382. Auktion

18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden




Katalog-Nr.1 b

Ausruf80 €
Zuschlag110 €

1863, 6 k. dark blue, second printing, position 2, fresh colours, large margins all around, unused with remnants of original gum, tiny thin, still fine, with some Agathon Fabergé pencil notes on reverse 




Katalog-Nr.13x, 15C, 18-19C

Ausruf200 €
Zuschlag300 €

1879, 2 k. black/rose, together with 1884 1 k. orange (two singles), 7 k. blue and 10 k. red/green (horizontal pair and single), all neatly tied by cds. "ROPIT CONTANTINOPLE 25 FEV 91" to registered envelope to Berlin, adjacent blue single line "ZAKAZNOE", reverse transit cds. "ODESSA 27 FEV 1891" and Berlin arrival cds. "14/ 3. 91"; very fine, an attractive and scarce Four-Colour franking




Katalog-Nr.19 C

Ausruf300 €
Zuschlag320 €

LEVANT-ZEMSTVO: 1892, Kharkov Zemstvo 5 k. blue/silver, tied in transit by oval handstamp "KHARKOV DIST. ZEMSTVO ADMINIST. - 92" to an envelope to the village Osnava, sent from Constantinople, bearing on reverse Russian Levant 10 k. red/green paying the maritime fee and tied by cds. "CONSTANTINOPLE JAN. 93", transit cds. "ODESSA 28 JAN 1893" and "KHARKOV 31 JAN"; very fine, a very scarce mixed franking (Schmidt-Nr. 28)