STOCKHOLMIA 2019 & ERIVAN Worldwide Rarities

1. Juni 2019 in Stockholm
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Zuschlag3.200 €

Inverted Center of SS. Scandinavian
The Block of 6 as Largest Recorded Unit

When the Thames-Hamburg packet contract expired on 30 November 1853 and was not renewed, the direct sea route from British east coast ports was re-established and the overland route through Belgium and Hamburg revived to become the normal route. In 1850 the paddle steamer Courier began to carry mail between Hull and Gothenburg as did the British steamer SS. Scandinavian in 1852.
SS. Scandinavian was a beautiful ship and so chosen as key illustration to illustrate the 150th Anniversary Birthday Party celebrating The Royal Philatelic Society London is on its way to take place in Stockholm, Sweden.
The illustration of SS.Scandinavian is designed by Martin Mörck of Sweden, who took inspiration from two sources: 1) an oil-painting of Scandinavian which is in the possession of the Naval Museum in Trondheim, Norway; 2) the engraving from 1922 by Turner for Jamaica and printed by De La Rue in two operations (black and blue) by recess printing.
SS. Scandinavian as the key illustration for STOCKHOLMIA 2019, was first presented in late July last year. Soon after its first launch, it was printed in an edition of 5,000 sheets as a Cinderella label and sold for the benefit of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and Tomorrow’s Royal. Each sheet contains 4x 5 = 20 labels.
On 17 March this year, a fantastic find was published, as one sheet printed with inverted center had been found. The inverted center means that the ship in black in the middle, surrounded by the blue frame, is inverted.
Following the find and consultation of expert stakeholders of The Royal Philatelic Society, an agreement was made that the inverted sheet of 20 will be split to units.
Block of 6 as the largest unit
Block of 4 as the second largest unit
Horisontal strip of 3
Vertical Pair
Horisontal Pair
Three singles
The block of 6, as the largest unit, is herewith offered for the benefit of Tomorrow’s Royal.
Choice Illustration:
Letter from Great Britain with Scandinavian to Gothenburg, endorsed Per Scandinavian from Hull, with HULL SHIPLETTER OCT 28 1852 on reverse. 3x 2d. paying the sea postage rate of 6d., where the addressee had to pay 15 skilling banco as postage due (endorsed 15s). Courtesy by Göran Heijtz, Sweden.

Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.



Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag3.000 €
1890, Stamp box in massive sterling silver with British hallmarks and additional "TIFFANY & Co. PARIS". The top of the box with 3 enamel images of Great Britain 1881, 1 pence violet and 2 values of the 1887 jubilee issue. Total weight 99,60 gram. A beautifull and rare box.
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Ausruf8.000 €
Zuschlag17.000 €

1910 (ca.), Massive gold stamp box manufactured by the famous jewelers Fabergé. The box has two compartments, each with enemel image of contemporary Russian stamps and diamond-set thumb pieces; hallmarked at St. Petersburg with "56" zolotniks (14 karat gold) with additional "FABERGÉ" and "H.W." (Haenrik Wigström). Total weight 61,48 gram. A spectacular and most representative box !





Ausruf5.000 €
Zuschlag5.000 €
1840, Mulready 1d. black envelope, stereo A158, a used example cancelled by neat red Maltese Cross,  with London Twopenny Post 'T.P. / Chapel St.' handstamp at right, addressed to Dorchester with reverse showing clear  "C / MY-6 / 1840" First Day of Issue circular datestamp of the London Chief Office in red. Listed in 'May Dates' by Mike Jackson FRPSL on page 243. Superb content, a delightful and rare First Day usage, Certificate Karl Louis BPP (2016) (SG ME2) Note: Fascinating contents addressed to Miss Augusta Hardy in Portisham, Dorchester (the younger sister of Admiral Thomas  Masterman Hardy who commanded HMS Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar) stating: "My Dear Aunt, I thought you might like  to receive one of these strange new postage, which may have the advantage of oddity perhaps to recommend them if nothing  else. Everybody is so disappointed that I think they must be altered & it seems that the difficulty of forgery & imitation lies not so  much in the little figures of Men and Elephants etc., as in the coloured lines on the other side of the envelopes, so that in fact  Britannia and all the rest of it might have been spared....".  




Ausruf5.000 €
Zuschlag8.000 €
1840, Mulready 1d. black envelope, stereo A139, a used example cancelled by fine red Maltese Cross, mailed by Rowland Hill to 'M.B. Peacock, General Post Office', signed at lower left by "R. Hill", with London despatch cds (Aug 12, 1840) and arrival (Aug 13) on reverse. Minor wear at top but a spectacular usage for the Postal Historian - Mark B. Peacock was Solicitor to the General Post Office, employed with them from 1825 until 1862. He was deemed  by Rowland Hill to be the sole high Official of the GPO not opposed to the introduction of Penny Postage and five days before this Mulready was sent he had been instrumental in the Postal Reform Bill passing the House of Lords. Rare, most attractive and  of great posted history signifiied,  certificate Karl Louis BPP (2016) (SG ME2) Note: The Karl Louis Card Index records just three Mulready envelopes bearing Rowland Hill's signature, the above example to M.B. Peacock, another addressed to John Rawsthorne in Manchester who was the manufacturing chemist who supplied  the gum for the 1d. black and the third example addressed to J.B. Bacon of Perkins Bacon, the printers of the 1d. black; this  last example is housed in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, leavoing just two examples available to collectors.  



Ausruf2.500 €
Zuschlag2.500 €

1840, 2 d. blue Mulready envelope, a used example sent registered in 1891 from Liverpool to the Danish Vice-Consul in Hamburg (O. Schack-Sommer (1822-1906), Knight of the Order of Dannebrog), up-rated with 1887 Jubilee 2½ d. purple on blue horizontal pair tied by ‘466’ obliterators in black and by oval framed ‘R’ with ‘Liverpool / N.D. / Registered’ datestamp above (Jan 14). A very late usage of the Mulready envelope – accepted as Payment for the registration fee (2d.) on a double weight letter (5d.). Just five registered Mulready envelopes are recorded of which only two bear additional adhesive stamps; an exceptional usage to an overseas destination – the sole example known, certificate BPA (2010) (SG ME4b+201)
Provenience: John Seybold, Syracuse (approx. 1910; handstamped on reverse)
                      R.Lowe-Christie's sale (Jan. 1984)
                      Shaida (approx. 1994)





Ausruf8.000 €
Zuschlag7.500 €
Start price was increased after catalogue went to print due to currency misunderstanding

1840, 1d. black, plate 8, lettered OE, mostly large to very large margins, just shaved at upper right, tied by two strikes of Maltese Cross in black to 1841 REGISTERED entire to Doncaster, with manuscript „Regst.279“ in red and 1/- Registered Fee notation in same ink which also ties the adhesive. ‚PAID – L.S. 11 MY 11 1841‘ datestamp confirming cash payment of 1s. Registered Fee at Lombard Street. Registered covers bearing the 1840 1d. black are amongst the rarest usages of the World’s First postage stamp, as the option to send letters registered was only introduced at the end of the life-span of the 1d. black, just four weeks before the introduction of the 1841 One Penny Red. The fully preserved letter mentions a formerly „...enclosed Bank Post Bill payable to your order.“  Cert. RPSL (2008).(SG no.: 2; AS46)





Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.600 €

1841, 1 d. red-brown on blued lettered TJ and 2 d. blue single and pair, lettered DB and DA/EA, large margins, only 2d EA, just touched at base, used on small registered 1853 cover to the Manager of the Provincial Bank in Limerick, all tied by Irish '353' numeral obliterators in black and by Newcastle (Limerick) despatch cds (July 29) in red. Reverse with Limerick arrival cds (same day). An attractive and scarce cover and without doubt one of the most beautiful registered covers from Ireland bearing 1841, 1d and 2d. Cert. BPA (1996) (SG 8,14)





Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.000 €

1858, 1d. deep rose red, (8 examples) all tied by three strikes of the Scots Local ‚GLENDARUEL‘ handstamp (Type III) in deep blue on 10 February 1858 registered front used locally in Glasgow. Scots Local  Cancellations used on registered covers are of exceptional rarity, out of the just six recovered in Karl Louis' Card Index, five originate from the "Inspector of the Poor" office archive. Some minor imperfections mainly at the top as can be expected, nevertheless a delightful and most appealing. An Exhibition piece.  (SG No. 40)





Ausruf9.000 €
Zuschlag9.000 €

1882, 5 s. rose, on white paper, watermark Large Anchor, Plate 4, lettered GF, an unused example of fine colour, one imperceptible slightly blunted perf. at top mentioned for full accuracy only and not remotely affecting the appearance, large part og. An exceptional example of a very rare stamp. Certificate RPSL (2008) SG 134; Gi = £ 35'000)

Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.




Ausruf20.000 €

"D26" Spanish West Indies Mailboat, sharp oily strike tying GB 1865, 4 pence vermilion to folded lettersheet to Fort Lee, New Jersey, endorsed "Due 10 c" and stamp additionally tied by "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10 / DEC 10". On reverse corresponding clear "SPANISH MAIL PACKET NO 8 68" and "ST. THOMAS NO 18 68". Large part of perforation clipped and the entire with expert reinforcement or restoration in corners and folds. An attractive and extremely rare entire, the only recorded with this cancellation tying a British stamp. A spectacular cover. (SG no. Z191)
Provenance: Pictured in 'A Caribean Neptune'




Ausruf1.500 €
Zuschlag1.400 €

1861 (April 10), Woodblock 1 d. brick-red, a fine used example with ample to large margins all round, showing the major Plate Flaw with part corner ornament missing from design at lower right, lightly cancelled by CGH triangular obliterator in black leaving the variety clear. A scarce and most unusual stamp, especially in this shade. Cert. RPSL (2019) SG 13b = £ 5'000+. 

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0 1


Ausruf4.000 €
Zuschlag4.200 €

1878/79, First issue 6 pence blue-green, the complete sheet of 60 stamps with several plate flaws (diagram included), unused with original gum, 28 stamps unmounted mint. The perforation split in some places and reinforced or strengthened by hinges, still fine and attractive. An outstanding multiple of the first issue. (SG 3)
Provenance: John E. du Pont (2013)

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Ausruf12.000 €
Zuschlag14.000 €

1891, The "De Worms" block of the bisect provisional ½ d. on half of 1 penny red-brown with upright watermark, consisting of 3 unsevered pairs and 14 bisects (reinforced by hinges), the surcharges misplaced on the 2 top right stamps. Unused with original gum/part original gum and in fine condition. One of the greatest raritites of Falkland Islands. (SG 14, 14a)
Provenance: Anthony de Worms, Dr. Dudley Stone (private treaty 1941), Harmers auction (March 1949), John E. du Pont (2013), illustrated in Malcolm Barton 'The Falkland Islands', page 161

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Ausruf2.000 €
Zuschlag2.000 €

1912/20, George V. 1 penny vermilion, perforated 14 (1918 printing), 7 copies including a block of 4, tied by cds. "FALKLAND ISLANDS 9 AU 19" to piece of linen paper, the lower right stamp with few clipped perf tips, otherwise in fine and fresh condition. Very rare since the majority of this printing was used for "WAR STAMP" overprints, just one further block of 4 of this stamp is recorded. Certificate BPA (1985, showing former SG no. 66a) (SG for single stamps £ 6.300,-)
Provenance: John E. du Pont (2013)





Ausruf3.000 €
Zuschlag6.500 €

1848, 'POST PAID' 2 pence blue (pos. 5) in beautiful early impression and wonderful fresh and brilliant colour, good to mostly large margins and lightly cancelled by circle of bars, leaving most of the design free. A truly beautiful and outstanding copy of this rare stamp in superb condition. Certificate BPA (2019)

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Katalog-Nr.21+ Natal 13, 53

Ausruf2.000 €
Zuschlag2.400 €

1888 (July 17), Cover from Vryheid, franked with 1896/87, 2 d. violet on granite paper without arms, tied by clear oval violet date stamp and additionally by violet sender's cachet of J. Doiven, the Postmaster General, addressed to his father in Holland. The cover was mailed via Natal with additional franking of 1863, 6 pence violet and 1886, TWO PENCE on 3 pence green, tied by Natal cds.; adjacent "T" and "5 d". In Holland charged for the remaining postage. On reverse transit marks of Helpmekaar, Natal GPO and London as well as arrival mark (AUG 22), some faults as to be expected. A fine and rare cover, mailed just 3 days before the end of the New Republic. Certificate BPA (2000) (SG 27 + Natal 24, 105)
Provenance: Illustrated on title page of Dr. G. H. Jonkers 'De Nieuwe Republiek 1884-1888'





Ausruf10.000 €
Zuschlag10.000 €
1847, Lady McLeod (5 cents) blue, fresh colour and good to large margins, just touched in the outer design at upper left, used with pen cross on entire letter from Port of Spain (March 5, 1848) to San Fernando. A fine and rare cover from the well-known Taylor correspondence Provenance: C33 of the census of all existing 35 Lady McLeod letters




Ausruf10.000 €
1889 (MAY 4), Personal large size folded letter (ca. 45:60 cm) from the sultan of Zanzibar, Khalifa-bin-Said, with his seal, addressed to the 23. President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison, as a letter of recommendation for a United States ship captain, who had recently visited Zanzibar. Accompanied by the original envelope with the sultan's gold coloured seal on reverse. The envelope slight age wear and small part at upper left corner missing due to rough opening; the letter with some breaks in the folds (partly strengthened). A very rare and attractive ensemble of great historical interest
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Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.700 €

1862, Liberty 1 peso rose, a fine used example with large even margins all round, tied to 1863 cover to France by oval lozenge of dots in black with circular ‘Buenos Aires / Correos’ (Feb 27) in black above. Carried on RMSP ‘Mersey’ to Rio de Janeiro, where trans-shipped to the RMSP ‘Parana’ to Southampton. Struck in London with ‘GB / 1F 60c.’ Anglo-French accountancy marking in black with London transit (April 6) and arrivals on reverse, where charged ‘8’ décimes due. A scarce and most attractive overseas usage of the issue. Signed Cividini. Certificate E. Diena (1987).





Ausruf3.000 €
Zuschlag9.000 €

1864, entire folded registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt addressed to Eversbach, franked on front with single stamps Coat of arms 10 soldi blue and 15 soldi brown and on reverse with vertical pair 5 soldi rose, all tied by superb strikes of cds. "FOKSCHAN 4 11" in blue with blue straigtline "RECOM..." alongside. The vertical pair with crease, some minor staining, otherwise a very attractive entire. Letters from Fokshan are extremely rare, according to Prof. Ferchenbauer just 2 further covers with stamps are recorded. This letter with a three-colour franking and  unique usage as registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt represents one of the great rarities of the Austrian Levant as well as of Romania.Certificate Prof. Ferchenbauer VÖB (2019)



0 1

Katalog-Nr.5A var.

Ausruf75.000 €

1849 (OCTOBER 17), 40 c. carmine-vermilion, the famous unused corner block of four from the lower left of the sheet, positions 81-82 / 91-92, on the sheet of 200 stamps, on thin paper with watermark 'LL' in frame and sheet marginal watermark (PO)STES at left, large even margins all around and stamps of fabulous rich colour, trivial corner bend in margin only and slight closed nick in margin at base mentioned for full accuracy, minor wrinkling on large part original gum with lower pair unmounted o.g. A wonderful multiple of outstanding freshness and the sole recorded mint multiple in this resonant shade. Unique. Signed Grubben, Balasse and Williame. Certificate Pierre Kaiser AIEP (2013) (COB 5)
Provenance: Collection General Robert Gill (RL / Kaufmann, Basel, 21 October 1965, lot 1483), Collection Lars Amundsen (Stanley Gibbons, London, February 1969, lot 154), Collection Georges Marquet (Balasse sale 1324, 1987), Exhibited in Monte Carlo, December 2015 and in the Court of Honour in New York, 2016





Ausruf30.000 €

1851, 40 c. carmine-rose, an unused vertical pair with full sheet margin above, on thick paper watermarked LL without frame, large even margins all around and of exquisite colour and appearance, one or two tiny hinge remnants on large part original gum. A magnificent and very rare multiple in the foremost quality.  Certificate Pierre Kaiser AIEP (2013). (COB 8)
Provenance: Collection Georges Marquet (Balasse, sale 1324, 1987)
                     Balasse, Brussels, 13 March 1993, lot 34.

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Ausruf1.700 €

1842, Cover, one side flap missing, from Passo to Cachoeira endorsed ‘Vapor Paquete do Norte pelo Rio de Janeiro’ at lower left, struck with oval framed PASSO handstamp in red (the only recorded example of this handstamp). Framed MACEIO transit in red with ‘30’ reis charge, ‘Correio Da Bahia’ cds in black (Sept 17) with 70 reis charge, circular RIO GRANDE datestamp (Oct 13) in black with 110 reis charge and eventual arrival in Cachoeira where charged a total of 150 reis due upon receipt. A rare and most unusual cover.

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Ausruf1.700 €

1843 (Feb 18), Entire letter to Cachoeira struck on despatch by framed PASSO handstamp in red (the only recorded example of this handstamp) with manuscript docketing of despatch below; carried overland to MACEIO with faint red handstamp alongside where charged 40 reis, thence via Rio Pardo in Rio Grande State with superb framed handstamp in black, ‘Correio Geral da Corte’ datestamp struck in Rio (March 24) to Porto Alegre (April 29) to Cachoeira where charged a total of 190 reis due to pay with previous charges of 120, 160 and 180 reis deleted in manuscript . A rare and most appealing entire.

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Ausruf1.000 €
Zuschlag1.000 €

1862 (May 16), Entire letter to London franked by 1862 10 c. blue tied by oval framed  BOGOTÁ handstamp in black, reverse with British P.P. CARTHAGENA double arc datestamp of transit (June 1) in black. Carried on the RMSP Steamer ‘Avon’ to St. Thomas and thence on the RMSP ‘Shannon’ to Southampton. London cds on reverse in red (June 28) and charged ‘1s.’ to pay in manuscript. The adhesive crossed by file fold and the inside of the cover strengthened to protect the stamp with the cancel slightly embellished; a very rare entire – the earliest recorded usage oft this issue. Certificate Moorhouse (2014). (Scott 19)
Provenance: Collection  ‘Gordon N. John’ (Siegel, New York, Nov 1984, lot 189), Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel (Corinphila sale 191, Zurich, 19 Nov 2014, lot 109)

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Ausruf1.500 €
Zuschlag1.500 €

1877, Liberty 10 c. brown, a fine example used on 1879 cover to Berne, Switzerland tied by oval BOGOTÁ handstamp in black with British P.O. ‘Savanilla / Barranquilla’ cds of transit at left (July 21) and French Consular ‘Savanilla’ cds alongside (July 22), both struck in black. Circular ‘Ligne D / Paq. Fr. No. 1’ Paquebot datestamp in red on front, struck with triangular ‘T’ marking in black with Switzerland Postage Due 50 c. blue tied in Bern on arrival. A rare cover (Scott 74a)

Provenance: Jacobo Neuburger (69. Corinphila auction 1982)

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Katalog-Nr.17/IAa+18A, 21/IB

Ausruf850 €
Zuschlag1.100 €

1872, Cover from Stege to Rio de Janeiro endorsed ‘via England’ at lower left, franked by bicoloured 3 sk. lilac & grey and 4 sk. red & grey both perf. 14 x 13½, with scarce 48 sk. lilac & brown, perf. 12½, tied by circular ‘68’ target handstamps in black and by ‘London / Paid’ transit cds (Dec 17). Manuscript red crayon ‘1sh.’ British credit on front with ‘240’ (reis) due on arrival in blue crayon. Reverse with Rio de Janeiro arrival cds (Jan 26, 1873) in black. The 48 sk. with slight corner bend but a very rare cover to a most unusual destination. Certificate Lasse Nielsen (1998). (Afa as per certificate)
Provenance: Collection R. Koester (RL, Zurich, 26 June 1985), Collection Dr. Gene Scott (Postiljonen, Malmo, 24 March 2000, lot 533)





Ausruf10.000 €
Zuschlag10.000 €

'Ringtype 1891 postal stationeries', the Kari Rahiala 8 frame international exhibition collection awarded gold at 'PHILA NIPPON 2011' and large gold at 'NORDIA 2016' comprising a large range of interesting material: several cards and letters used in Russia, including a registered letter from St. Petersburg to Chicago with additional Russian stamp, several insured covers, registered printed matters, registered postcards to abroad, 4 kopeks postcard used on the first day of issue and many interesting and rare destinations including South Africa, St. Vincent, Mauritius, Chile (registered cover with US transit label and Chilean register label), Sumatra, Hawaii and Cuba. A very interesting and impressive object of this area.





Ausruf3.500 €
PAPILLON DE METZ: 1870 (September 23), small leaflet with 9 lines of text from a son to his parents, addressed to Avignon, accompanied by the original envelope of postal re-expedition, endorsed "par ballon" and showing clear date stamp "AVIGNON .. OCT 70". A remarkable and very rare ensemble of the Siège of Metz which lasted from August till late October 1870. 2 certificates Robineau (2000, 2001)



Ausruf1.500 €
SIEGE OF PARIS: 1871 (January 11), original telegram form with 7 pages of text from the exile government at Bordeaux addressed to all French prefects and sub-prefects, repeating the contents of 3 official reports which were transported the day before with the ballon 'GAMBETTA' out of besieged Paris. Highly interesting contents about the bombardment of the Prussian army on Paris, which had started a few days before. The top form with date stamp "BOURG 11 JANV. 71". A highly interesting and most remarkable document of the siege of Paris and "Ballons montés"
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Ausruf22.000 €

1852, 10 c. bistre, two single examples and a horizontal strip of three, all with large margins, used on 1859 entire letter from Ineboli, Turkey to the Inspector of Customs in Syria in Beirut, tied by fine strikes of ‘4010’ petit chiffres in blue with pearled INEBOLI / TURQ. D’ASIE cds (May 3) and framed ‘PD’ in blue at right. Reverse with ‘Constantinople / Turquie’ cds (May 5) and ‘Smyrne / Turquie’ transit (May 8) both in black. File folds well away from the superb adhesives, a magnificent and very rare cover. Signed Calves. Certificate A. Roumet (2010). (Maury 13)

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Ausruf3.500 €

1855,  Great Britain 1 d. red-brown, wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, a horizontal strip of three used on 1855 cover mailed from Gallipoli (where there was a British Army hospital during the Crimean War), mailed at the French Post Office and cancelled by good strikes of ‘3767’ petit chiffres. Pearled ‘Gallipoli / Turquie’ datestamp at left (July 17) in black. Small cartridge ‘Paquebot / De La / Mediterranée’ in red, thence via Marseille (July 24) to Glasgow, where taxed as posted out of course and charged 1/2 d. due to pay in manuscript. Exceptionally rare and probably unique usage. Signed Holcombe. (SG 17)

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Ausruf10.000 €

1862, Empire 40 c. orange, a used example on 1867 cover with imprinted ‘Messageries Impériales Services Maritimes’ on reverse, from Sinope, Turkey to Mothe St. Héraye, Deux Sevres, France tied by ‘5097’ gros chiffres with corresponding pearled SINOPE / TURQUIE D’ASIE cds alongside (Sept 9) in blue. Framed ‘PD’ at right and reverse with ‘Constantinople / Turquie’ transit cds (Sept 11), ‘Marseille a Lyon’ cds (Sept 17) and arrival. Extremely rare with just a handful of covers recorded from this Office. Certificate A. Roumet (2000). (Maury 23)

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Ausruf10.000 €

1870, Siège 40 c. pale orange, a used horizontal pair on 1872 cover from Ordou, Turkey to Mothe St. Héraye, Deux Sevres, France tied by ‘5097’ gros chiffres with corresponding pearled ORDOU / TURQUIE D’ASIE cds alongside (July 28) in black. Framed ‘PD’ at right and reverse with ‘Constantinople / Turquie’ transit cds (July 30), ‘Marseille a Paris’ cds (Aug 8) and arrival. Extremely rare with just a handful of covers recorded from this Office. Signed Calves. Certificate Soluphil (1990). (Maury 38)

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Katalog-Nr.Italy P7+10

Ausruf22.000 €

1874, Entire letter sent unpaid from Énos (Enez, Thrace, Turkey) to Genova, Italy struck with exceptional impression of the pearled ÉNOS / TURQUIE despatch datestamp (May 8) in blue. ‘Les Dardanelles / Turquie’ transit cds at right in black (May 21) and large ‘90 LEP’ handstruck due marking in black. Reverse with further strike of ‘Les Daranelles’ datestamp, Messina cds (June 3), Naples cds (June 4) and Genova arrival, where taxed with Italian 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 60 c. tied by ‘Genova’ cds’s (June 6). Minor imperfections of no significance - a magnificent and extremely rare entire – unique. Signed Calves.
Provenance: Collection 'Cihangir' (Corinphila sale 121, Zurich, 1 May 2000, lot 2843)
