwise fine and attractive
1870 (9 Aug), Pictorial Issue 2c. brown, three singles with target cancel on small envelope with adjacent cds. "LENA AUG 9" to Wisbeach, adhesives some toning/imperfection, still fine and attractive
1854 (Oct. 3), Washington 3c. red imperforated with manuscript mark on folded lettersheet from Spencer, Tennesse, endorsed "via New York & Liverpool" to Leipzig. The letter weighed more than ½oz and was rated as double, with black integral cds. "N. YORK AM. Pkt 46 OCT 14", carried by the "Atlantic" from New York to Liverpool, charged with "26" sgr. to the recipient, interesting cover with attempted part-payment
1855 (Jan 10), Washington 12c. vertical pair with lower sheet margin with grid cancel in envelope with adjacent integral cds. "NEW YORK 3 JAN 10", carried by the "Atlantic", to Dublin, Ireland. the pair touched at left, some toning at bottom of cover, still attractive usage
1856, Franklin 1c. blue and horizontal pair Washington 10c. green tied by cds. "TRENTON JUN 6 1856" to buff envlope with adjacent "NEW YORK JUN 7 AM Pkt" and manuscript "6" due added, carried by "Baltic", "Euxine", "Bengal" and "Ganges" to Hong Kong, stamp cut into, part of backflap missing, still attractive
1840 (Aug. 17), triple-weight folded lettersheet from "PHILADELPHIA AUG 30" endorsed "per Acadia via Boston & Halifax" to London, charged with "75", carried with "Acadia" on her Maiden Return voyage to Liverpool, later charged only as double-letter with "2/-", fine
1841 (19 July), folded letter from Lynchburg via "PHILADELPHIA JUL 28" with matching boxed "PAID" alongside, endorsed "per Steamer Caledonia" to New Port, Isle of Wight, charged with handstamp "1/-", fine. Interesting content, with full transcript, with a long discussion about slavery "...I am in hopes that the Abolitionists will let us alone...the master is the greatest slave".
1845 (20. Jan), double-weight folded lettersheet from "MOBILE JAN 20" endorsed "per Boston steamer" to London, charged with "50", carried with "Cambria" on her Maiden Return voyage to Liverpool, later charged only as regular letter with "1/-", fine
1848, double-weight folded letter dated "Habana Diciembre 28" endorsed "via del Norte" to Paris, privately carried to Charleston with cds. "CHARLESTON JAN 12" and matching red "PAID", carried on the 2nd of 3 Cunard Line eastward voyages, in transit red boxed "COLONIES /& Art. 13" applied and charged with "33" decimes in France, a fine and scarce restored rate period entire
1848, folded letter dated "London 10th Nov 1848" endorsed "per Cambria" with light adjacent straight-line "Touley St." and red manuscript "3/-" triple rate, carried by Cambria from Liverpool to New York with blue manuscript "72" triple due rating for three times 24c retaliatory packet rate, a fine and unusual entire
1848, small envelope from "CONSTANTINOPLE 25 JUIL 48" to London in "care of Baring Bros, London" with manuscript "1/3" due rating, later crossed out and "1/-" prepaid transatlantic packet rating applied, carried by Cunard's "Britannia" from Liverpool to Boston with partial "BOSTON SHIP AUG 26" and matching "34" cent retaliatory handstamp, some paper loss at center, otherwise fine
1848, Embossed 1sh. green, horinzontal pair and singles 1841 1d. red and 2p. blue, fresh colors and mostly good margins, 2d. touched, tied by barred numeral "466" to folded letter endorsed "Niagara" to Boston with "48" cent retaliatory charge applied, vertical crease touching 2d., otherwise fine and scarce entire
1848, folded letter from "MÜNSTER 27 12" endorsed "via London per mailsteamer" with manuscript rating "20" (Sgr) to New York, carried from Liverpool on Cunard's "Canada" to New York with matching red handstamp "6" postage due, fine and scarce restored rate cover from Germany
1848, folded letter with red "GLASGOW PAID SEP 14 1848" and matching manuscript "1/-" endorsed "per Halifax Steamer from Liverpool" to Boston, carried on Cunard's "America" to New York, with "29" retaliatory rate handstamp overstruck with "34", a fine and scarce entire