Los-Nr. 10015
384. Auktion
0 1 2 3 6 (6) 5 4Katalog-Nr.

1849/1949, highly specialized mint never hinged/unused and used collection, incl. postage dues, telegraph and colonial general issues, strength in the 19th century, great number of duplicates throughout the collection, plenty of material with multiples, tête-bêches, nuances, varieties, paper types and plates flaws, starting with a strong selection of the Cérès issue abounding with various shades and cancels, better items with Mi.-Nr. 3yK and 4K used (faults), 4 used on laid paper, 1 used (13), 5 used (11, one on lettersheet), 7 used (5), Napoleon issues with 8 used (6), 11 used (35), 32 used (9), Bordeaux issue 36 (11), 37 (15), 41I used (incl. 2 folded entires), 44 (14), etc., good part of Sage with some large mutliples, nice assembly of cancels incl. foreign offices “5089” JAFFA, “5082” BEYROUTH", cds. “YOHOHAMA”, 1870 envelope with “5119” LE CAIRE and more, Postage Dues Mi.-Nr. 6 used on piece (sign. Köhler), five ballons montés, some telegram-cards, some modern material with Merson 99 unused block of four (some faulty gum), Bl. 1 (2), Bl. 2 (2), together with some specimen, essays, Rothschild reprints and some Monaco incl. the early high values. Mixed condition, some signed, an engaging holding in two albums