380. Auktion
16.-17. & 20.-25. März 2023 in Wiesbaden
- (-) Remove Hauptkatalog filter Hauptkatalog
- Alle Welt (65) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (626) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (466) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (290) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (163) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (485) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (520) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (57) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (391) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (669) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (84) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (51) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (74) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Transatlantikpost (36) Apply Transatlantikpost filter
- Übersee (266) Apply Übersee filter
- Hannover (1) Apply Hannover filter
- Preußen (1) Apply Preußen filter
- Sachsen (2) Apply Sachsen filter
- Kamerun (1) Apply Kamerun filter
- Memelgebiet (1) Apply Memelgebiet filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (1) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Frankreich (2) Apply Frankreich filter
- Irland (Eire) (2) Apply Irland (Eire) filter
- Italien (1) Apply Italien filter
- Lettland (Latvija) (1) Apply Lettland (Latvija) filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (2) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Ecuador (1) Apply Ecuador filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Indien (3) Apply Indien filter
1913, 2pa. on 5pa. ochre yellow, tied by cds. to small piece, fine, scarce, certificate Peters AIEP (2010)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 10p. green, lightly used, very fine, signed Holcombe with certificate (1994) and certificate Peters AIEP (2013)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 20p. rose, used, tiny corner crease, otherwise fine, signed Rommerskirchen BPP and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 1p. blue with lightly cancelled, very fine, signed Bühler and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)
1913, Overprint on Postage Due: 1p. black on rose tied by cds. "VLONE 7- 10 1913" to piece, very fine, signed Pirl, A. Diena und Bügler and certificate Peters AIEP (2013)
1970, Industrial plants 10-80q. tied by cds. "ELBASAN 17. 11 72" to blank cover, some imperfections as often encountered on these, scarce
1915, Handstamp "CHEMINS DE FER / SPOORWEGEN" on 5 c.-5 fr., 10 values, unused o.g., 20 c. Sunday lable separated, 25 c., 1 fr. and 2 fr. tiny thins, otherwise very fine, several signatures, certificate P. Kaiser AIEP (2023)
1915, Handstamp "CHEMINS DE FER / SPOORWEGEN" on 5 c.-5 fr., 10 values, unused o.g., 5, 20 and 50c. and 1-2f. with tiny thins, otherwise very fine, signed and certificate P. Kaiser AIEP (2023)
1909, 10fr. yellow-green/black, bloc of twelve with local overprint, position 8 with double strike, tied by cds "BOMA 16 AOUT 1909", very fine and very scarce multiple
1879, 25 c. violet/black, tied by blue Cyrillic "SOFIA 16 V 80" to letter sheet to Karnobat with rare Russian type arrival mark, very fine and scarce, certificate Penev (2022)
1879, 50 c. blue/black, tied by bold star cancel to small registered envelope from Grabovo via Sevlievo and Kazanluk to Plovdiv in Eastern Roumelia with transit and arrival marks, very fine and scarce, certificate Penev (2022)
VENETIAN MAIL: 1482, folded entire letter from CANDIA to VENICE, cord sealed with wax, also some coloured map of Crete (200x150mm), very fine and very scarce early mail
VENETIAN MAIL: 1491, commercial entire letter regarding wine, written by Giovanni Chioza, endorsed in manuscript "Candia 31.VIII 1491" and addressed to Michele Foscari in Venice, received on 6 September, also an early map from Candia; very fine and very scarce early mail, ex Schmitt
AUSTRIAN POSTAL AGENCIES: 1859, folded entire to SYROS, on front a fairly complete strike in black of the oval handstamp "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO - Canea", manuscript "20" fee, minor aging, still fine and very scarce
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO/ RETTIMO", clear blue oval handstamp on cover with original contens 1860 to Constantinople. Very fine and rare (Tschil. Fig. 548)
ENGLISH POST OFFICES: 1898 Provisional 20pa. violet, eight singles tied by Union Jack handstamp "TENEMOS" on an envelope addressed to the Rifle Brigade, reverse arrival Austrian cds. "CANDIA OESTERREICHISCHE POST 3 12 98", vertical fold affecting one adhesive, small tear at left not touching and minor aging spot, otherwise fine and scarce
FRENCH POST OFFICES: 1899 Military mail, stampless envelope endorsed "Corps d´expédition francais en Crète", with superb strike of the cds. "HIERAPETRA CRETE 15 MARS 99" on front, alongside blue handstamp "HIERAPETRA commandant d´armes Crète" confirming the free frank status, sent to France, with transit and arrival on reverse "MONTROUGE 27 MARS 99", some minor corner wear, very fine and rare
FRENCH POST OFFICES: 1899 Military mail, stampless envelope endorsed "Corps d´expédition francais à Madagascar", with a very fair strike of the cds. "SITIA CRETE 6 JUIN 99" on front, alongside a faint blue handstamp "MARINE FRANCAISE SERVICE A LA MER" confirming the free frank status, sent to an active service man on duty at MADAGASCAR, maritime cds. "MARSEILLES A LA REUNION 15 JUIN 99", transit on reverse "ALEXANDRIE" and "PORT SAID"; cover opened for display, back flap slightly shortened and some aging, still an extraordinary combination of a rare origin and exotic destination
OTTOMAN EMPIRE OFFICES: 1872, folded entire sent to SITIA, with a very fair strike of the bluish-black hexagonal handstamp in Old-Turkish "PESKOKEFAL", part wax seal on reverse, archival file fold and some toning, otherwise fine, a rare postmark with only a few recorded
OTTOMAN POST OFFICES: 1875 10pa. block of four, tied by four superb strikes of the bluish hexagonal "HANYA" in old-Turkish, on a large envelope with reverse arrival cds. "STAMBOUL 13 Nov. 77", one back flap missing, very fine and appealing item, ex Schmitt
OTTOMAN EMPIRE OFFICES: 1887, 20p. carmin, tied by a fair strike of the black negative seal in Old-Turkish "ISLIYE" (SITIA) to a folded letter from the elementary school of Achladi to NEAPOLIS, usual wear on the edge otherwise fine, a rare postmark
OTTOMAN EMPIRE OFFICES: 1880 (ca), official stampless envelope, with a fair strike of the black negative seal in Old-Turkish "HANYA" (Feenstra 12, Type II), complete wax seal on reverse, minor soiling an wear, still fine and a rare postmark
RUSSIAN POST OFFICES: PROOFS, 1899 Second Definitive Issue without stars, 1m., 2m. and 1gr., unused, complete set of proofs in black without control mark, the 1m. and 1gr. with usual small thins, the 2m. very fine; very scarce, signed Schmitt
1941, 25 p.-30 din., all from position 61 with left margin, hence each stamp with overprint error "missing ornament at base of the 'U' surround above the Shield", mint never hinged, a very rare set, with only 50 sets possible with only a few sets preserved, signed and certificate Croatia Philatel11ic Association
1943, Katarina Zrinska 1 k., proof in issued colour on Japanese paper, ungummed block of 6
1943, Croatian Legion souvenir sheet, tied by cds. "ZAGREB 26 VIII 43" to registered envelope to Austria, reverse arrival cds. "WIEN 1 9 43", fine
3 kr. brown-carmine, size 25:30 mm, type II, unused, hardly perceptible corner bend at lower left, a fine copy of this scarce stamp, signed Mrnák, Gilbert, Karasek a.o.
Special delivery 5 h. green, type III, mint never hinged, very fine copy of this scarce stamp, signed Mrnák and Lešetický and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2016)
Overprint on Austrian airmail stamps: 1,50-4 kr., unused, few slightly shortend perfs, otherwise fine, a. o. signed Mahr BPP, Darmietzel BPP
Overprint on Austrian postage due stamps: 1908/13, 2 h. carmine, unused, a fine copy of this incredibly rare stamp, with only 75 printed, signed Lešetický Ustredna, Tribuna and Mahr BPP with certificate (1982) and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018)
Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 30 h. red, type 3, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Mrnak and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018)
Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 50 h. red, unused, very fine, sign. Pofis a.o.
Overprint on Austrian newspaper stamps: 10 h. lilac-red, type II, mint never hinged, very fine, only 250 issued, sign. Mrnák, Lešetický, Tribuna a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2016)
Overprint on Turul: 70 f. brown on greenish, type IV, unused, at top tiny shorter perfs, fine, only 150 issued, signed Gilbert a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)
Overprint on Hungarian parliament issue: 10 kr., type I, unused with the barest trace of hinge, very fine, a scarce stamp with only 235 issued, sign. Lešetický Ustredna etc., and Karasek with certificate (as mint never hinged; 1999)
Overprint on Hungarian stamps inscribed "MAGYAR POSTA": 20 f. brown, type III, unused, two slightly shortened perfs at top, still a very fine copy of this rare stamp, only 100 issued, sign. Gilbert, Mahr BPP a.o. and certificate Karasek (1999)